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Artillery fire at area

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  KrisSerbia said:
Thank you so much!!

:) Just enjoy. Not need, to thank me. I'm glad, that could help. Scripting is a pleasure for me.

BTW improved further this script:


Thought, that sometimes someone may want to protect more, than one unit, and not always protected unit should be a center of shelling area, so now init looks eg:

nul = [this,[this,unit1,unit2],200,100,85,0,true,true,9,2,"ARTY_Sh_81_HE",3,2] execVM "ArtySim.sqf"


1. Unit (object), that will be a center point of set shelling area;

2. Array of objects (units usually), that should be protected - if protected units are many, area is not so big, and these units will spread out across shelling area, there technically may be no good position for explosion at all, then sheling will be stopped (stuck in search loop), what may be not so realistic, just need to be careful when set up these parameters. In this example three units, all members of group of unit, that was set as center, should be protected from too close explosions. To keep things as before, put here only same unit, that is chosen as center point;

3. horizontal dimension of rectangle area (area lenght);

4. as above, vertical (area width);

5. Minimal distance of impact from center to avoid damage (or not);

6. Initial angle of area;

7. If area should follow center object (true) or stay, where was initially set (false);

8. If area should change its angle according to current central object direction (true/false);

9. Minimal time interval between shells;

10. Range of additional randomized interval - so here minimum gap will be 9 seconds, maximum 11 (9 + random 2);

11. Classname of used ammunition (can be classname of any object, so you can prepare shelling even with cows or tanks);

12. Number of shells for each shelling (set to 1 to keep shelling in old manner);

13. Range of randomized interval in each salvo (set to 0 if you set 1 shell per salvo).

getting really messy & taking ages to find anything I can't remember by name....

:) Same here!

Edited by Rydygier
code fix

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I have ACE (version for vanilla A2, I think), but not use it from quite long ago.

  Orcinus said:
Here is the missing link

Looks fantastic. I really need such a tool.

Edited by Rydygier

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  Rydygier said:
I have ACE (version for vanilla A2, I think), but not use it from quite long ago.

Nope. you have a very recent version of ACE2 :232:

  Rydygier said:
Looks fantastic. I really need such a tool.

Yeah, wish I had time to explore that & a few other things I found some weeks back.

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  Orcinus said:
Nope. you have a very recent version of ACE2

About this I do not forgot :) , but forgot to tell you, that I fail to find ACE for OA on these DVDs (bad looking, or it simply isn't there), not a problem, somehow I can live without ACE despite this is great project, and lately they give me a bigger transfer limit, so I can even try to dowload this, when will need it...

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@Rydygier and @Orcinus

Just one more question.Do you have ArmA 2 Combined Operations?

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How can I stop falling shells when units enter the triggers?:confused:

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:) Currently this will stop only, when central unit disappear from map. Wait a minute, I'll build in some switch for turn off...

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44 ----------

Try this:


There is implemented a global variable: ArtySim_Stop. It is set as "false" at the beginning. To make script exit set this variable as true, for example by the trigger with any needed condition and such act field:

ArtySim_Stop = true;

If you do, current salvo will be last one. To re-enable shelling you should re-init whole script, eg by another trigger, where in act field put same code, as for unit, for example:

nul = [unit0,[unit0,unit1,unit2],200,100,85,0,true,true,9,2,"ARTY_Sh_81_HE",3,2] execVM "ArtySim.sqf"

, but, as you see, instead of "this" should be a name of same or any else unit (object).

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Thanks.Finishing mission.Do you wanna to play mission in mp when I finish it?;)

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I'll be happy to see your mission, but I'm forced to stay in SP, mostly beacuse of weak internet connection (and absolutelly total lack of MP experience too :) ). Still I can launch MP mission in "LAN" with me as only player.

