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David Schofield

I want to create an addon involving increasing the number of units avalible for PMC?

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As most of us know, simply placing a unit like the UH-60m and placing an independent AI into the drivers seat doesn't really affect anything. An independent controls the vehicle, but the vehicle still shows up red on the radar, and can easily be assumed to be a bad guy.

My plan, however, is to create an addon to increase the size of the PMC faction by placing Ka-52, Ah & Mh -6, and a Uh-60m into the directory of the PMC forces.

I recently downloaded an addon that placed the woodland camo M113 into the USMC faction, however, with a little effort I figured out how to mod that to be rightfully on the PMC faction's side (since it's introduced in the sp00 zargabad 'PMC showcase' mission).

After examining the .cpp documents, I decided to try my hand at converting the black Ka-52, Ah-6, Mh-6, and UH-60m into the PMC units section.

Despite my effort, I seem to have made no progress.

I created PBO files for each unit, and placed them into the mod folder with the M113. The plan failed, as the M113 was replaced by the AH-6 in the editor for some reason, and the AH-6 in turn had the woodland camo texture of the M113 (weird, right?).

I tried an alternative tactic, placing the four helicopters into the common folder, and the same exact thing happened.

Do I need a bikey signature on these items for them to function? How can I make these vehicles a part of the PMC faction?

As is, the working M113 code is this:

// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys

class CfgVehicles {

class M113_UN_EP1;

class TGW_M113 : M113_UN_EP1 {

side = TGuerrila;

faction = PMC_BAF;

vehicleClass = "Armored";

crew = "Soldier_Crew_PMC";

hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ca\Tracked_E\M113\Data\m113a3_01_co.paa"};

class TransportMagazines {

class _xx_30Rnd_556x45_G36 {

count = 30;

magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_G36";


class _xx_1Rnd_HE_M203 {

count = 5;

magazine = "1Rnd_HE_M203";


class _xx_HandGrenade_West {

count = 10;

magazine = "HandGrenade_West";


class _xx_100Rnd_762x51_M240 {

count = 5;

magazine = "100Rnd_762x51_M240";


class _xx_SmokeShell {

count = 2;

magazine = "SmokeShell";


class _xx_SmokeShellRed {

count = 2;

magazine = "SmokeShellRed";



class TransportWeapons {

class _xx_G36C {

count = 2;

weapon = "G36C";





How can I apply these changed features to the helicopters, and get them to work as an addon? Even if this is something nobody will download, I wish to get into the modding scene for ArmA 3, and this is great practice.

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EDIT: Never remove the original addons from where they are.

If all you want to do is give the PMC faction some new vehicles (i.e not reskining and all of that), your config should look like this:

class CfgPatches
class my_new_pmc
 units[] = {};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgVehicles
class aav;
class my_pmc_aav: aav
scope = 2;
crew = ""; //Desired crew
faction = "PMC_BAF"; //Faction classname for PMC
side = "2"; //Indepedent

Now, i used dummy names as examples and the AAVP7A1 classname to show what i mean. You'll need the classname of the vehicle you want to put into the PMC faction, as well as giving a classname for your new vehicle. You can obviously stack more vehicles in that cfgvehicles section, no need to have several addons and configs, just make sure to keep it tidy, ie. classnames of the original vehicles on top, then your new ones below.

After that, you need to change the field inside the "" for the classname of the pilot you want. And if you want to change more than these basics, have a search around for config references (community.bistudios site has it)

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