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JIP troubles...

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When exactly does the player start to "see" terrain through his toon's eyes and how can I pinpoint this moment?

My init works with one little problem: for less than a second or so but clearly too long the JIP player can see himself standing in the location where the unit was placed on in the editor; then the jip spawn script moves him into a parachute as it should be.

Below are the relevant parts of my init.sqf:

[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

if (!(isNull player)) then
player switchMove "amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon_player_idlesteady03";

if (!isServer && isNull player) then
 cutText ["JIP spawn...","BLACK",0];
 waitUntil {!isNull player};
[] execVM "scripts\JIP_spawn.sqf";

As soon as I know I have a JIP I black out the screen so he would'nt see the "wrong" location. The jip_spawn.sqf creates the parachute, moves the player in it and then I restore his vision.

But I'm not fast enough obviously because for half a second or so, he still can see himself standing in the wrong location waiting for the jip script to move him... how can I get rid of that?

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Put this in init.sqf:

if (!isDedicated) then {
   onPreloadFinished {
       // player can now see the 3D world
       // Execute whatever you want but be aware this is executed in a eventhandler environment
       onPreloadFinished {};

In your code snippet above remove finishMissionInit (absolutely not needed) and execute briefing.sqf once the player object is not null anymore (important for JIP).


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You can also cover the screen black from the very beginning in the init.sqs and then fade in the screen after one or a few seconds:

Put into init.sqs at its VERY END:

if (isDedicated) then {exit};
0 fadesound 0;
0 fademusic 0;
0 cutText ["","black faded",0];
1 fadesound 1;
1 fademusic 1;
0 cutText ["","plain in",1];

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