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Parachute training help?

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I'm a rank n00b at Arma2. I'm trying to run through the OA Parachute training (E06), but I don't seem to be able to move forward at all. I literally cannot get within half a click of the landing zone even pointing at the target and holding my move forward button down the WHOLE way before and after chute opening.

Is there something stupid I'm missing or does this have something to do with my controls? I have "hold secondary mouse" bound to move forward for infantry and vehicle controls, and all aircraft controls set to joystick axises only. Does the parachute count as a vehicle, aircraft, or infantry for the purposes of control binding? The onscreen help text DOES say hold secondary mouse to move forward (or fast once the chute's deployed), but it doesn't seem to DO anything... A,S, and D do move me, but don't seem to help me get anywhere near the target...

Thanks for any suggestions etc!

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I have just barely finished it myself so I am no expert. My advice is to immediately once you exit the aircraft, switch to tactical view ENTER [NUM]. It is easier to soar toward the drop zone in that view. Don't open your chute until well under 400m altitude. Once you have your chute open, experiment with switching back to first person view and using the mouse as well as the keys to tilt your descent.

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As a guide, put a marker on the map for your reference. Shift + left click on the map. Then it's easier to control your movement so you can do a nice precision landing.

AWSD is to control your movement but i'm not sure it's bind to which type of control cause i dont use joystick for arma2.

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It's the controls... if mouse2 is bound to move forward it straight doesn't work for parachutes or the construction view. I ended up having to bind another key to use in those views.

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This mission has always been pretty easy for me. I don't move until I open my parachute at 400m, then coast into the landing zone, altering my speed as necessary. Be careful not to overshoot the LZ, as it's much easier to just speed up than it is to turn around. If it's a control problem, WASD are the default parachute maneuvering controls.

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