Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 15, 2012 Hey guys need some help on this problem I cant seem to pinpoint, heres the situation: Missions 2 things are happening for me, all my missions I built have briefings in them, and also for I44 mod the C&H battlefield missions theres only 5 of them. My computer hosting & gameserver With my missions when i host a new mp game on my computer everything works, briefings show ect,. same for the C&H Battlefield missions, mission plays fine, briefings are there ect,. When i connect to my gameserver (NFO servers) and join those same exact missions, the missions I built play np, but briefings dont show, same for the C&H Battlefield missions, except the C&H missions the briefings not only dont show but the mission dont have AI after respawn, the mission dont run even though your ingame with just your weapon its like the host version and the server version are not the same. I been working with jedra and we narrowed it down to something wrong on my end client, and whats messed up, my buddy I play with, has the same exact issue! hes got a real high end computer. Computer specs: -AMD single core 2.6 CPU -EVGA Nvidia Geforece GTX 285 -2gigs of ramm -750 watt psu -1600x900 res -gpu and cpu temps are normal, I check them everyday as I have a utility to turn the fan on and off for my gpu, no overheating going on. -OS: Winxp 32bit -Buddies OS is Win7 64bit, dont know his computer specs but he has a custom built by him high end computer. Games: Arma2CO patched to 1.60 CBA 8.3, 178 (latest) Our Gameserver is from NFO--> it is patched to 1.60 with the latest CBA. When i build missions to put on the gameserver I usually and most time build with vanilla Arma2CO. I44 & Target Line when I connect to the gameserver with I44 in my target line--> E:\Games\Arma2\arma2oa.exe -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@I44 its vanilla. I44 I have full version 2.6,a nd is patched with latest. for the stock game when I connect, I connect with this E:\Games\Arma2\arma2OA.exe -nosplash -mod=@CBA and still get the issue. The reg I44 mp missions play fine, the briefings show, ect,.on the gameserver, but the C&H ones dont, but they run perfect when you host as client. Whats funny is jedra joined my server not my game, the server my buddy and i play on and he has no issues with my custom missions, or the I44 C&H Battlefield missions, like WTF is going on, so its not the server, or the missions. So apparently theres nothing wrong with my missions as before, 3-4 weeks ago we had no problems, im thinking it has to do with the 1.60 patch but I really dont know. I had no issues like this with 1.59, but its only my missions and the C&H ones, nothing else, they all work fine both client and server. Removed files: -mpmission cache as suggested by jedra, but no change in situation -Arma2 profiles as suggested by jedra but again no change other things I have done: -defragged HD -fixed any registry errors -checked the temps -cleared all cache, browser/game/server mission cache =============== Basically it, Im lost as to what is causing this, for the I44 C&H battlefield missions heres what they siad: pacUK As far as I'm aware there aren't any issues with the Battleground missions I think I had the chance to try them all out on a dedicated server without issue. I would guess you have an installation/loading problem with the mod on your server. jedra I also rotated them on my server for a few weeks and did not have any issues. SavageCDN We have run the Battleground missions on our dedi with no issues (Bulge and Merderet for sure.. probably others as well) jedra via pm I think there must be something wrong with your local installation. I connected to my server and everything was good and I then connected to your server and that also was working OK. So im lost as to what it is. if you guys wish i supply a fresh RPT. and a sample briefing I commonly use. again reg game I can connect, missions on server work np but the briefings dont show, but do show when I host the missions on my computer, same for the I44 ones. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 16, 2012 Hey Gunter, I can't remember, but did you re-download I44 and it's patch in the end? I have a feeling you did, but wasn't sure. It's a bit of a mystery this one and must be local as I can connect and play on your server and my server yet the game corrupts on your server and my server for you. I know it's a pain, but you could try and reinstall Arma 2 again, but try the game before you patch up to 1.6 if you suspect that this may be the culprit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 16, 2012 I did get the I44 patch but never got to the full download. Suppose i will re download I44 again and see if that changes anything. I had already tested with 1.59, and everything works normally, thing is i would have to revert my gameserver back to 1.59 to test, as when i host theres no issues with my missions or the I44 C&H Battlefield missions, its only when i join my server, but as you said on your end when you joined my server everything worked, so id assume its either patch 1.60 related, or I44 related. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 16, 2012 Heres what I did today, deleted my I44 and replaced it with a fresh downloaded copy, and patched it with the latest I44 patch, tried the game, tried one of my missions, and briefing still don't show. Tried one of the C&H Battlefield Missions and same deal, you can get in the game, although it don't start and load like it does when you host it, then Im stuck on a black screen with battlefield in the middle, and then when it finally goes, there's AI but they don't do anything, no respawn menu, then if I respawn there's nobody but an empty field. It does not do that when i host it myself on my computer. Again others have joined my game server and confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the mission when they join, only when i join it dont want to work, so its seems client side for me, and thing is my buddy that i play with, he pays for the server and I admin it, he has the same exact problem. All the other I44 MPmissions on the server work no problem when i join the server btw. All my missions I built work np, just no briefings show for any of them. Heres a fresh and latest RPT: ===================================================================== == E:\Games\Arma2\arma2oa.exe == "E:\Games\Arma2\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@I44 ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2012/04/15 05:06:47 Current time: 2012/04/16 16:40:24 Version 1.60.87580 Item STR_WEST listed twice Item STR_EAST listed twice Item STR_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_CIVILIAN listed twice Item STR_SKILL_NOVICE listed twice Item STR_SKILL_ROOKIE listed twice Item STR_SKILL_RECRUIT listed twice Item STR_SKILL_VETERAN listed twice Item STR_SKILL_EXPERT listed twice Item STR_RADIO_ALPHA listed twice Item STR_RADIO_BRAVO listed twice Item STR_RADIO_CHARLIE listed twice Item STR_RADIO_DELTA listed twice Item STR_RADIO_ECHO listed twice Item STR_RADIO_FOXTROT listed twice Item STR_RADIO_GOLF listed twice Item STR_RADIO_HOTEL listed twice Item STR_RADIO_INDIA listed twice Item STR_RADIO_JULIET listed twice Item STR_PLAY_WEST listed twice Item STR_PLAY_EAST listed twice Item STR_PLAY_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_WEST listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_EAST listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_RESIST listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_CIVIL listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_WEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_EAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_CIVILIAN listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_NOVICE listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_NORMAL listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_EXPERT listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_CUSTOM listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_W_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_E_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_R_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_C_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_ALPHA listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_BRAVO listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_CHARLIE listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_DELTA listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_ECHO listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_FOXTROT listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_GOLF listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_HOTEL listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_INDIA listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_JULIET listed twice Item STR_SENSORTYPE_GUARD_EAST listed twice Item STR_SENSORTYPE_GUARD_WEST listed twice Item STR_SENSORTYPE_GUARD_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_LOAD_INIT listed twice Item STR_LOAD_WORLD listed twice Item STR_LOAD_MISSION listed twice Item STR_LOAD_INTRO listed twice Item STR_LOAD_GAME listed twice Item STR_EAST_SEIZED listed twice Item STR_WEST_SEIZED listed twice Item STR_GUERRILA_SEIZED listed twice Item STR_DISP_GAME_WEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_GAME_EAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_GAME_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_WEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_EAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_RESIST listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_CIVIL listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETWEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETEAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETGUERRILA listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETCIVILIAN listed twice Item STR_DISP_INTEL_EDIT_GUERILLA listed twice Item STR_DISP_INTEL_WEST_FRIENDLY listed twice Item STR_DISP_INTEL_EAST_FRIENDLY listed twice Item STR_DN_Bunker listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_MG42_R67L listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_PaK40_R67L listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_PaK40_R67R listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_FlaK36_R272 listed twice Item STR_DN_PLANE listed twice Item STR_DN_PARACHUTE listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item STR_DN_Besa listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42 listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Conflicting addon ST_FTHud in 'plr\plr_bulge\', previous definition in 'x\st\addons\fthud\' Item str_dn_vickers listed twice Item str_dn_mode_fullauto listed twice Item str_dn_mode_burst listed twice Item str_position_reargunner listed twice Item str_position_frontgunner listed twice Item str_dn_radio listed twice Item str_dn_tent listed twice Updating base class ->Plane, by thefew\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Few_AIR_base/ Updating base class ->ViewPilot, by thefew\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Few_AIR_base/ViewPilot/ Updating base class ->BulletCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/ Updating base class ->Bo_FAB_250, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/Bo_Mk82/ Updating base class ->2Rnd_FAB_250, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/6Rnd_Mk82/ Updating base class ->MGunCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/MGun/ Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/ Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/BombLauncher/ Updating base class Land_Church_building->House, by i44_omaha_v2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Church_tower_Base/ Updating base class ->Logic, by x\inv44\addons\i44_base_scripts\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Module/ Updating base class ->Rifle, by x\inv44\addons\i44_base_w\config.bin/cfgWeapons/I44_MG/ Updating base class I44_MG->I44_AutoRifle, by i44_anims\config.bin/cfgWeapons/I44_BrenMk1/ Updating base class NonStrategic->Few_AIR_base, by csj_i44_config\config.bin/cfgVehicles/CSJ_BBalloon/ Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar ca\misc\fort_envelopebig.p3d: house, config class missing Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/AnimationSources/ Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e_winter.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e_winter.p3d [955,57.766,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=I44_merderet_winterIntro, worldName=I44_merderet_Winter, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"] [955,62.369,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"] Animation i44_anims\anims\reload\k98_reload.rtm not found or empty Animation i44_anims\anims\mov\mg_stand\i44_mg_stand_idle5.rtm not found or empty Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\wop\erc\stp\rld\rfl\awoppercmstpsrldwrfldnon.rtm differs (looped now 1)! MoveName: i44_m2hb_reload bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon.ConnectTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 55) bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1.ConnectTo: Bad move AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1_moveRight bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1.InterpolateTo: Bad move AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1_moveRight bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_Injured_base.connectTo: Bad move I44_injured_movF bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_Injured_base.interpolateTo: Bad move I44_injured_movF bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_hitLegs_stand.connectTo: Bad move I44_hitLeg_agony bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_hitLegs_crouch.connectTo: Bad move I44_hitLeg_agony bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_MG_AmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDf.InterpolateTo: Bad move AAmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDfr bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_MG_Bren_AmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDf.InterpolateTo: Bad move AAmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDfr Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\wop\erc\stp\rld\rfl\awoppercmstpsrldwrfldnon.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: weaponmagazinereloadstand Animation i44_anims\anims\misc\i44_tankcommander_getin.rtm not found or empty Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\pne\stp\non\non\amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon_healed.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: i44_injuredhealed Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/AnimationSources/ Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E_Late_AAMG/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e_winter.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E_Late_AAMG/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e_winter.p3d ca\misc\fort_envelopebig.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing i44_objects_bunker\i44_bunker_r67_left.p3d: house, config class missing i44_objects_bunker\i44_bunker_r67_left.p3d: house, config class missing i44_objects_bunker\i44_bunker_r67_left.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing Strange convex component03 in vine_fence\vine_fence_half.p3d:geometry Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Ammo_SS class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Ammo_SS I44_Tank_hetzer_Skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'turret_loader_spin' for 'hatch_loader' Type I44_Tank_G_JaPz38_T_SS_Winter, model i44_vehicle_hetzer\i44_vehicle_hetzer_winter.p3d - structure of turrets in config does not match the skeleton Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Repair_SS class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Repair_SS Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3E8_76_HVSS_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_hvss_sherman_w.