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Camera Observer on MH-47.. Same as UH1Y Venom?

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Quick Question, how can i add the UH1Y's Camera Observer onto my MH-47? So when you go into co-pilot seat you can have an option to use the camera and laser mark targets? :confused:

My Camera currently has the named selections:

Camera - 'sensors' & '-sensors'

Turret which holds Camera - 'sensors_turet' & '-sensors_turet'

& Has the Memory points:

'gunnerview', 'sensors', 'sensors_axis', 'sensors_turret' & 'sensors_turret_axis'?

If anyone could tell me how, that would be great :D


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pretty much making a new turret that has no weapon :)

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Check out the six config browser and view the uh-1y's config.

Yeah viewed the UH1Y's config, when that happens its not located to camera and i cant see him in the cockpit?

pretty much making a new turret that has no weapon :)

& Yeah, done this too :D Just added lasermarker instead

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not being able to see him sounds like a proxy issue, make sure there is a gunner proxy there

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Yeah, not the cargo 1 proxy as per usual, but the proper gunner proxy. I guess that means your helicopter will have 3 gunners.

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Yeah, not the cargo 1 proxy as per usual, but the proper gunner proxy. I guess that means your helicopter will have 3 gunners.

Thanks, it is a gunner proxy as i named it to get in co-pilot instead of get in Gunner?

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This is the UH1Y's Co Pilots Obvs config:

class CoPilotObs : MainTurret {
			stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesBoth";
			proxyIndex = 3;
			gunnerName = "$STR_GN_UH1Y_CoPilotObs";
			gunnerAction = "UH1Y_Gunner02";
			gunnerInAction = "UH1Y_Gunner02";
			body = "ObsTurret";
			gun = "ObsGun";
			animationSourceBody = "ObsTurret";
			animationSourceGun = "ObsGun";
			outGunnerMayFire = true;
			gunBeg = "gun_end";	// endpoint of the gun
			gunEnd = "gun_begin";	// chamber of the gun
			memoryPointGun = "gun_end";
			commanding = -1;
			weapons[] = {"Laserdesignator_mounted"};
			magazines[] = {"Laserbatteries"};
			primaryGunner = 0;
			minElev = -80;
			maxElev = 25;
			initElev = 0;
			minTurn = -180;
			maxTurn = 180;
			initTurn = 0;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_SOFLAM";
			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "commanderview";
			gunnerForceOptics = false;
			gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 0;

			class ViewOptics {
				initAngleX = 0;
				minAngleX = -30;
				maxAngleX = 30;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -100;
				maxAngleY = 100;
				initFov = 0.8;
				minFov = 0.0083;
				maxFov = 0.8;
			gunnerCompartments = "Compartment2";
			startEngine = false;
			soundServo[] = {"", db-40, 1.0};
			memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos codriver";
			memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos codriver dir";
			selectionFireAnim = "";
			castGunnerShadow = true;
			viewGunnerShadow = true;

I just dont know what do do with the following configs parts? :confused:

  1. body = "ObsTurret";
  2. gun = "ObsGun";
  3. animationSourceBody = "ObsTurret";
  4. animationSourceGun = "ObsGun";
  5. gunBeg = "gun_end"; // endpoint of the gun
  6. gunEnd = "gun_begin"; // chamber of the gun
  7. memoryPointGun = "gun_end";
  8. gunnerCompartments = "Compartment2";

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Sorry for double post, but anyone?

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