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When I put in trigger ArtySim_Stop = true; shells doesn't stop falling from sky!:mad:

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Open this demo in editor:


And see, how trigger is set up there. Condition here is Juliet Radio Channel, so use 0-0-0 key combination to fulfill trigger's condition and stop shelling. Next salvo will be last (or current, if pending). Tested, and works... If there still will be troubles, send me yours mission, and I'll look, what is wrong. In yours case, I guess, condition will be presence of player (his group) within trigger's radius or vice versa?

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Your way works. I place trigger Activation:BLUFOR On Activation:ArtySim_Stop = true; and it didn't work.What I do wrong?

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Well, I have to see this mission to be more specific, for know can only guess, that for some (unknown for me) reason trigger's condition is not fulfilled?

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Well...Does any blufor unit enter the trigger area, right? :)

Remember that a unit with "setCaptive true" doesn't count :)

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Mission "Italian Plane"

Addons what need:

Lingor Island

Lingor Units

Italian Special Operations Forces


Please note that the mission is in work!

---------- Post added at 20:39 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

  Giallustio said:
Well...Does any blufor unit enter the trigger area, right? :)

Yes,I try to blufor unit enter in trigger,but it didn't work.

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Hmm. So downloading Italian SOF, this will take a "while" with my transfer speed...

Please note that the mission is in work!

Of course, I'll only check it in editor to see, how trigger and what units are set up.

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Sorry if there is something what isn't in English(I post this mission to my friends,to they test it).

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I have some strange news, but first... Used all listed addons, still there was error about missing:




I guess, these are another addons. If I may to share own experience - if you prepare mission, that need so many addons, then probably very few people will be interested (only a few will download all needed addons only for one mission), unless this is mission just for a couple of friends. However was able to open this in editor.

Now... Trigger is set properly. Units is BLUFOR.

Any other triggers are working for you? These with hints? For me - none of them. First time I saw something like that - all triggers seems to be broken somehow. I set up juliet radio trigger with hint - nothing, radio option didn't appear. Then tried to remove some objects to see what happens - no change. Eventually removed all objects from map manually - nothing new. Only when I used "clear" button, then set up a unit, and then trigger - it works at should. Not quite understand that. My only theory is, that is something wrong with mission.sqm file. It was edited somehow?

Will try to investigate this issue further.

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I don't know why mission needs "RH Ak's Pack","Russian modern mechanized infantry" and "Desert Camo pack" because I didn't use that addons in the mission!All triggers are working for me,just trigger for end of shells falling from sky didn't work!I didn't edit mission.sqm I will try to see what's the problems.

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I think, that these missinig addons are beacuse of opfor groups - AE Vityaz MVD. And this will be only my problem, I realized, that used ACE from A2 vanilla, not from OA, which I haven't. Still not know, what this have with triggers. Anyway trigger, that not working for you should work. Can't test it, cause for me all triggers in this mission and added to this mission are dead. :(

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Hi Kris

What Ryd said about missions with lots of addons is good advice. Moreover, whenever you are trying to develop a script, the basic work should always be done with vanilla (unless it relies on, say, ACE backpacks, when you would use only ACE core + CBA). Otherwise it can become a nightmare trying to distinguish between an error in your code and a conflict with code in a mod or addon or another script. The more addons/mods/other scripts you have them (a) the higher the possibility of a conflict and (b) the more work involved in sorting out conflicts (increase is not linear, IME it's somewhere between geometric and factorial).

Re the RKK (& possible other errors) if you loaded those for other purposes before starting to create the mission, it is possible for RHK to be listed in the Addons section of the mission.sqm - especially if you inadvertently kitted a unit with a modified rifle. Worse - if you follw the deprecated procedue of putting any mods or addons in the default "Addons" folder, every mission you create will require players to have those mods loaded even if you do not use them in the mission. Always put addons/mods in specific modfolders.

Edit: the "Addons" list in the mission.sqm of your latest upload contains "rh_aks_cfg". You must have had an RH mod loaded when you created the mission.

Edited by Orcinus

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