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3E8_76_HVSS_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_hvss_sherman_w.p3d [1015,90.624,0.042,"XEH: PostInit Started"] [1015,90.933,0.042,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] [1015,91.163,0.042,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-F:1, group=L 1-1-F, player=<NULL-object>, _playerType="", _playerGroup=<NULL-group>"] Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayClient/controls/Background Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayClient/controls/PlayersTitle Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress2 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Name Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Date Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Title Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Briefing [1484,127.22,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=OPS-DesertBase, worldName=Desert_E, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=false, isDedicated=false"] [1484,130.207,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"] [1485,131.884,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"] [1485,131.933,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] [1485,131.967,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=true, _isServer=false, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=2, _sessionId=2, BIS_functions=L 1-1-A:1 REMOTE, group=L 1-1-A, player=m1, _playerType="US_Soldier_GL_EP1", _playerGroup=B 1-1-A"] [1545,134.737,0,"CBA_VERSIONING_SERVER: cba=, "] Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayClient/controls/Background Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayClient/controls/PlayersTitle Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress2 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Name Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Date Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Title Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Briefing Error: Clutter ttw_plants\wheat.p3d uses alpha blending - use renderflag AlphaTest instead ca\misc\fort_envelopebig.p3d: house, config class missing [5064,185.867,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=I44_C&H_Battleground, worldName=I44_merderet, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=false, isDedicated=false"] [5064,188.875,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"] I44_GunAT_A_M3_Army: Turret_Cmd_Spin - unknown animation source Turret_Cmd_Spin I44_GunAT_A_M3_Army: Turret_Cmd_Rise - unknown animation source Turret_Cmd_Rise Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3E8_76_HVSS_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_hvss_sherman.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3E8_76_HVSS_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_hvss_sherman.p3d I44_ACar_A_M8_Greyhound_Army: Hatch_HullMG - unknown animation source Hatch_HullMG Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwIV_F2/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv_f2.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwIV_F2/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv_f2.p3d Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_Ju87/Damage/ not even class HitPoints::HitHull not found in I44_Plane_G_Ju87_SC250_WL Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_P38/Damage/ not even class HitPoints::HitHull not found in I44_Plane_A_P38_M64_AAF I44_Car_A_WillysMB_Army: Turret_Main_Spin - unknown animation source Turret_Main_Spin I44_Car_A_WillysMB_Army: Turret_Main_Rise - unknown animation source Turret_Main_Rise class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Army class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Army Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_SS class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_SS class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_WH class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_WH class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Ammo_WH class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Ammo_WH Bad conversion: scalar class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Fuel_WH class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Fuel_WH class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Repair_WH class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Repair_WH class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Ammo_Army class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Ammo_Army I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: TailGate - unknown animation source tailgate_source I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_LF_Damage - unknown animation source HitLFWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_LB_Damage - unknown animation source HitLBWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_LB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitLB2Wheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_RF_Damage - unknown animation source HitRFWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_RB_Damage - unknown animation source HitRBWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_RB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitRB2Wheel class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: TailGate - unknown animation source tailgate_source I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_LF_Damage - unknown animation source HitLFWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_LB_Damage - unknown animation source HitLBWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_LB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitLB2Wheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_RF_Damage - unknown animation source HitRFWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_RB_Damage - unknown animation source HitRBWheel I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_RB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitRB2Wheel class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army [5065,197.299,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"] [5065,197.345,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] [5065,197.749,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=true, _isServer=false, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=2, _sessionId=3, BIS_functions=L 1-1-G:1 REMOTE, group=L 1-1-G, player=g_1, _playerType="I44_Man_G_SS_K98k", _playerGroup=O 1-1-A"] [5110,199.904,0,"CBA_VERSIONING_SERVER: cba=, "] Client: Object 2:978 (type Type_149) not found. Client: Object 2:981 (type Type_102) not found. Client: Object 2:982 (type Type_103) not found. Client: Object 2:982 (type Type_203) not found. Client: Object 2:981 (type Type_101) not found. Client: Object 2:983 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:983 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:984 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:984 (type Type_73) not found. Client: Object 2:985 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:985 (type Type_73) not found. Client: Object 2:986 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:986 (type Type_73) not found. Client: Object 2:987 (type Type_73) not found. Client: Object 2:987 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:988 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:988 (type Type_73) not found. Client: Object 2:990 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:991 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:989 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:989 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:990 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:992 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:991 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:992 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:996 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:997 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:996 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:993 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:993 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:994 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:994 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:995 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:995 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:998 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:998 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:997 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:999 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:1000 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:1000 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:999 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:1001 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:1002 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:1002 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:1003 (type Type_72) not found. Client: Object 2:1003 (type Type_70) not found. Client: Object 2:1001 (type Type_72) not found. Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x696d0040 [5897,226.065,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=I44_merderet_intro, worldName=I44_merderet, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"] [5897,226.315,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"] Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/AnimationSources/ Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e_camo.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwVI_E/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwvi_e_camo.p3d Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_Cromwell/AnimationSources/ Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_Cromwell/AnimationSources/ Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_Cromwell/AnimationSources/ Old style reload used in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_Cromwell/AnimationSources/ Type I44_Tank_B_Cromwell_Army, model i44_vehicle_cromwell\i44_cromwell.p3d - structure of turrets in config does not match the skeleton Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_MkIV_Churchill/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_churchill\i44_vehicle_churchill.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_MkIV_Churchill/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_churchill\i44_vehicle_churchill.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_ShermanVC/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a4_shermanfirefly.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_B_ShermanVC/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a4_shermanfirefly.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_sherman_uk.p3d Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_sherman_uk.p3d ca\misc\fort_envelopebig.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing i44_buildings\ruinsa2\houseblock_b3_ruins_p3dm.p3d: house, config class missing [5901,230.685,0.15,"XEH: PostInit Started"] [5901,230.795,0.15,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] [5901,231.023,0.15,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=4, BIS_functions=L 1-1-E:1, group=L 1-1-E, player=<NULL-object>, _playerType="", _playerGroup=<NULL-group>"] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted April 17, 2012 The only thing that sticks out to me is: I did get the I44 patch but never got to the full download.Suppose i will re download I44 again and see if that changes anything. v2.6 was not a patch that could be applied over any previous releases of I44, doing so could produce any number of issues, but as you've said: deleted my I44 and replaced it with a fresh downloaded copy, and patched it with the latest I44 patch, I suppose thats unlikely, might be worth posting which sources you used for each download perhaps one specific one has problems. The only other suggestion I have is making sure the version of I44 on the server has been installed correctly (2.6 + 2.61 only). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 17, 2012 Hi PakUK, thanks for replying. I used Armaholic for both full and patch download, I installed the I44 full and then installed to the same directory the patch, dialogue pops and asks do you want to overwrite when applying the patch, and of course yes, basically updating the mod with the new patch. I44 on the server However now that I think of it, when i installed I44 on my server via FTP, I installed it as I have it on my computer, basically full version with patch already applied, so in other words I installed it not like i would if i were to download it a new like install the full version then apply the patch over it, i just had the mod full already patched and just copied the same files over to the ftp. I do get some odd issues though with the mod but only on the server, not when i host if what i said above has anything to do with it. I44 bugs Like the game plays fine, we dont get crashes, or freezes,only thing we and we I mean my buddy and I on occasion we get where your player character will do a step over animation when you are trying to move forward, i personally use the arrow keys and never had this issue before, we were playing an I44 mpmission last night in fact and every time I went up to an ammo box, or even after exiting one and wanting to go my guy does a step over at least once, but sometimes twice. The other thing is when my buddy fires his gun, can be any gun (only noticed this with Americans so far) that theres no sound, all depends, and its vice versa, he cant hear my gun too. I44 C&H Battlefield In general I44 runs good, the onyl issues other then those, is the 5 C&H Battlefield Missions run perfect on my computer, but.. the briefings dont show on the server only when i host on my computer, and those missions just those 5 missions you cannot play because as I said in my first post, you get on and it takes forever to load your stuck a black screen with battlefield word in the middle. Then finally if you get ingame your standing around where you start with the AI but they dont do anything, then if you respawn they all dissapear, and your by yourself in an open field, thats it, all the other mpmissions for I44 player perfect both on and off the server. Personal Missions Thats just I44 issues, the other issue is my own missions I built, all of them player perfect like i built them both when i host them on my computer in mp, and also when on the server, the only issue is when i host the briefings are there, all show, but when i get on the server there not there. Thats it, and thats all of my custom missions, jedra has been on my server and test one of my missions, and it works fine on his end, briefings show ect,. same for I44, the C&H Battlefield missions play as they should. My buddy he has the same exact issue as I. You think I should reinstall I44 on the server, and the patch it like I would on my own computer, do you think that is maybe causing the issue, I mean I dont get it if Jedra can get on my server and play np, and my buddy and I get on and we cant then its something on our end or something in relation to the server, I really dont know. Your guy's thoughts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PacUK 1 Posted April 17, 2012 Yeah I would definitely install a fresh version on your server, It does sound more than likely 2.61 was patched over a pre 2.6 (either 2.0 or 2.5) install as these are all problems I haven't experienced or anyone else has had issues with. Also you may want to note the missions are 'Battlegrounds' not 'Battlefields' ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 17, 2012 I didn't have any previous version of I44 on the server, haven't had the 2.5 version since last year, being doing regular modern missions since then. So there was nothing on the server or even on my own computer that was I44. Might be an issue of copying an already patched version of the mod to the server versus copying a fresh version of 2.6 full then patching over that with the 2.61. But it still don't explain why the missions i built, why the briefings aren't showing as at the time