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Supply Barque stuck on enemy island

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I'm at an enemy island with my carrier. After a couple of losses I had to resupply. So I send my Resupply Barque.

When the Resupply Barque was still far away I changed the position of my carrier. I sailed behind the island so the Resupply Barque has to sail around the island as well.

But it sailed right through. So my Barque is stuck on the island now. The resupply screen says ETA 00:00:01 and I can't change anything.

Looks like a bug to me.

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Even though the travel line and icon show the barque is stuck in the island - it will eventually dock if you move the Carrier toward the anchor point. I've had this happen many times.

Also - is it just me, or does the barque move much, much slower since V2?

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A report on this issue has been raised in the Issue Tracker.

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