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Helicopter Transport Mission: How to Specify Dropoff Location?

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I was playing the "War Welcome" scenario in stock ArmA2. Only mods are CopyMyStance and TwirlHide.

I called a transport for me and my surviving team members, and it did come and get us.

But then I could see no way to tell the chopper where to drop us off.

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I hope you get a reply to your question as I am having the exact same issue on red harvest, as I posted on another ARMA forum:

"This is obviously a very simple question but I am stuck and my google searches are not helping.

I am playing red harvest and want to call a chopper to help me move around the map.


I have summoned a transport copter and after a lot of fiddling around managed to get my squad onboard.


We are now sat hovering 3 feet off the ground and the chooper will not go anywhere.


Again after much searching I found out how to set waypoints and I went to the map and "shift and click" near the taget zone and then communicated on the command menu to move to the new waypoint but it seems like I am just telling my squad and the chopper does not move.


How do i get the transport chopper to move me to where I want to go please?



Someone helpfully directed me to a script you can add to get the chopper to work but surely there must be an option in the game that makes this function actually work!

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I believe you open and click on your map. you might also explore your support menu (0,8).

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I believe you open and click on your map. you might also explore your support menu (0,8).

I tried clicking on the map, setting a waypoint on the map and every comm option going - nothing - we just sit there on the chopper 2 feet off the ground!

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Weird. When you get into a land vehicle with an AI driver, and click on the map, he gets it no problem. But the choppa pilot seems to not get it.

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If you're in command of the vehicle, then you can tell it where to go. In this case they are playing harvest red and I believe they are dealing with starforce 21 which is scripted and requires the use of the support menu.

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Just so you know, a lot of the AI helicopters that you encounter in SP seem to be scripted. For example, the chopper that drops you off at the start of the Operation Arrowhead campaign is scripted, as is the Merlin that picks you up at the end of the first BAF campaign mission. If you're having trouble getting a chopper to go somewhere, checking the Support menu is something you should always do.

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