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Complex map-click helo transport system ?

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I have found irish mans thread about the problems with helo transport a while ago and i had an idea i,m not sure if this is possible so i,m wondering if the script i'm about to suggest is possible to make or exists already. that is why i'm turning to the community for help.

What i,m looking for is a map-click helo transport script

the idea is a helo transport, medevac and resupply script

Helo transport

several helicopters that can be used to fly groups into the battlefield and extract in several different ways.

-1 SINGEL INSERTION only one of the helo's flies to the lz and either lands to evac troops or hovers 1m over the ground kicking out all passengers whilst moving forwards very slowly and gains altitude fast to return to base asap once everyone is out.

-2 COMBAT INSERTION both helo's do the same thing landing about 10 to 15 meters apart from each other or passengers of each helo select their own LZ via map click and scroll down menu once they are in the helo. this is to insert a larger team.

-3 FASTROPE INSERTION both helo's or only one fly to the lz hovering over it at 15 meters deploy fast ropes and all passengers fastrope (preferably compatible with the ace mod)

-4 COMBAT INSERTION WITH OVERWATCH a separate insertion method where one helo preforms the combat insertion or extraction whilst the other circles to provide cover and once the 1st one takes off the second on lands whilst the 1st one provides cover.

-5 RESUPPLY a 3rd transport helo is at base which can be orderd via map click to drop predefined or preloaded ammo crates hovering a few meters over the ground and then returns to hq for further use like the other helicopters.

-6 MEDEVAC a Medevac helicopter which is at the field hospital can be called and will land at map click defined location not powering down once it is ordered to dustoff it will be flying back to the hospital where it will unload all Passengers and then will be available for further use.

it would of course be nice if all of this had to be requested via the communications menu and would require a backpack radio to function to add realism and only then can the LZ, fastrope at location, combat insertion, resupply, Evac, and RTBrtb commands be implemented via the small radio everyone carries.

i can see this being used with the unsug mod, on lingor or other islands for small groups conducting broad operations that need to be flexible with their movement and support.

I do not know if this exists i haven't been able to find anything fitting the requirements of my team !!! and yes it sound like a request but thats only the case because i'm very specific about the stuff i would like for my missions and i haven't been in luck finding something this complex. :(

if anybody out there knows if such a system exists it would be great to know where to get it and how it works i know there are several different scripts doing lots of parts of this stuff but i find using them that after a while it ends up in a giant clusterf**k and nothing works anymore.

i,m only a beginner in the mission making area and appreciate all help. :)

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It's all possible and much of it is already done, have a search - there was a great script from the =BTC= clan the other day on fast roping (invisible rope though).


There are fast rope addons at Armaholic.com.

To fit all that into 1 script would involve many hours of scripting and testing though. Personally I would delete the aircraft rather than have them return to a base eg here is a script I made for an A10 bombing attack - it's deleted with the last line when it reaches a waypoint.

private ["_bpos","_vel","_dir","_speed","_dir_i","_func","_vehArr","_unit","_range","_pilot","_lgb","_target","_class","_list","_apos"];
_vehArr = [getPosATL airSpawnPos, 300, "A10_US_EP1", WEST] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
_unit = _vehArr select 0;
_name = name (vehicle _unit);
_range = 1250;
_pilot = (_vehArr select 1) select 0;
_unitGrp = _vehArr select 1;

//nul = [_unit,_pilot] execVM "countermeasures.sqf";

_unit removeMagazinesTurret ["4Rnd_GBU12",[-1]];
_unit removeMagazinesTurret ["14Rnd_FFAR",[-1]];
_unit removeMagazinesTurret ["1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10",[-1]];
_unit removeMagazinesTurret ["2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z",[-1]];
_unit removeMagazinesTurret ["2Rnd_Maverick_A10",[-1]];
_unit setPosATL [ getPosATL _unit select 0, getPosATL _unit select 1, (getPosATL _unit select 2) +350];
_dirJet = direction _unit;
_unit setVelocity [sin (_dirJet) * 100, cos (_dirJet) * 100, 0];
_unit flyinheight 500;
_unit allowDamage false;

_wp1 = (group _unit) addWaypoint [position player, 1];
_wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE";

hint "Incomming Aircraft!(LGB)";
//selectPlayer _pilot;
waitUntil {(player distance _unit) <= _range};
_pilot sidechat format ["Pilot %1:Weapons Hot! Ripple GBU12 x2",_name];
   {_bpos = [getPosATL _unit select 0, getPosATL _unit  select 1, (getPosATL _unit  select 2)-10];
   _lgb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle _bpos;
   _dir_i = [_unit, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
   _lgb setDir _dir_i;
   _func = [_lgb, -30, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
   _vel = velocity _unit;
   _dir = direction _lgb;
   _speed = 90;
   _lgb setVelocity [(_vel select 0)+((sin _dir)*_speed),(_vel select 1)+ ((cos _dir)*_speed),(_vel select 2)-_speed];
sleep 2;} forEach [1,2,3,4];

_wp2 = (group _unit) addWaypoint [getPosATL airSpawnPos, 2];
_wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
_wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "{deletevehicle _unit} foreach crew (vehicle this);deleteVehicle (vehicle this)"];

Edited by PELHAM

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i see where your coming from but i think what i am suggesting would be very useful and reduce a lot of fuss for mission makers and add to gameplay experience for teams with only a limited amount of players available and no helicopter pilots at their disposal.

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Isn't this what neokika has done already (almost totally written in FSM) and all you would need to add is the =BTC= stuff.

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LOL sorry mate.... was too busy to link. Thanks for sorting it :)

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thx guys ill take a look now

-ok i downloaded it and im gona test it but it does lack some functions and isn't exactly what i need unfortunately is there anything else ?? and does it work with mso ??

-or does anybody know someone whom would want this and would be ready to make it ill give all advice and ideas i have and do required research as far as i can

-is the =BTC= stuff on armaholic ??

thx again for the help

Edited by short_German

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