when that started I didn't have I44 on the server, i think this has to deal with the patch somehow, IDK. But at Im re uploading (reinstalling) I44 to the server and then will patch it like I should have. Also you may want to note the missions are 'Battlegrounds' not 'Battlefields' Lol ok, somehow I got those mixed up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 18, 2012 Nope. I installed I44 again full version to my server, then applied the patch, and nothing changed. I was wondering if someone would try one of my missions and put it on their server and see if the briefings show for them, because they dont show for me on my server, only when i host the mission (client) that they show, before they showed np. Anyone its just a test, play the mission if you want, but I need to know, because then it may tell me that it could be Server related somehow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 18, 2012 Nope. I installed I44 again full version to my server, then applied the patch, and nothing changed. I was wondering if someone would try one of my missions and put it on their server and see if the briefings show for them, because they dont show for me on my server, only when i host the mission (client) that they show, before they showed np. Anyone its just a test, play the mission if you want, but I need to know, because then it may tell me that it could be Server related somehow. Happy to do that Gunter - drop me a dl link (here or PM) and I will load it on my server this evening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted April 18, 2012 Nope.I was wondering if someone would try one of my missions and put it on their server and see if the briefings show for them, because they dont show for me on my server, only when i host the mission (client) that they show, before they showed np. Anyone its just a test, play the mission if you want, but I need to know, because then it may tell me that it could be Server related somehow. If needed just PM me with the file.. won't be able to test until Friday though. Is that .rpt file from your dedicated server? I'm new to dissecting .rpt files but there are more than one entry in that file stating 'isDedicated=false' - not sure but perhaps that is 'normal' behaviour? "XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=I44_merderet_winterIntro, worldName=I44_merderet_Winter, isMultiplayer=false, isServer=true, isDedicated=false"] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 18, 2012 Hi SavageCDN, No thats from my computer I can post my server Rpt see below: WarMod Combined OPs Server Rpt: this is my buddy's and Mine Gameserver we rent from NFO-( ===================================================================== == c:\servers\warmod\exec_warmod.exe == -port=2302 -name=server -config=cfg\server.cfg -cfg=cfg\basic.cfg -profiles=cfg -mod=arma2;expansion;ca;@CBA;@I44 ===================================================================== Exe timestamp: 2011/12/22 16:57:14 Current time: 2012/04/18 06:57:24 Version 1.60.87548 Item STR_WEST listed twice Item STR_EAST listed twice Item STR_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_CIVILIAN listed twice Item STR_SKILL_NOVICE listed twice Item STR_SKILL_ROOKIE listed twice Item STR_SKILL_RECRUIT listed twice Item STR_SKILL_VETERAN listed twice Item STR_SKILL_EXPERT listed twice Item STR_RADIO_ALPHA listed twice Item STR_RADIO_BRAVO listed twice Item STR_RADIO_CHARLIE listed twice Item STR_RADIO_DELTA listed twice Item STR_RADIO_ECHO listed twice Item STR_RADIO_FOXTROT listed twice Item STR_RADIO_GOLF listed twice Item STR_RADIO_HOTEL listed twice Item STR_RADIO_INDIA listed twice Item STR_RADIO_JULIET listed twice Item STR_PLAY_WEST listed twice Item STR_PLAY_EAST listed twice Item STR_PLAY_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_WEST listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_EAST listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_RESIST listed twice Item STR_MPROLE_TITLE_CIVIL listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_WEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_EAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_DISP_MPSETUP_ROLES_CIVILIAN listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_NOVICE listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_NORMAL listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_EXPERT listed twice Item STR_AILEVEL_CUSTOM listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_W_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_E_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_R_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_MSG_MP_C_ASSIGN listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_ALPHA listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_BRAVO listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_CHARLIE listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_DELTA listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_ECHO listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_FOXTROT listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_GOLF listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_HOTEL listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_INDIA listed twice Item STR_SENSORACTIV_JULIET listed twice Item STR_SENSORTYPE_GUARD_EAST listed twice Item STR_SENSORTYPE_GUARD_WEST listed twice Item STR_SENSORTYPE_GUARD_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_LOAD_INIT listed twice Item STR_LOAD_WORLD listed twice Item STR_LOAD_MISSION listed twice Item STR_LOAD_INTRO listed twice Item STR_LOAD_GAME listed twice Item STR_EAST_SEIZED listed twice Item STR_WEST_SEIZED listed twice Item STR_GUERRILA_SEIZED listed twice Item STR_DISP_GAME_WEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_GAME_EAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_GAME_GUERRILA listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_WEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_EAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_RESIST listed twice Item STR_DISP_SRVSIDE_CIVIL listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETWEST listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETEAST listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETGUERRILA listed twice Item STR_DISP_ARCSENS_DETCIVILIAN listed twice Item STR_DISP_INTEL_EDIT_GUERILLA listed twice Item STR_DISP_INTEL_WEST_FRIENDLY listed twice Item STR_DISP_INTEL_EAST_FRIENDLY listed twice Item STR_DN_Bunker listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_MG42_R67L listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_PaK40_R67L listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_PaK40_R67R listed twice Item STR_VN_G_Casemate_FlaK36_R272 listed twice Item STR_DN_PLANE listed twice Item STR_DN_PARACHUTE listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item STR_DN_Besa listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Item STR_MN_250rd_792x57_Mix_MG42 listed twice Item //COMMENT listed twice Conflicting addon ST_FTHud in 'plr\plr_bulge\', previous definition in 'x\st\addons\fthud\' Item str_dn_vickers listed twice Item str_dn_mode_fullauto listed twice Item str_dn_mode_burst listed twice Item str_position_reargunner listed twice Item str_position_frontgunner listed twice Item str_dn_radio listed twice Item str_dn_tent listed twice Updating base class ->Plane, by thefew\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Few_AIR_base/ Updating base class ->ViewPilot, by thefew\config.cpp/CfgVehicles/Few_AIR_base/ViewPilot/ Updating base class ->BulletCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/BulletBase/ Updating base class ->Bo_FAB_250, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgAmmo/Bo_Mk82/ Updating base class ->2Rnd_FAB_250, by ca\weapons\config.bin/CfgMagazines/6Rnd_Mk82/ Updating base class ->MGunCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/MGun/ Updating base class ->RifleCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/Rifle/ Updating base class ->RocketPods, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/BombLauncher/ Updating base class Land_Church_building->House, by i44_omaha_v2\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_Church_tower_Base/ Updating base class ->Logic, by x\inv44\addons\i44_base_scripts\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Module/ Updating base class ->Rifle, by x\inv44\addons\i44_base_w\config.bin/cfgWeapons/I44_MG/ Updating base class I44_MG->I44_AutoRifle, by i44_anims\config.bin/cfgWeapons/I44_BrenMk1/ Updating base class NonStrategic->Few_AIR_base, by csj_i44_config\config.bin/cfgVehicles/CSJ_BBalloon/ Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:57:45 ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress2 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Name 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Date 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Title 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Briefing 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Error: Clutter ttw_plants\wheat.p3d uses alpha blending - use renderflag AlphaTest instead 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 ca\misc\fort_envelopebig.p3d: house, config class missing 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 Animation i44_anims\anims\reload\k98_reload.rtm not found or empty 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 Animation i44_anims\anims\mov\mg_stand\i44_mg_stand_idle5.rtm not found or empty 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\wop\erc\stp\rld\rfl\awoppercmstpsrldwrfldnon.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: i44_hit_base 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon.ConnectTo: item count not multiple of 2 (is 55) 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1.ConnectTo: Bad move AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1_moveRight 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1.InterpolateTo: Bad move AwopPercMstpSgthWrflDnon_Start1_moveRight 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_Injured_base.connectTo: Bad move I44_injured_movF 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_Injured_base.interpolateTo: Bad move I44_injured_movF 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_hitLegs_stand.connectTo: Bad move I44_hitLeg_agony 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_hitLegs_crouch.connectTo: Bad move I44_hitLeg_agony 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_MG_AmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDf.InterpolateTo: Bad move AAmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDfr 2012/04/18, 6:57:55 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/I44_MG_Bren_AmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDf.InterpolateTo: Bad move AAmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDfr 2012/04/18, 6:57:57 Animation i44_anims\anims\misc\i44_tankcommander_getin.rtm not found or empty 2012/04/18, 6:58:01 Warning: looped for animation: ca\anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\mov\pne\stp\non\non\amovppnemstpsnonwnondnon_healed.rtm differs (looped now 0)! MoveName: i44_injuredhealed 2012/04/18, 6:58:01 [1696,55.986,0,"XEH: PreInit Started. v3.3.3. MISSINIT: missionName=I44_C&H_Battleground, worldName=I44_merderet, isMultiplayer=true, isServer=true, isDedicated=true"] 2012/04/18, 6:58:03 [1696,57.802,0,"XEH: PreInit Finished. CACHE DISABLED? (Disable caching with cba_disable_cache.pbo): SLX_XEH_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_COMPILE_RECOMPILE=false, CBA_FUNC_RECOMPILE=false"] 2012/04/18, 6:58:05 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 2012/04/18, 6:58:05 ca\buildings2\a_advertisingcolumn\a_advertcolumn.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape 2012/04/18, 6:58:05 I44_GunAT_A_M3_Army: Turret_Cmd_Spin - unknown animation source Turret_Cmd_Spin 2012/04/18, 6:58:05 I44_GunAT_A_M3_Army: Turret_Cmd_Rise - unknown animation source Turret_Cmd_Rise 2012/04/18, 6:58:06 Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3E8_76_HVSS_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_hvss_sherman.p3d 2012/04/18, 6:58:06 Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_A_M4A3E8_76_HVSS_Sherman/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_m4_sherman\i44_vehicle_m4a3_hvss_sherman.p3d 2012/04/18, 6:58:06 I44_ACar_A_M8_Greyhound_Army: Hatch_HullMG - unknown animation source Hatch_HullMG 2012/04/18, 6:58:06 Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwIV_F2/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret body Turret_Loader_Spin not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv_f2.p3d 2012/04/18, 6:58:06 Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/I44_Tank_G_PzKpfwIV_F2/Turrets/Turret_Main/Turrets/Turret_Loader/: Turret gun Turret_Loader_Rise not found while initializing the model i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv\i44_vehicle_pzkpfwiv_f2.p3d 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_Ju87/Damage/ not even 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 class HitPoints::HitHull not found in I44_Plane_G_Ju87_SC250_WL 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 Array tex in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CSJ_P38/Damage/ not even 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 class HitPoints::HitHull not found in I44_Plane_A_P38_M64_AAF 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 I44_Car_A_WillysMB_Army: Turret_Main_Spin - unknown animation source Turret_Main_Spin 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 I44_Car_A_WillysMB_Army: Turret_Main_Rise - unknown animation source Turret_Main_Rise 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:07 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_SS 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_SS 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Camo_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Ammo_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Ammo_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Fuel_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Fuel_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 Bad conversion: scalar 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Repair_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_G_Kfz305_Repair_WH 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Ammo_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Ammo_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: TailGate - unknown animation source tailgate_source 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_LF_Damage - unknown animation source HitLFWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_LB_Damage - unknown animation source HitLBWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_LB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitLB2Wheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_RF_Damage - unknown animation source HitRFWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_RB_Damage - unknown animation source HitRBWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army: wheel_RB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitRB2Wheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Fuel_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: TailGate - unknown animation source tailgate_source 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_LF_Damage - unknown animation source HitLFWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_LB_Damage - unknown animation source HitLBWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_LB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitLB2Wheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_RF_Damage - unknown animation source HitRFWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_RB_Damage - unknown animation source HitRBWheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army: wheel_RB2_Damage - unknown animation source HitRB2Wheel 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitLMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:08 class HitPoints::HitRMWheel not found in I44_Truck_A_GMC_CCKW_Repair_Army 