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Evolution Port

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I have ported Evolution (the original V2 Blue by KilJoy) to Panthera and I am having some problems. When I recruit AI (or when I click the button) they do not spawn or para down from the sky, town does not seem to have any tanks and have some infantry but not alot. I have to drive in the middle to find them, I want some action with lots of infantry and tanks if possible :). I have looked inside the EventsS.sqf (where the enemy spawns) and it does have the tanks inside the array and static weapons. If I forgot static weapons then they are not in the town either. Any help is much appreciated :D.



I just flew over in a the town and lots of infantry and around 5 - 10 tanks I see but I am not sure if that was reinforcements or spawned after a timer or instant. I will fly over the town after mission restart and see but I am sure it did not do it before. I still need help with the recruit AI and one more thing, I added extra vehicles btw (by the way) which are downloads but I don't think they are getting spawned with crew or at all as when I saw the armour on map I did not see anything I added. Here is the code:

EVO_Delete =
_grp= _this select 0;
_time = 1.0 + (random 2.5);
_all = units _grp;
_count = (count units _grp)-1;
sleep _time;
while {_count >= 0} do 
	_man = (units _grp select _count);
	_unit = vehicle _man;
	if (not (_unit isKindOf "Man") and not (isNull _unit)) then
		deletevehicle _unit;
		_man removeAllEventHandlers "killed";
		deletevehicle _man;
	if ((_unit isKindOf "Man") and not (isNull _unit)) then
		_man removeAllEventHandlers "killed";
		deleteVehicle _unit;
	_count = _count-1;

EVO_functest =
_num = _this select 0;
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
	hint format["%1 inloop ftest",_num];
	sleep 1.0;

EVO_gRecy =
_grp   = _this select 0;
_tag   = "notset";
_alist = objNull;
_tag   = _this select 1;
_alist = _this select 2;
//hint format["alist=%1",_alist];
egroups = egroups+1;
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
	if(count units _grp == 0) then {_loop=1};
	sleep 8.0+(round random 1);
if (count list _alist > 0) then

	switch (_tag) do //who died where?
		 case "parinf":
			parinf = parinf-1;
		 case "parmec":
			parmec = parmec-1;

		 case "sominf":
			sominf = sominf-1;

		 case "sommec":
			sommec = sommec-1;
		 case "cayinf":
			cayinf = cayinf-1;
		 case "caymec":
			caymec = caymec-1;
		 case "dolinf":
			dolinf = dolinf-1;
		 case "dolmec":
			dolmec = dolmec-1;
		 case "ortinf":
			ortinf = ortinf-1;
		 case "ortmec":
			ortmec = ortmec-1;
		 case "corinf":
			corinf = corinf-1;
		 case "cormec":
			cormec = cormec-1;
		 case "obrinf":
			obrinf = obrinf-1;
		 case "obrmec":
			obrmec = obrmec-1;
		 case "baginf":
			baginf = baginf-1;
		 case "bagmec":
			bagmec = bagmec-1;

		 case "epoinf":
			epoinf = epoinf-1;
		 case "epomec":
			epomec = epomec-1;
		 case "masinf":
			masinf = masinf-1;
		 case "masmec":
			masmec = masmec-1;
		 case "pitinf":
			pitinf = pitinf-1;
		 case "pitmec":
			pitmec = pitmec-1;
deleteGroup _grp;egroups = egroups-1;

EVO_Lock =
_vec = _this select 0;
if(Param1 == 7) then {_vec lock true} else {_vec lock false};

EVO_Taxi =
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
	_pos = GetMarkerPos "Respawn_West";
	_pilot = createGroup (west);
	"SoldierWB" createUnit [_pos, _pilot];
	_pi =(leader _pilot);
	_pi setIdentity "thedood";
	_pi setcaptive true;
	_heli = ObjNull;
	for [{_loopa=0}, {_loopa<1}, {_loopa=_loopa}] do
		sleep 4;
		_objs = nearestObjects [_pi, ["MH6"], 200];
		_heli = ObjNull;		
		{if(isNull driver _x) then {_heli = _x}} forEach _objs;
		if(not isNull _heli) then 
			_pi assignAsDriver _heli;
			[_pi] orderGetIn true;
			Waituntil {not isNull (driver _heli)};
			if((driver _heli) == _pi) then {_loopa=1};


