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Seize zones [Hazar-Kot / Aliabad] (SP)

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There are missions of two maps.

- Aliabad-Region

- Hazar-Kot Valley (Pending)

New features:

The game play was made more user-friendly.

Probably, some of your pain disappeared.


Except for an addition of missions are the same as Seize zones [Takistan].

It ported for a short time. Test time is very short. ;)





- Changed: The threat of armor, an AT helicopter, and an airplane can be chosen individually.

- Changed: The click range of a tank and a artillery request was extended (500 m).

- Improved: Open and close a map automatically in the operation which clicks a map.

- Improved: Some action menus can be called by a radio command.

- Some bug fixes


- Fixed: An artillery shell was not able to be fired.

- Changed: A temporary stop of a combat engineer's duty.(My Duty)


- Added: The player can request a combat engineer. (Order in an action menu)

*If a combat engineer arrives, a bunker can be built anywhere.


- Changed: The takeoff interval of the airplane was lengthened.

- Changed(CMBTENG): Eight combat engineers.

- Added(CMBTENG): A tank and a IFV are accompanied. (Order in an action menu)

- Added(CMBTENG): The request of an attack helicopter. (Order in an action menu)

- Some bug fixes


- New duty "Combat engineer team leader" was added. (beta)

- Some Bug Fix


- Initial release




Hazar-Kot Valley by McNools


Aliabad-Region by McNools





- BIS/BIA for their great simulators.

- Trench Generator / Script generator by Benoist

- ArmA2 Single Player revive by norrin

- All add-on authors

Game Front

Download Seize zones [Aliabad] (1MB/ZIP)


Download Seize zones [Aliabad] (1MB/ZIP)

*The Hazar-Kot mission is not ready yet.



Edited by stiff

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As per PM, thanks a bunch, these missions are great :)

These maps deserve the coverage :cool:

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Hi Stiff,

I've been playing the new mission on Aliabad, but I dont seem to see an option to construct a bunker? I normally expect to see it on action menu as "Construct Bunker", I thought it may have moved to dialogue but that only has option to construct tent, which I cant do becuase I cant construct the 50 mete distance bunker to allow this option.

The option to construct bunker never shows at a bunker or flag or any place, only thing iI get to open is the dialogue.

BTW side missions are great, everything functions right, but its a bit limiting at the moment to push forward without the key bunker construct option.

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Since this version has not been completed yet, construction of a bunker does not work.

However, if it is the past version, a bunker can be made freely.

Although some problems may occur, I think that it can play enough. :)

but its a bit limiting at the moment to push forward without the key bunker construct option.

I do not understand this situation (meaning).

Translation is not wise. :confused:

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Since this version has not been completed yet, construction of a bunker does not work.

So in the situation where I want to set up tent to extend into fortress (or whatever its named so I can have supports & team control/transports) as far as I know you have to construct a bunker within 50 meters of an existing bunker to get the option to "construct tent" ... but without having option to construct bunker I cannot do any of it.

I realise its not finished, although I thought that was a key element :) Still fun for now though.

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I have understood.

A provisional bunker construction function will be added in next upgrade.:)

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Updated v5.0

Construction of a bunker and a fortress can be enjoyed as a combat engineer. ;)

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Updated v5.1

Support was strengthened and the frequency from which an airplane takes off was lowered. :)

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I like the way you implemented bunker building to engineer task, but im really missing the simplistic way you had this in the original versions, with you as leader start simply having 'build bunker' show up when your near a bunker to make the second and get the tent option. I liked this because it kept the focus on you as leader and you can then place a bunker within 50 meters wherever you wanted the tent and command tent to spawn (tactical placement where you want it). The engineer sub mission approach seems to take this away into a sub plot, I am a little lost on this new version approach.

Any chance to have the bunker option back as normal at all?

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I understood well.

You will get satisfaction by the next version.

Maybe :rolleyes:

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I have two question about this mission

but first i have to thank you for your contribution.

First question is how long i have to wait untill the soilder arrive to the bunker?

And the second question is what adjustment can i do to make the whole mission become more immediate?

Coz i tried lots of time to play this mission but everytime i quit without a shot becouse everything is so god-damn slow.

Especially the mission is denied time acceleration, when i'm in mission i drove about 2 mins to get to the closest bunker, and i wait about 4 mins that still no soilder arrive,

and i wait for the transporting aircraft by 2- 3 mins and i arrived to the next bunker and all i see is a flag and a dull dessert(of field).

one more thing , when i arrived to the second bunker , it passed about 15 mins and the some side mission finally seems to appear.

when i play this mission , all i do is run , walk , wait , get in the chopper , get in the bunker and wait untill it break my endurance limit.

i mean , men ,what i just need is compact combat and some rts element inside it.

