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Model Issue - Lights not working for multiple objects - assistance requested

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I'm having a bit of trouble with some buildings I am making for my island. I could use a fresh pair of eyes and someone smarter than I am to help me out.

I have looked at multiple examples of configs and models that work from other users (and from BIS) and have tried to replicate the information.

If I have lights (blinking and steady) ONLY on one object (e.g. the ATC), then everything works perfectly. Once I try to include TWO or more objects with lights (blinking and/or steady), then none of the objects work any longer.

My config (relevant sections - I think) is as follows:

class Land_wgl_atc : House
	model = "\wgl_objects\wgl_atc.p3d";
	displayName = "ATC";
	scope = 2;
	accuracy = 1000;
	armor = 8500;
	placement = "vertical";
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";
	class MarkerLights
		class RedBlinking1
			name = "red_blink1";
			color[] = {0.64,0.064,0.064,1};
			ambient[] = {0,0,0,0};
			brightness = 0.01;
			blinking = 1;
		class RedBlinking2: RedBlinking1
			name = "red_blink2";
		class RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady1";
			color[] = {0.64,0.064,0.064,1};
			ambient[] = {0,0,0,0};
			brightness = 0.005;
			blinking = 0;
		class RedSteady2: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady2";
		class RedSteady3: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady3";
		class RedSteady4: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady4";
		class RedSteady5: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady5";
		class RedSteady6: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady6";
			color[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
			ambient[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
			brightness = 0.0025;
		class RedSteady7: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady7";
			color[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
			ambient[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
			brightness = 0.0025;
		class RedSteady8: RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady8";
			color[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
			ambient[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
			brightness = 0.0025;
	class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects
		class Ruin1
			simulation = "ruin";
			type = "\wgl_objects\wgl_tower1b_ruin.p3d";
			position = "";
			intensity = 1;
			interval = 1;
			lifeTime = 1;

class Land_wgl_building_m_barrack2_stair1 : House
	model = "\wgl_objects\wgl_m_barrack2_stair1.p3d";
	displayName = "wgl_m_barrack2_stair1";
	ladders[] = {};
	scope = 2;
	accuracy = 1000;
	armor = 1500;
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";
	class MarkerLights
		class RedSteady1
			name = "red_steady1";
			color[] = {0.7843,0.5490,0.1569,1};
			ambient[] = {0.7843,0.5490,0.1569,1};
			brightness = 0.125;
			blinking = 0;
		class RedSteady2
			name = "red_steady2";
			color[] = {0.7843,0.5490,0.1569,1};
			ambient[] = {0.7843,0.5490,0.1569,1};
			brightness = 0.125;
			blinking = 0;
	class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects
		class Ruin1
			simulation = "ruin";
			type = "\wgl_objects\wgl_m_barrack2_stair1_ruin.p3d";
			position = "";
			intensity = 1;
			interval = 1;
			lifeTime = 1;

I have tried to figure this out for over three days now (not including a lot of time last year) and I simply don't understand where I am going wrong. I have verified that the points are labeled correctly in the MEMORY LOD for the models.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

Semper Fi!

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unfortunately i playing with TOH rearmed so cant really replicate full , however i did try exaxt same as above but inherit from

House_base_H and all work fine for me.

I guess i can only say try Housbase (OA equivaent of House_base_H )

this is mine that works.