	_heli setcaptive true;
	_wbase = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicleLocal _pos;
	_pilot setBehaviour "CARELESS";
	_targ1 = position mresc;
	_heli engineon true;
	while {canmove _heli} do
		Waituntil {count crew _heli > 3};
		_targ2 = GetMarkerPos lastalert;
		_targ = [(_targ2 select 0),(_targ2 select 1)+600,(_targ2 select 2)];
		_wbase setpos _targ;
		_pi commandMove _targ;
		Waituntil {_heli distance _targ < 200 or not(canmove _heli)};
		commandGetOut _pi;
		Waituntil {(position _pi select 2) < 8 or not(canmove _heli)};
		commandStop _pi;
		Waituntil {count crew _heli == 1 or not(canmove _heli)};
		_pi commandMove _targ1;
		Waituntil {_heli distance _targ1 < 200 or not(canmove _heli)};
		commandGetOut _pi;
		Waituntil {(position _pi select 2) < 8 or not(canmove _heli)};
		commandStop _pi;
	waitUntil {not (alive _heli) or isNull (driver _heli)};
	if (alive _pi) then {_pi setdammage 1};
	sleep 10.0;

EVO_Erefway =
_pos = _this select 0;
_grp = _this select 1;
_radio = _this select 2;
_list = _this select 3;
_enemy = objNull;
_epos = _pos;

if(count list _list > 0) then 
	_enemy = (list _list select 0);
	//hint format["bguy %1",(list _list select 0)];
	_epos = position _enemy;

_wp = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 0];
_wp1 = _grp addWaypoint [_epos, 0];
_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 300];
_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 300];
_wp4 = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 0];
[_grp, 5] setWaypointType "CYCLE";

EVO_Erec =
_placetag = _this select 0;
_list = _this select 1;
_disable = _this select 2;
_exitcond = _this select 3;
_inf = _this select 4;
_mec = _this select 5;
_radio = _this select 6;
_newgrps = [];
_newigrps = [];
_newmgrps = [];
_rndpoints = [];
_offobj = objNull;
_taginf = "";
_tagmec = "";
_taginf = format["%1inf",_placetag];
_tagmec = format["%1mec",_placetag];
//_civs = [placetag,_list,_disable,_exitcond,_inf,_mec] execVM "scripts\CRecruit.sqf";	
if (not _exitcond) then 

	{if(_x isKindOf "REL_WLSLA_sofcr") then {_offobj = _x}} forEach list _list;

	_pos = position _list;

	_pos1 = [(_pos select 0)+300,(_pos select 1),(_pos select 2)];
	_pos2 = [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1)+300,(_pos select 2)];
	_pos3 = [(_pos select 0)-300,(_pos select 1),(_pos select 2)];
	_pos4 = [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1)-300,(_pos select 2)];

	_outpoints = [_pos1,_pos2,_pos3,_pos4];

	//Officer defence
	if (not isNull _offobj) then 
		_grp = createGroup (east);
		_unit = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_esp", position _offobj, [], 0, "FORM"];[_unit] join _grp;
		_wp = _grp addWaypoint [position _offobj, 0];
		_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [position _offobj, 50];
		_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [position _offobj, 50];
		_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [position _offobj, 50];
		_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [position _offobj, 50];
		[_grp, 5] setWaypointType "CYCLE";
		_recy = [_grp,_taginf,_disable] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
		//hint format["tag=%1",_taginf];
		_newgrps = _newgrps + [_grp];