2012/04/18, 6:58:10 [1697,64.176,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"] 2012/04/18, 6:58:10 [1697,64.27,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, "] 2012/04/18, 6:58:10 [1697,64.465,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=false, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=true, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=false, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=true, _machineType=0, _sessionId=1, BIS_functions=L 1-1-G:1, group=L 1-1-G"] I'll send you a pm with a small mission I built to download and test on your server, and once you do test it, I need to know if the briefing is working on your server, as it is not for me. Anyone else that can do the same for me, is much appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted April 19, 2012 (edited) 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Name 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Date 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Title 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Progress 2012/04/18, 6:57:54 Warning: no type entry inside class[b][font=Arial Black] RscDisplayLoadMission/controls/Briefing[/font][/b] I wonder if these are 'normal' errors? Got your PMs.. thanks. edit: Are briefings supposed to run on the server only, clients only, or both? I would think it would be clients only? Edited April 19, 2012 by SavageCDN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted April 19, 2012 Answered my own question :) Gunter I sent you a PM. .think I found the problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 20, 2012 Late reply, but SavageCDN has figureds it out, it was very simple, heres was his pm to me: Gunter I think I found the problem with your mission (briefings didn't work on our dedi either)Move the briefing.sqf out of if(isServer) so it runs on the clients... not sure about the intro one does it work ok? if (isServer) then { [] execVM "cleanup.sqf"; [] execVM "intro.sqf"; }; if not isserver exitwith { [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; }; As soon as I made this change and tried the mission on the dedi I got briefings and notes. I tried it myself moved the [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; line to the same spot for one of my missions and the notes, and briefing and everything showed up. Whats funny is I noticed the briefings dissapear, or at least I thought so when I had the 1.60 patch applied as before I never had issues, but this has solved the issue.!!:bounce3: Thank SavageCDN, and Jedra for trying the mission/s out and helping me get this small minor thing resolved. Thats resolved but the C&H Battlegrounds I44 missions still dont work like they do when you host. Im looking at the init script for I44_C&H_Battleground.I44_merderet see here: //TODO - prevtelenie do AI , setpos na base, vystup z vozidla.. titleText ["BATTLEGROUND", "BLACK FADED", 5]; player_INIT = false; player_JIP = false; if (isNull player) then { player_JIP = true; //diag_log format ["LOG 8 : PLAYER JIP %1, %2", player, time]; } else { player_INIT = true; //diag_log format ["LOG 9 : PLAYER INIT %1", time]; }; // MAP CONFIGURATION _script1 = execVM "mapcfg\mapConfiguration.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _script1}; // Markers {_x setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.5} foreach ["mar1","mar2","mar3","mar4","ger_area","us_area"]; {_x setMarkerColor "colorRed"} foreach ["ger_area"]; {_x setMarkerColor "colorBlue"} foreach ["us_area"]; "flagN" setMarkerTextLocal flagNnameSTRG; "flagS" setMarkerTextLocal flagSnameSTRG; "flagW" setMarkerTextLocal flagWnameSTRG; "flagE" setMarkerTextLocal flagEnameSTRG; "flagC" setMarkerTextLocal flagCnameSTRG; "respPos" setMarkerAlphaLocal 0; // Variables serviceNumber = [0,""]; clientRequest = [0,""]; invisibleColor = [0,0,0,0]; greenColor = [0.22,0.7,0.29,1]; redColor = [0.64,0.21,0.25,1]; //#a3353f blueColor = [0.19,0.45,0.61,1]; //#30729b redColorShine = greenColor; //[0.9,0,0,1]; blueColorShine = greenColor; //[0,0.64,1,1]; respawnPos = "Base"; respawnPos_selected = "Base"; cameraStarted = false; respawnTime = 10; //time to choose character when connected/respawned RespTimeFrame = true; dragPlayer = false; flagMax = 4.15; flagMin = 0; flagN_max = 4.15; flagN_min = 0; flagW_max = 4.15; flagW_min = 0; flagE_max = 4.15; flagE_min = 0; flagS_max = 4.15; flagS_min = 0; flagC_max = 4.15; flagC_min = 0; flagNowner = "none"; flagWowner = "none"; flagEowner = "none"; flagSowner = "none"; flagCowner = "none"; numSoldier = 0; numSniper = 0; numEngineer = 0; numAT = 0; numMG = 0; numMedic = 0; displayCheck = true; // PARAMS multiplayer || editor if (isMultiplayer) then { AI_skill_param = (paramsArray select 0); Armor_param = (paramsArray select 1); score_east_param = (paramsArray select 2); score_west_param = (paramsArray select 2); static_weapons_param = (paramsArray select 3); if (paramsArray select 4 == 1) then {debug_mode = true; respawnTime = 7; AIstartMove=true;} else {debug_mode = false;}; } else { AI_skill_param = 1; // 0 - "disabled" 1 - "enable" Armor_param = 1; // 0 - "disabled" 1 - "enable" score_east_param = 2000; score_west_param = 2000; static_weapons_param = 1; debug_mode = true; respawnTime = 7; // 7 - 30 /* maxCountSniper = 4; maxCountSoldier = 10; maxCountAT = 2; maxCountMG = 4; maxCountMedic = 3; maxCountEngineer = 2; */ }; execVM "scripts\diary.sqf"; if (static_weapons_param == 1) then { // strings to objcects eastVehObjArray = [eastVehSTRArray] call (compile preprocessFile "funcs\func_STRtoOBJ.sqf"); eastWpnObjArray = [eastWpnSTRArray] call (compile preprocessFile "funcs\func_STRtoOBJ.sqf"); westVehObjArray = [westVehSTRArray] call (compile preprocessFile "funcs\func_STRtoOBJ.sqf"); westWpnObjArray = [westWpnSTRArray] call (compile preprocessFile "funcs\func_STRtoOBJ.sqf"); }; if (isServer) then { // Variables flagNOccupied = "none"; flagWOccupied = "none"; flagEOccupied = "none"; flagSOccupied = "none"; flagCOccupied = "none"; AIstartMove = false; if (isMultiplayer) then { score_west = (paramsArray select 2); score_east = (paramsArray select 2); } else { score_east = 2000; score_west = 2000; }; deaths_u = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; deaths_g = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; if(AI_skill_param == 0)then{ kills_u = [-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000]; kills_g = [-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000,-1000]; }else{ kills_u = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; kills_g = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; }; soldiers_g = ["g_1","g_2","g_3","g_4","g_5","g_6","g_7","g_8","g_9","g_10","g_11","g_12","g_13","g_14","g_15","g_16","g_17","g_18","g_19","g_20","g_21","g_22","g_23","g_24","g_25"]; soldiers_u = ["u_1","u_2","u_3","u_4","u_5","u_6","u_7","u_8","u_9","u_10","u_11","u_12","u_13","u_14","u_15","u_16","u_17","u_18","u_19","u_20","u_21","u_22","u_23","u_24","u_25"]; names_g = ["g_1","g_2","g_3","g_4","g_5","g_6","g_7","g_8","g_9","g_10","g_11","g_12","g_13","g_14","g_15","g_16","g_17","g_18","g_19","g_20","g_21","g_22","g_23","g_24","g_25"]; names_u = ["u_1","u_2","u_3","u_4","u_5","u_6","u_7","u_8","u_9","u_10","u_11","u_12","u_13","u_14","u_15","u_16","u_17","u_18","u_19","u_20","u_21","u_22","u_23","u_24","u_25"]; {_x setMarkerColor "colorWhite"} foreach ["flagN","flagC","flagE","flagW","flagS"]; onPlayerConnected "[_id, _name ] execVM ""scripts\jip.sqf"""; onPlayerDisconnected "[_id, _name ] execVM ""scripts\disconnect.sqf"""; execVM "scripts\flagChecking.sqf"; //execVM "scripts\Markers.sqf"; execVM "scripts\Score.sqf"; execVM "scripts\namesUpdate.sqf"; execVM "scripts\overFlight.sqf"; execVM "scripts\paramCheck.sqf"; execVM "inetdServer.sqf"; execVM "funcs\order.sqf"; execVM "funcs\FNC.sqf"; // destoy buldings //execVM "scripts\destroyBuldings.sqf"; //{((position GL) nearestObject _x) setdammage 1} foreach [970307, 