Maybe my word is a lil bit emotional but its my real feeling,sorry for my poor english.

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Thank you, the play of my mission.

First question is how long i have to wait untill the soilder arrive to the bunker?

Distance, a route, and a hostilities situation affect movement of a defense team.

second question is what adjustment can i do to make the whole mission become more immediate?

There is no God-mode.

The player cannot escape the principle of this battlefield.

However, the player has much freedom.

These missions were made in order to give much pain to a player.

Such pain is in an actual battlefield.

That expectation and prediction of a player are betrayed is the proof in which this battlefield is working.

*The pain by a bug is my responsibility.

A bunker position is arranged at random at a missions start.

For this reason, it may start in the very disadvantageous situation for a player side.

Side missions are the things for enjoying the switch to a different team.

Even if it does not choose, a bad influence is not in a player.

*This treatment is still under examination.

In a next version, if a player requires a combat engineer, a bunker can be built in favorite positions.

The stress of a player will decrease by this.

*It is progressing, although it is slow.

There is no detailed document explaining how to play in these missions.

Sorry for this.

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Updated v5.2

The player can build a bunker anywhere!

Enjoy! :)

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Thanks very much stiff, finally I can play this on one of my fav apps and push forward with bunkers and command tent! :)

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Hi Stiff,

I have been playing a bit of this mission (love the map). I notice that when I get control of Artillary, for me at least, I place marker, I get notification, then marker changes to allocated area, I then get notification of rounds finished firing, and ... well ... nothing got fired or lands. Can you confirm this is all working ok, unless it might be a mod my end, it did work fine before.

Also, this mission has all the features and the new engineer/bunker build aspect, I wondered will you now apply this to the other map versions? I notice some of them are now different and have older features and game-play style.

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Hi mrcash2009,

Updated v5.3

The artillery shell was fired correctly. You can be destroyed anything. :)

Also, this mission has all the features and the new engineer/bunker build aspect, I wondered will you now apply this to the other map versions? I notice some of them are now different and have older features and game-play style.

It will add to my to-do list. ;)

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Thanks very much mate, works like a charm :)

One request, would it be possible that under a situation where you have built fortress, you get the ability or some kind of assistance whereas the spawn area/base can be moved nearer to assist on units pushing forward quicker for attacking and re supply of bunkers? Maybe under condition that if fortress is fully built and say at least one opposition bunker is at least taken and fortified = your spawn area will move closer? When I say closer I mean maybe a click map range like artillery but the radius is far larger to move nearer down the map?

Also, talking of radius, would it be possible that both the tank & arty radius could be just that little bit larger? I think its 300 ... but maybe something like 500? Or .. maybe under the mission start settings, under one easy setting = 500/600 radius for all, and harder as normal at 300 radius?

I understand its to make things harder, but I play allot without air support or enemy air attack, in those situations without air you get a deadlock where your under attack allot (distant cannons are the worst) and trying to take out mortar/cannons on the ground but to get close is hard so that extra radius for tank & arty would be great. Maybe the radius for tank & arty are larger when you select the option for ground only & no air supports?

Actually, maybe all requests I posted here should only be for playing when you select no air support/enemy air attack .. so just helps the dynamics more when your doing most of it on the ground.

One other note, when selecting to manouver tank by map click, even if I have messages off, everytime I select it to go to map I get the message popup with instructions that pauses, its quite annoying, unsure that this should happen if with message pop ups turned off. BTW do you think that you could change arty & tank instructions so it works with the minimap popup used for controlling extra units? Would be nice if that was also just in the pop up with a arty/tank drop (that become clickable once available) drop down window with quick point and click on minimap (unless I have missed something and its already in and I missed it).

Edited by mrcash2009

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Hi Stiff,

One more request, it is possible that option to select tank/arty that takes you to map to select radius map click, could they populate the radio also? The reason I ask is that if im in a vehicle moving along side with tank & wanting to set arty, I can still access the options via radio inside the vehicle, otherwise becuase of radius move limit I need to keep disembarking to access option for tank to move it then embark etc. I know tank can follow player, but some times I need to specifiy a position, would be helpfull to still do it in cover in a vehicle.

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Hi mrcash2009,

It is my answer.

1) Radius expansion is possible (tank & arty).

2) Cancellation of message pop-up is possible (tank).

3) The selection with radio is possible (tank & arty). maybe

It may challenge by Arma 3 except these.

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Updated v6.0

The game play was made more user-friendly.

Probably, some of your pain disappeared.


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