	//Radio defence

	_grp = createGroup (east);
	_unit = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_esp", position _radio, [], 0, "FORM"];[_unit] join _grp;	
	_wp = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 0];
	_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 50];
	_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 50];
	_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 50];
	_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [position _radio, 50];
	[_grp, 5] setWaypointType "CYCLE";
	_recy = [_grp,_taginf,_disable] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
	_newgrps = _newgrps + [_grp];

	while {_i <= _inf} do 

		_grp = createGroup (east);
		_unit = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_esp", _pos, [], 300, "NONE"];[_unit] join _grp;
		_posasl = getPosASL _unit;
		if ((_posasl select 2) < 1.0) then 
			_unit setpos _pos;
		_recy = [_grp,_taginf,_disable] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
		if(round(random 1) == 1) then
			_wp = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 400];
			_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 400];
			_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [_pos, 400];
			[_grp, 3] setWaypointType "CYCLE";
		_newigrps = _newigrps + [_grp];
		_i = _i+1;
		sleep 0.1;

	while {_i <= _mec} do 
		_grp = createGroup (east);
		_unit = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_crw", _pos, [], 300, "NONE"]; 
		[_unit] join _grp;
		_recy = [_grp,_tagmec,_disable] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
		if(round(random 1) == 1) then
			_wp = _grp addWaypoint [(_outpoints select 0), 0];
			_wp2 = _grp addWaypoint [(_outpoints select 1), 0];
			_wp3 = _grp addWaypoint [(_outpoints select 2), 0];
			_wp4 = _grp addWaypoint [(_outpoints select 3), 0];
			_wp5 = _grp addWaypoint [(_outpoints select 3), 0];
			[_grp, 5] setWaypointType "CYCLE";
		_newmgrps = _newmgrps + [_grp];
		_i = _i+1;
		sleep 0.1;
	_newgrps = _newgrps+_newigrps+_newmgrps;

	while {_i < count _newgrps} do 
		_unit = leader (_newgrps select _i);
		if (leader _unit == _unit and _unit isKindOf "Man") then 
			_grp = group _unit;
			_pos = position _unit;	
			if (_unit isKindOf "REL_WLSLA_crw") then
				_allvecs = ["P85_BMP1p","P85_T64","P85_T72M","P85_T80b","P85_ZSU23_redef","BMP2","BRDM2","UAZ_AGS30","UAZMG","T72","BRDM2_ATGM","P85_D30","DSHKM","AGS"];
				_posasl = getPosASL _unit1;
				if ((_posasl select 2) < 1.0) then 
					_allvecs = ["P85_BMP1p","P85_T64","P85_T72M","P85_T80b","P85_ZSU23_redef","BMP2","BRDM2","UAZ_AGS30","UAZMG","T72","BRDM2_ATGM","P85_D30","DSHKM","AGS"];
				_max = (count _allvecs)-1;
				_vec = createVehicle [_allvecs select (round random _max), _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
				_vec addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
				[_vec] call EVO_Lock;				
				_unit = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_crw", _pos, [], 300, "NONE"];
				[_unit] join _grp;

				if(typeOf _vec == "P85_P85_D30" or typeOf _vec == "DSHKM" or typeOf _vec == "AGS") then 
					(units _grp select 0) moveInGunner _vec;
					(units _grp select 1) assignAsGunner _vec;
					(units _grp select 0) moveInDriver _vec;
					(units _grp select 1) moveInGunner _vec;				
				if ((round random 1) == 1) then 
					_vec2 = createVehicle [_allvecs select (round random _max), _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
					_vec2 addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
					[_vec2] call EVO_Lock;
					"REL_WLSLA_crw" createUnit [_pos, _grp];
					"REL_WLSLA_crw" createUnit [_pos, _grp];
					if(typeOf _vec2 == "P85_D30") then 
						(units _grp select 2) moveInGunner _vec2;
						(units _grp select 3) moveInCargo _vec2;
						(units _grp select 2) moveInGunner _vec2;
						(units _grp select 3) moveInDriver _vec2;				
			if (_unit isKindOf "REL_WLSLA_esp") then
				_allunits = ["REL_WLSLA_mg","REL_WLSLA_mg","REL_WLSLA_rpg","REL_WLSLA_rpg","REL_WLSLA_snpr","REL_WLSLA_snpr","REL_WLSLA_sptr","REL_WLSLA_sptr","REL_WLSLA_mdc","REL_WLSLA_mdc","REL_WLSLA_grnd","REL_WLSLA_grnd","REL_WLSLA_aa","REL_WLSLA_aa"];
				_max = (count _allunits)-1;
				_count = (round random 6)+4;
				_j = 0;
				while {_j <= _count} do 
					_unit = _grp createUnit [_allunits select (round random _max), _pos, [], 10, "FORM"];
					[_unit] join _grp;
					_j = _j+1;
					sleep 0.1;

			{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _grp);
			_allbeh = ["SAFE","AWARE","COMBAT","STEALTH"];
			_max = (count _allbeh)-1;
			_grp setBehaviour (_allbeh select (round random _max));

			_allcom = ["YELLOW","RED"];
			_max = (count _allcom)-1;
			_grp setCombatMode (_allcom select (round random _max));
			if((random 1) > 0.75) then {_grp enableAttack true}else {_grp enableAttack false};
			_grp setBehaviour "AWARE";
			_max = (count _allform)-1;
			_grp setFormation (_allform select (round random _max));

		_i = _i + 1;
		sleep 0.1;
	if (debug) then {hint format["%1 inf=%2 mec=%3 tag=%4",(count list _list),_inf,_mec,_taginf]};

	waitUntil {(count list _disable) == 0 or _exitcond};

	if (not _exitcond) then 
		_i = 0;
		while {_i < count _newgrps} do 
			if (not isNull(_newgrps select _i)) then
				_del = [_newgrps select _i] spawn {[_this select 0] call EVO_Delete};
			_i = _i + 1;
			sleep 0.1;

EVO_VecRc =
_time = 1+(random 1);
sleep _time;
_vcl = _this select 0;

//if ((local server)) exitwith {deleteVehicle _vcl};
_rtime = _this select 1;
_respawnpoint = position _vcl;
_azimut = direction _vcl;
_civcars = [
_max = count _civcars;

_zone = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _respawnpoint ];
_zone setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];
_zone setTriggerArea [300, 300, 0, true];
_zone setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""];
//_trgobj3 setTriggerTimeout [5, 10, 7, true ];

for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do
	_cull = false;
	_stime = _rtime;
	for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
		sleep _time;
		//if(_vcl == vtcar) then {hint "loop1"};
		//if(count list _zone == 0 and (_vcl in list _zone)) then {deleteVehicle _vcl};
		if(count list _zone == 0 and (_vcl distance _respawnpoint) < 10 and (count units _vcl == 0)) then {_cull = true;_loop=1};
		if ((_vcl distance _respawnpoint) > 50 and (count units _vcl == 0)) then {_loop=1};
		if(not alive _vcl) then {_loop=1};
		//if ((_vcl distance _respawnpoint) > 50 and (count units _vcl == 0)) then {_loop=1};
	if (_vcl in list airportin) then
		_stime = 60;
	_i = 0;
	while {_i <= _stime} do 
		//if(_vcl == vtcar) then {hint "loop2"};
		if (_i == _stime or _cull) then 
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "killed";
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "getout";
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "getin";
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "IncomingMissile";
			deleteVehicle _vcl;
			for [{_loop3=0}, {_loop3<1}, {_loop3=_loop3}] do
				if(count list _zone > 0) then {_loop3=1;_i = _stime};
				sleep 1.0;
			_vcl = (_civcars select round random (_max - 1)) createVehicle _respawnpoint;
			_vcl setpos _respawnpoint;
			_vcl setdir _azimut;
		if (count units _vcl > 0) then {_i = _stime;};
		_i = _i + 10;
		if (_i < _stime) then {sleep 10.0}; //10 mins
	sleep 1.0;

EVO_VecRm =
_time = 1+(random 1);
sleep _time;
_vcl = _this select 0;

//if ((local server) and side _vcl != west) exitwith {deleteVehicle _vcl};
_class = _this select 1;
_rtime = _this select 2;
_respawnpoint = position _vcl;
_azimut = direction _vcl;

_zone = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _respawnpoint ];
_zone setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];
_zone setTriggerArea [300, 300, 0, true];
_zone setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""];
//_trgobj3 setTriggerTimeout [5, 10, 7, true ];
if(_vcl isKindOf "Air") then
	_warning = _vcl addEventHandler["IncomingMissile",{if ((_this select 1) in aaweapons) then 
		mtar = driver (_this select 0);
		publicVariable "mtar";

for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do
	_cull = false;
	_stime = _rtime;
	for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
		sleep _time;
		//if(_vcl == testcar) then {hint "loop1"};
		//if(count list _zone == 0 and (_vcl in list _zone)) then {deleteVehicle _vcl};
		if(count list _zone == 0 and (_vcl distance _respawnpoint) < 10 and (count units _vcl == 0)) then {_cull = true;_loop=1};
		if ((_vcl distance _respawnpoint) > 50 and (count units _vcl == 0)) then {_loop=1};
		if(not alive _vcl) then {_loop=1};
		//if ((_vcl distance _respawnpoint) > 50 and (count units _vcl == 0)) then {_loop=1};
	if (_vcl in list airportin) then
		_stime = 240;
	_i = 0;
	while {_i <= _stime} do 
		//if(_vcl == testcar) then {hint "loop2"};
		if (_i == _stime or _cull) then 
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "killed";
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "getout";
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "getin";
			_vcl removealleventhandlers "IncomingMissile";
			deleteVehicle _vcl;
			for [{_loop3=0}, {_loop3<1}, {_loop3=_loop3}] do
				if(count list _zone > 0) then {_loop3=1;_i = _stime};
				sleep 1.0;

			_vcl = _class createVehicle _respawnpoint;
			_vcl setpos _respawnpoint;
			_vcl setdir _azimut;
			if(_vcl isKindOf "Air") then
				_warning = _vcl addEventHandler["IncomingMissile",{if ((_this select 1) in aaweapons) then 
					mtar = driver (_this select 0);
					publicVariable "mtar";
		if (count units _vcl > 0) then {_i = _stime;};
		_i = _i + 10;
		if (_i < _stime) then {sleep 10.0}; //10 mins
	sleep 1.0;


EVO_VecR =
_time = 1+(random 1);
sleep _time;
_vcl = _this select 0;
_class = _this select 1;
_name = _this select 2;
_oldpos = _this select 3; 
_died = false;
_vclm = format ["%1", _vcl];
_rmess = format [localize "EVO_043", _name];
_markerobj = createMarker[_vclm,[getpos _vcl select 0,getpos _vcl select 1]];
_markerobj setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_markerobj setMarkerType  "join";
_markerobj setMarkerSize [0.0, 0.0];
_rtime = 0;
if(_vcl isKindOf "Air") then
	_warning = _vcl addEventHandler["IncomingMissile",{if ((_this select 1) in aaweapons) then 
		mtar = driver (_this select 0);
		publicVariable "mtar";
EVO_Frew = 
	//if(_vcl == testcar) then {hint format["%1",_died, fuel _vcl]};
	if(_died and (damage _vcl) == 0) then

		if (_vcl in list reng1) then
			epoint = eng1;
			publicVariable "epoint";
		if (_vcl in list reng2) then
			epoint = eng2;
			publicVariable "epoint";
		if (_vcl in list reng3) then
			epoint = eng3;
			publicVariable "epoint";
		if (_vcl in list reng4) then
			epoint = eng4;
			publicVariable "epoint";
		_died = false;
		_rtime = time+600;

for [{_mloop=0}, {_mloop<1}, {_mloop=_mloop}] do
	for [{_sloop=0}, {_sloop<1}, {_sloop=_sloop}] do
		deleteMarker _markerobj;

		if (not (_vcl in list airportin) and (count crew _vcl) == 0 and (alive _vcl)) then
			_markerobj = createMarker[_vclm,[getpos _vcl select 0,getpos _vcl select 1]];
			_markerobj setMarkerText format ["%1", _name];
			if (fuel _vcl == 0) then
				_markerobj setMarkerText format ["%1 needs repair", _name];
				_markerobj setMarkerText format ["%1", _name];
			_markerobj setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
			_markerobj setMarkerType  "join";
			_markerobj setMarkerSize [0.5, 0.5];
		for [{_dloop=0}, {_dloop<1}, {_dloop=_dloop}] do
			sleep _time;
			[] call EVO_Frew;
			if (not (alive _vcl)) then {_dloop=1};
			if (not (_vcl in list airportin) and count (crew _vcl) == 0) then {_dloop=1};
			if(_died and (fuel _vcl) > 0) then {_dloop=1};
		_ntime = time+600;
		for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
			sleep _time;
			[] call EVO_Frew;
			if (not (alive _vcl)) then {_loop=1};
			if (not (_vcl in list airportin) and count (crew _vcl) == 0 and (fuel _vcl > 0)) then {_loop=1};
			if (time > _ntime) then {_loop=1};
			if(_died and (fuel _vcl) > 0) then {_loop=1};
		if (not (alive _vcl)) then {_sloop=1};
		//hint "";
		sleep 10.0;
		//hint format ["loop %1 %2 %3",(count crew _vcl),(alive _vcl),(fuel _vcl)];
	sleep 10.0;
	_respawnpoint = position _vcl;
	_posasl = getPosASL _vcl;
	_azimut = direction _vcl;
	if (_posasl select 2 < 1.0) then 
		//hint format["%1 z",_respawnpoint select 2];
		sleep 3200.0;
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "killed";
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "getout";
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "getin";
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "IncomingMissile";	
		deleteVehicle _vcl;
		_vcl2 = _class createVehicle [10000+(random 1000),10000+(random 1000),0];
		if(_vcl2 isKindOf "Air") then
			_warning = _vcl2 addEventHandler["IncomingMissile",{if ((_this select 1) in aaweapons) then 
				mtar = driver (_this select 0);
				publicVariable "mtar";
		_vcl2 setpos _oldpos;
		_vcl2 setdir 0.0;
		_vcl2 = _class createVehicle [10000+(random 1000),10000+(random 1000),0];
		if(_vcl2 isKindOf "Air") then
			_warning = _vcl2 addEventHandler["IncomingMissile",{if ((_this select 1) in aaweapons) then 
				mtar = driver (_this select 0);
				publicVariable "mtar";
		_vcl2 setfuel 0;
		sleep 1.0;
		_vcl setpos [0+(random 1000),0+(random 1000),-10];		
		_vcl2 setpos  [(_respawnpoint select 0),(_respawnpoint select 1),(_respawnpoint select 2)+2];
		_vcl2 setdir _azimut;
		_vcl2 setdammage 0.60;
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "killed";
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "getout";
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "getin";
		_vcl removealleventhandlers "IncomingMissile";
		if(time > _rtime) then {_died = true};
		deleteVehicle _vcl;
	_vcl = _vcl2;

_time = 1+(random 1);
sleep _time;
_vcl = _this select 0;
_grp = group _vcl;
//if ((local server) and side _vcl != west) exitwith {deleteVehicle _vcl};
_class = _this select 1;
_rtime = _this select 2;
_exitcond = _this select 3;
_respawnpoint = position _vcl;
_azimut = direction _vcl;

_zone = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _respawnpoint ];
_zone setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];
_zone setTriggerArea [1200, 1200, 0, true];
_zone setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""];

_unitm = format ["%1", _vcl];
_markerobj = createMarker[_unitm,[getpos _vcl select 0,getpos _vcl select 1]];
_markerobj setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_markerobj setMarkerColor "ColorRedAlpha";
_markerobj setMarkerBrush "Cross";
_markerobj setMarkerSize [1200, 1200];

EVO_MakeShilka =
	_vcl = _class createVehicle _respawnpoint;
	_vcl setpos _respawnpoint;
	_vcl setdir _azimut;	
	_grp = createGroup (east);
	_unit1 = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_crw", _respawnpoint, [], 300, "NONE"];
	_unit2 = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_crw", _respawnpoint, [], 300, "NONE"];
	_unit3 = _grp createUnit ["REL_WLSLA_crw", _respawnpoint, [], 300, "NONE"];
	[_unit1,_unit2,_unit3] join _grp;

	{_x setSkill  1;_x addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _grp);
	_vcl addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
	_recy = [_grp,"none",objNull] spawn {[_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2] call EVO_gRecy};
	sleep 1.0;
	_unit1 moveInCommander _vcl;
	_unit2 moveInGunner _vcl;
	_unit3 moveInDriver _vcl;
	[_vcl] call EVO_Lock; //edit

_cull = false;
for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do
	sleep _time;
	//_cull = false;
	_stime = _rtime;
	//if(_vcl == testaa) then {hint format ["loop1 %1 %2",(list _zone),count list _zone,_loop4]};
	if(alive _vcl) then {_markerobj setMarkerPos position _vcl};
	if(count list _zone == 0 and not _cull) then 
		_cull = true;
		_del = [_grp] spawn {[_this select 0] call EVO_Delete};
	if((count list _zone > 0) and _cull) then 
		_cull = false;
		[] call EVO_MakeShilka;		
	if(not alive _vcl) then 
		if (not _cull) then
			deleteMarker _markerobj;
			_loop2 =  1;
			sleep 3200.0;
			if(_exitcond) then {_loop2=1};
			[] call EVO_MakeShilka;	
			_unitm = format ["%1", _vcl];
			_markerobj = createMarker[_unitm,[getpos _vcl select 0,getpos _vcl select 1]];
			_markerobj setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
			_markerobj setMarkerColor "ColorRedAlpha";
			_markerobj setMarkerBrush "Cross";
			_markerobj setMarkerSize [1200, 1200];	



Edited by Dirty Haz

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Hi Haz,

How did you port the mission in the editor?

I had ported Evo blue a few times to saralite, and another island I forget but everything worked as norm,

did you copy n paste everything, and then transfer the files to the new folder, and move the markers on the map?

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Yes but I have only moved the first town but that should not effect it or should it ? I can send it you if you want to take a look ?



I think the vehicles are spawning but having problems with AI recruit tho, I am saving this as a copy and starting over as I am going to do what you say with the copying it all at once instead of parts which I must of forgot while doing so :D.



I am looking to change the colour of the "Destroy Radio Tower" markers and cannot find where it is. Here is where the marker names and sizes are:

//This is in pinit.sqf - added by HAZ just for this post//

if (alive parso1) then
_rad1 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj1", position parso1];
_rad1 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad1 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad1 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad1 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive somso1) then
_rad2 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj2", position somso1];
_rad2 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad2 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad2 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad2 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive cayso1) then
_rad3 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj3", position cayso1];
_rad3 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad3 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad3 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad3 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive dolso1) then
_rad4 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj4", position dolso1];
_rad4 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad4 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad4 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad4 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive ortso1) then
_rad5 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj5", position ortso1];
_rad5 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad5 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad5 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad5 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive corso1) then
_rad6 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj6", position corso1];
_rad6 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad6 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad6 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad6 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive obrso1) then
_rad7 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj7", position obrso1];
_rad7 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad7 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad7 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad7 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive bagso1) then
_rad8 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj8", position bagso1];
_rad8 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad8 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad8 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad8 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive eposo1) then
_rad9 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj9", position eposo1];
_rad9 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad9 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad9 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad9 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive masso1) then
_rad10 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj10", position masso1];
_rad10 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad10 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad10 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad10 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];
if (alive pitso1) then
_rad11 = createMarkerLocal ["radobj11", position pitso1];
_rad11 setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_rad11 setMarkerTypeLocal "Destroy";
_rad11 setMarkerTextLocal "Destroy Radio Tower";
_rad11 setMarkerSizeLocal [0.5, 0.5];


Edited by Dirty Haz

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ya you cannot just port one city, or objective, as theres modules, and or triggers on the mission that are needed.

also for your first post, go to advanced and use a spoiler, or code tag for that long code.

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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Thanks :). Do you know where I can change the colour of the Radio Tower markers ?


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Can you not change the color from the editor itself?

If I can remember back when I was editing Evo blue for Arma, the markers were over each town,

all you need to do is go to marker and then change the marker to the color you want.

Its been a while so i forget if you can do this or not.

Also if you wanted to have only one town for an objective, just delete the other markers for the other towns.

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Thats the town markers not the Radio Tower markers :).


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I think this pinit.sqf script you posted is the right place, the markers are created there ingame.

Just add _radX setMarkerColor <color> after the setMarkerType line in each section, thats all.

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I will try that but wouldn't it be:

_rad1 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";

_rad2 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";

_rad3 setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";

etc, etc


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