	class Land_thrompLight01: House_Base_H
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Lightouse_01";
	model = "thromp\thromp_highrise\Lights01.p3d";
	armor = 50;
	VehicleClass = "thromp_foo";
	  class MarkerLights
           class RedBlinking1
               name = "red_blink1";
               color[] = {0.64,0.064,0.064,1};
               ambient[] = {0,0,0,0};
               brightness = 0.01;
               blinking = 1;
           class RedBlinking2: RedBlinking1
               name = "red_blink2";
           class RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady1";
               color[] = {0.64,0.064,0.064,1};
               ambient[] = {0,0,0,0};
               brightness = 0.005;
               blinking = 0;
           class RedSteady2: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady2";
           class RedSteady3: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady3";
           class RedSteady4: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady4";
           class RedSteady5: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady5";
           class RedSteady6: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady6";
               color[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
               ambient[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
               brightness = 0.0025;
           class RedSteady7: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady7";
               color[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
               ambient[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
               brightness = 0.0025;
           class RedSteady8: RedSteady1
               name = "red_steady8";
               color[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
               ambient[] = {0.64,0.64,0.64,0.2};
               brightness = 0.0025;
class Land_thrompLight02: House_Base_H
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Lightouse_02";
	model = "thromp\thromp_highrise\Lights02.p3d";
	armor = 50;
	VehicleClass = "thromp_foo";
	class MarkerLights
		class WhiteStill
			name = "WhiteStill";
			color[] = {0.99,0.69,0.17,1};
			ambient[] = {0.099,0.069,0.017,1};
			brightness = 0.02;
			blinking = 0;
		class RedStill
			name = "redStill";
			color[] = {0.99,0.0,0.0,1};
			ambient[] = {0.099,0.00,0.00,1};
			brightness = 0.02;
			blinking = 0;


Infact when iwrote this i realise i can replicate because im using rearmed :). HouseBase works for me with your config changing from House inheritance.


Class HouseBase;

class Land_thrompLight01: HouseBase

Edited by Max Power

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Thanks for the help. I tried replacing "class Land_wgl_atc : House" with "class Land_wgl_atc : HouseBase" but then BinPBO has an error and will not finish binarizing the file. I tried moving it to the beginning of the .cpp but that did not seem to make a difference.

I will keep plugging away at it.

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At CWR2, we were trying to make lights with 'flares' that you could shoot out, too. We found that you could make them with flares you could shoot out, but they wouldn't cast light, or with light sources you could shoot out, but the flares would remain resident until the lamp post was destroyed.

The difference seems to be cfgVehicles vs. cfgNonAIVehicles. The cfgNonAIVehicles lights will illuminate, and they will shoot out, but named selections or marker lights will not extinguish, and the cfgVehicles lights will not cast light, but their flares will shoot out (hide animation on the flare selection) due to direct damage to the light bulb hitpoint.

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Thanks for the help. I tried replacing "class Land_wgl_atc : House" with "class Land_wgl_atc : HouseBase" but then BinPBO has an error and will not finish binarizing the file. I tried moving it to the beginning of the .cpp but that did not seem to make a difference.

I will keep plugging away at it.

No worries ,like i say i am using TOH rearmed so in practice it should be same ,however for precise answer i would need to start just OA and i cant at the moment.However in line with Max powers post , i notice some lighted buildings inherit from Nonstrategic , thismay help you ?

For clarity of the binarise problem, you could provide the LOG

P>S stupid question but you did start with

Class HouseBase;

and then inherit thereon ?

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Thanks again for the help.

Here is the beginning section of the code:

class cfgvehicles


class Thing;

class Building;

class Strategic;

class NonStrategic: Building


class DestructionEffects;


class HouseBase;

class Land_VASICore;

class House: HouseBase


class DestructionEffects;


class Ruins;

Maybe I need to change those buildings with lights to Nonstrategic and see if that will do it. I looked in the AllInOne.cpp and found that the default lighthouse is a child of just House (class Land_NAV_Lighthouse: House).

I'd love to have lights on some of my buildings but this is getting to the point where it is beyond me.

Thanks again.

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well i have busy weekend , if you dont get it , i will be happy to help maybe monday evening send me PM ,

before i go maybe a few things could be that

simulation = "house"; // required even though it should be already inhrited ?

Model geometry LOD


Map House or Building i forget

Class House or Building i forget

damage Building

Also maybe another mod or other building is interupting inheritance and your new house load after ? check arma.rpt for

updating class house / housebase etc BY _x addon

Good luck



class Land_VASICore;

i think its not right place , this is before THing etc and im sure only Nonstrategic inherit from it hmm

i think this maybe your problem but try all suggested

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Thanks Thromp. I will try all those things. I appreciate the help.

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Sorry, the topic is old but could the problem be solved?

I have the same problem for a year.

Only the lights of BIS models shine on my island.

In my own models, the lights illuminate only sporadically. Mostly after a reboot mission. Where the problem is, I could not figure out.

The config.cpp is 100% correct. So it must be the model. Maybe the houses want a Model.cfg ???

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