970326,970328,969081,969757,969221,969044,968266,968259,968942,969036,969072,968927,969332,1038310,968113,1038311,968110,968267,968114,968115,968270,968283,969070,968260,969558,968926,968815,968928,968922,968927,969071,969751,967778,967978,967977,964105,970274,970292,965496,965514,968948,966963]; }; //titlecut["","BLACK FADED",5]; if (debug_mode) then { cameraStarted = true; AIstartMove=true; }else { onPreloadFinished "[] execVM ""scripts\intro.sqf"";"; }; // --------- player alive ------------------ soldierType_wanted = "soldier"; soldierType_selected = "soldier"; soldierType = soldierType_wanted; waituntil {alive player}; sleep 1; setPlayerRespawnTime 1; if(side player == WEST) then { sidePrefix = "usa_"; playerSide = "west"; playerBase = "resp_west_Base"; character = "usa_AT"; myColor = blueColor; area_trg = area_trgW; colorSideMarker = "colorBlue"; }else { sidePrefix = "ger_"; playerSide = "east"; playerBase = "resp_east_Base"; character = "ger_AT"; myColor = redColor; area_trg = area_trgE; colorSideMarker = "colorRed"; }; _KilledHandler = player addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "scripts\playerkilled.sqf"}]; // Execs execVM "inetdClient.sqf"; //execVM "funcs\sort.sqf"; //TASKS (flags) task1 = player createSimpleTask [flagNnameSTRG]; task1 setSimpleTaskDescription [format ["Capture %1!",flagNnameSTRG],flagNnameSTRG,flagNnameSTRG]; task1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "flagN"); task2 = player createSimpleTask [flagSnameSTRG]; task2 setSimpleTaskDescription [format ["Capture %1!",flagSnameSTRG],flagSnameSTRG,flagSnameSTRG]; task2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "flagS"); task3 = player createSimpleTask [flagWnameSTRG]; task3 setSimpleTaskDescription [format ["Capture %1!",flagWnameSTRG],flagWnameSTRG,flagWnameSTRG]; task3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "flagW"); task4 = player createSimpleTask [flagEnameSTRG]; task4 setSimpleTaskDescription [format ["Capture %1!",flagEnameSTRG],flagEnameSTRG,flagEnameSTRG]; task4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "flagE"); task4 = player createSimpleTask [flagCnameSTRG]; task4 setSimpleTaskDescription [format ["Capture %1!",flagCnameSTRG],flagCnameSTRG,flagCnameSTRG]; task4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "flagC"); task4 setTaskState "Assigned"; player setCurrentTask task4; waitUntil {cameraStarted}; sleep 0.1; //must be execVM "scripts\displayInit.sqf"; sleep 0.5; execVM "scripts\flagPBcheck.sqf"; execVM "scripts\displayService.sqf"; execVM "scripts\music.sqf"; execVM "scripts\playerkilled.sqf"; execVM "scripts\battleAreaChecking.sqf"; execVM "scripts\medic.sqf"; execVM "scripts\displayLoopCheck.sqf"; execVM "scripts\mapCFGcheck.sqf"; // script for check all battleground neccessary entries (triggers,markers,units,objects) //execVM "scripts\engineer.sqf"; actualDialog = "characterDlg"; sleep 2; if ( !((name player in names_g) or (name player in names_u)) ) then { clientRequest = [3,name player]; publicvariable "clientRequest"; //player sidechat "Request for FIX"; }; if (debug_mode) then { waitUntil {!isNil "debugModeCtrl"}; (debugModeCtrl select 0) ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,1]; (debugModeCtrl select 0) ctrlSetText format ["Debug Mode: %1",missionName]; }; if (true) exitWith {}; Is there somthing wrong with the code that isn't allowing the player on my gameserver, (me and my buddy) to not be able to play the mission like I can when i host the mission on client, I mean is there something here that is different then the codeing for the same mission on another person server where the mission works for them? Only thing I changed in the mission was the respawn time that was it, I felt 30sec was to long to wait as its onkly my buddy and I playing and maybe another friend on occasion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted April 20, 2012 Thank SavageCDN, and Jedra for trying the mission/s out and helping me get this small minor thing resolved. That's great glad I could help pinpoint the problem... still an Arma 'noob' compared to some but trying to give back to this GREAT community. Thats resolved but the C&H Battlegrounds I44 missions still dont work like they do when you host.Im looking at the init script for I44_C&H_Battleground.I44_merderet Is there somthing wrong with the code that isn't allowing the player on my gameserver, (me and my buddy) to not be able to play the mission like I can when i host the mission on client, I mean is there something here that is different then the codeing for the same mission on another person server where the mission works for them? Only thing I changed in the mission was the respawn time that was it, I felt 30sec was to long to wait as its onkly my buddy and I playing and maybe another friend on occasion. I PM'ed you with my original 2.6 copy of that mission - I would try it out and see if you get the same results. Perhaps changing the respawn time did some other kind of damage?? Just guessing here :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 20, 2012 It doesn't explain why you have problems on the missions that are on my server though! The I44 missions there are all vanilla (in that I haven't changed them) and they work fine when I log onto my server. There is definitely something going on with your local install Gunter if you are having problems on other servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 20, 2012 Ya I will have to try the mission on your guy's serve to see if it works for me, if it dont but works for you then its got to be client, but maybe it is like configuration or settings of some sort that is turned off that prevents me from seeing the mission. The missions loadup np, but once after your character choice, then nothing really happens , your just stuck on the battlegrounds loading screen for 10min, and nothing happens, theres no transitions or start. Maybe the mission needs 2 players to join? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 21, 2012 No, you can play on your own - the AI fill the rest of the slots. Servers up now so you can test - Arma2Jedra. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 21, 2012 Cant join your server Jedra, I was getting this: Warning Message: Files "E:\Games\Arma2\@CBA\addons\cba_ai.pbo","E:\Games\Arma2\@CBA\addons\cba_arrays.pbo", "E:\Games\Arma2\@CBA\addons\cba_common.pbo", "E:\Games\Arma2\@CBA\addons\cba_diagnostic.pbo", "E:\Games\Arma2\@CBA\addons\cba_events.pbo", "E:\Games\Arma2\@CBA\addons\cba_extended_eventhandlers.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. Idk i never had an issue with CBA I have v Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 21, 2012 Hi Gunter, CBA changed last week - you'll need to download the new versions (3 of them for Arma2). By far and away the best way to get the new versions is via Six Updater, but Sickboy has added a manual download to a ticket on Dev Heaven - here. CBA now comes in 4 files - CBA, CBA_A2, CBA_OA and CBA_TOH (the last one is for Take On Helicopters). If you are running combined ops you will need CBA, CBA_A2 and CBA_OA, i.e all three!! This is probably something you need to know for your WarMod project as well! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 22, 2012 Thanks i got my CBA updated now. I need to get on a server now to see if I can play the C&H Battlegrounds. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 22, 2012 I'll switch my server back to I44 today. It's being played on at the moment and I don't want to drop the server on them - I'll wait until they have finished. I hate it when it happens to me!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedra 11 Posted April 22, 2012 I44 running on my server again. Sorry for the delay, ended up going out for the day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4071 Posted April 22, 2012 Got on your server jedra, but mission still doe the same thing, the AI are doing their thing but for me when i respawn, i respawn out in the field where the AI does, but the AI prob are respawning at the camps their capturing, for me, nothing no dialog, no choice of spawn to pick shows up, I hit esc and respawn in the same place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites