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Mi-24 gunsight and AT rocket trouble

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Hi guys,

I am in trouble with the Mi-24s, because i cannot control the AT rockets of the 24D and the 24P.

Strange thing that i can control the 24V's rockets. There is one more thing, the rocket control issue is ONLY there for the Takistani 24D ! All the CDF, Guerilla and Insurgent 24Ds are working fine. It is also true for the gunners gunsight. CDF, Gue and Ins 24D are having black crosshairs in their gunsights, but the Taki 24D has yellow.

I am using GDT mod helicopter weapons, and GDT mod antitank guided missiles together with TGW vehicle fixes and SLX mod.

I just do not know what can cause this.

RPT does not report nothing about that.

ArmA 2 CO up to date.


Edited by Vilman

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Try without addons/mods to see how it is in vanilla A2OA and then try to find out which addon/mod is overwriting stuff that you like/dislike.

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Just taking a stab in the dark here, but it's probably got something to do with one of the mods you're running. For me, the Takistani Mi-24D works fine. And I should know, because I use it to blow up the Takistani military base in their SP showcase with alarming regularity.

If I had to guess which mod, I would say it's probably the ATGM mod, but you should try enabling them one at a time and seeing which one causes the problem.

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Thanx guys. I will try out these ideas !

Edit : O.k its working. The Taki 24D works fine with GDT+eggbeast fix+TGW.


Edited by Vilman

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