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WARFARE BE2 *Rubber Ed*

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WARFARE RE (Rubber Ed.) based on WARFARE Benny Edition

CURRENT BUILD: 015 - 21 / Jan / 2013

all informations/changelog and download link here: http://www.4qw.it/re :thumb:


- Benny for his helpfulness and support in many area of development ( thanks a lot mate )

- all people that contribs on BE development - https://dev-heaven.net/projects/warfare-be

- Mandoble for it's outstanding Mando Missiles script suite - http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=653&game=ArmA

- DAO crew ( I used the IDEA for Injury HUD and Vehicle crew HUD ) - http://dao.nu/

- Robalo_AS (ASR_AI) - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12105&highlight=ASR%2BAI

- Monsada & Rafalski (UPSMON) - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9213&highlight=UPSMON


Special thanks:

- Band Of Brothers for hosting and test the mission almost every night - http://bob-arma2.fr/

- Wild Mercenaries for great "testing" matches :)

- Armaholic for mirroring the mission and for long time at service of ArmA comunity ;)

- Urban Xtreme for hosting and promoting RE

- All other server with RE running ;)

MISSION Description:

This mission follow the goal of create a more REAL warfare environment, with focus on, Teamplay, Balance and PVP.

All mission parameter, rules, prices, script etc, are tweaked / added according to the goal

Special Features:

* Macro Area Enhancement

-MISSION Default PARAMETERS tailored for the goal

-NO UPGRADE mission is based on economy and require good strategy with founds/resources management.

-TERRITORIAL PARAM ( Town must be linked and nearest to owned towns to be captured Orange marker with red circle.. )

-Resistance and Occupation AI tweaked, balanced, and less random.

-AI use ASR_AI (if running on server) and UPSMON 5.09 integrated togheter for best result (check credit for link and description)

-Victory condition: Number of towns ( factory are just tools the goal is the conquest of territory..... )


Commander 1st slot of each SIDE ( advanced repair action - +5 Group size )

Officer/team leader ( +3 Group size )

Medic ( heal + mobile respawn tent )

Engineer ( repair + advanced repair action )

Saboteur ( lockpick ) ( Resistance and AI vehicles are locked.... )

Sniper/Marksman ( spot with binoculars )

- SPECIAL WARFARE BUILDING Field Hospital ( x2 player group size )

Example Commander without FH 10 ai with FH 20 ai

Example Officer/TL without 8 with 16

Example Other without 5 with 10

(with default Base player squad size parameter: 5 )

* Micro Area Enhancement for town battle:

-Strong Points(old camps) are not linked to town SV, doesn't work for respawn or rearm, they are needed to capture the town

-Strong Points can be upgraded after capture, to raise the time to capture for the enemy (more "Man" in the SP area faster capture/upgrade )

-Peace Timer after Town capture to avoid "looping" battle in same town, to give to the winner of town battle the chance to advance to next town...

-Dynamic respawn tent, those replace the camp respawn, and avoid the spawn kill on camp, adding a micro game, find and destroy enemy respawn tent... hide and protect friendly respawn tent...

- Great pvp Battle also if u play 4vs4 !!! ( each city capture it's like a mini capture and hold with dynamic respawn )

* Mando missile suite (last version)

- MMA suite Tweaked and full integrated in mission ( score, rewards, reloading )

- EASA Loadouts Tweaked to work togheter with mando HUDS

* Miscellaneous:

- Desert texture hidden selections replacement for: T90 T72 BTR90/HQ BMP3 Tunguska, Su34, Lav25, AAVP

- Real time mission info on HUD

- Map markers upgrade with ( radious of capture and Side color, territorial link and peace time circle )

- Player markers upgrade only name, always on top

- Special building for Service Point ( without BIS autorearm )

- Special SERVICE vehicle (act as mobile service point )

- Lot of tweak fix add, check the changelog to see the amount of work...

Edited by Rubberkite
update/corrections - 015

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Looks pretty good. Been running it on my Dedi for the last couple of hours and it looks like you have done a pretty slick job!

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Cool ! Will check it out mate !


Looks pretty good. Been running it on my Dedi for the last couple of hours and it looks like you have done a pretty slick job!

@Kremator & Jedra

Thank u mate, lot of work and it's a pleasure to see that someone like :)

@ Jedra

I see your dedi with ASR AI running so you will enjoy the great AI firefight ;)

I lowered the default ASR_AI accuracy a bit, and I removed the ASRAI features that could interfee with UPSMON script and the result is really good.

Fight vs more smart AI but with human accuracy not aimbot ;)

If u attack town with vehicle be carefull they place mine on the road... and if u dont see.. bum hehe

Join us in bob server one of this day, in more players is better ;)

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I noticed that the AI were very good indeed. I had to tone them down a bit using my enhanced skills slider - yeah, I'm a wuss!

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I noticed that the AI were very good indeed. I had to tone them down a bit using my enhanced skills slider - yeah, I'm a wuss!


If u want to tweak AI skills with this config also, we will test your preferences, this is the current config, I will raise the spot distance skill and the spot time skill to make them more reactive... plese set the other skills as u prefer and we will play with new tweaked for a while, there is space to improvement for sure!

class sets {
		// only classes of arrays under this
		class level_0 { // perfect (only used for testing)
			aimingAccuracy[] = {1.00, 0.00};
			aimingShake[]    = {1.00, 0.00};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {1.00, 0.00};
			spotDistance[]   = {1.00, 0.00};
			spotTime[]       = {1.00, 0.00};
			endurance[]      = {1.00, 0.00};
			courage[]        = {1.00, 0.00};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {1.00, 0.00};
			commanding[]     = {1.00, 0.00};
			general[]        = {1.00, 0.00};

			units[] = { // add class names to this to override their default (or inherited) skill set

		class level_1 { // sf 1
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.37, 0.05}; // skilltype = {<min value>, <random value added to min>};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.55, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.65, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.40, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.80, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.80, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.80, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.80, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.80, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_2 { // sf 2
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.32, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.35, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.60, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.35, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.70, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.70, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.70, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.70, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.70, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_3 { // regular 1
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.30, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.30, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.45, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.55, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.30, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.60, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.60, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.60, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.60, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.60, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_4 { // regular 2
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.25, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.25, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.50, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.25, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.50, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.50, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.50, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.50, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_5 { // militia or trained insurgents, former regulars
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.20, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.20, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.35, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.45, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.20, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.40, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.40, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.40, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.40, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_6 { // civilians with some military training
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.15, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.15, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.30, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.40, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.15, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.30, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.30, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.30, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.30, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.30, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_7 { // civilians without military training
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.10, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.10, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.25, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.35, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.10, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.20, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.20, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.20, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.20, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.20, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_8 { // pilot 1
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.31, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.40, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.55, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.65, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.40, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.60, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.55, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.60, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.60, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.60, 0.20};

			units[] = {

		class level_9 { // pilot 2
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.30, 0.05};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.35, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.60, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.35, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.50, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.50, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.50, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.50, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.50, 0.20};

			units[] = {
		class level_10 { // sniper
			aimingAccuracy[] = {0.50, 0.20};
			aimingShake[]    = {0.70, 0.20};
			aimingSpeed[]    = {0.55, 0.20};
			spotDistance[]   = {0.70, 0.30};
			spotTime[]       = {0.75, 0.20};
			endurance[]      = {0.70, 0.20};
			courage[]        = {0.70, 0.20};
			reloadSpeed[]    = {0.70, 0.20};
			commanding[]     = {0.70, 0.20};
			general[]        = {0.70, 0.20};

			units[] = {


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There were some PMC guys on OPFOR that seemed to have a range of 0.9 to 1.0 which made them deadly. I have not seen any units get this high a score using Robalo's usual configs (level 1 aren't this high and level 1 is 1.0 and no units get this by default)- I tuned them down to a range of 0.65 to 0.75 across the range of skills - I probably should have turned spotDistance and spotTime down a bit more as well. The normal Russians were OK - pretty much what I expect when running ASR_AI.

I will play more at the weekend.

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Hmmmm, played this for about 30 minutes last night and found the opposite with the BLUFOR AI - they were stupid! We started close to Loy Manara, and there were 3 T55s patrolling the town. I had set AI commander and all troops had an M136. They were rolling into town and NOT using the AT on the tanks and getting massacred each time.

I'm only running CBA and latest ASR_AI on my dedi.


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Skill are assigned by Warfare script, ASR_AI should not replace the unit skill, I can't find hot to set Skill level in ASR config

Yes with vanilla PMC it's almost impossible to fight close range they have inhuman skills, I have to try with PMC as occupation in town, I will use your addon to check the server side created units

Hmmmm, played this for about 30 minutes last night and found the opposite with the BLUFOR AI - they were stupid! We started close to Loy Manara, and there were 3 T55s patrolling the town. I had set AI commander and all troops had an M136. They were rolling into town and NOT using the AT on the tanks and getting massacred each time.

I'm only running CBA and latest ASR_AI on my dedi.


I never understand 100% how ArmA AI works ;)

AT soldier, ... say to me enemy tank 200m and do nothing ... u have AT weapon why u don't shot it?

This (should be) same as vanilla ... sometime they shot u from far distance and instant, some time u can jump ahead without getting shootted...

usually we don't play with Ai Commander and AI squad, so we never noticed that...

BTW I will change in Build 006 the spotting distance and time to spot increasing those value ( AI should engage from far distance and faster..)

I want also check turning off server dynamic viewdistance ASR_AI config param to se if we notice improvement or not.

I ask u to try with client without ASR_AI and server with ASRAI, and send your client controlled AI and check if them use M136 and witch unit engage from far distance.

I'm sure and this is (really well) tested that Resistance force and occupation force use AT weapons very well against our vehicles!

as I told to Jedra there is space for improvement but AI... will be always AI....

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Rubberkite - ASR_AI assigns it's skills in post-init to all created units after a few seconds delay - there's a chance that that it might clash with warfare (it might assign them before or it sometimes might assign them after). However based on those 0.9 PMC guys I suspect that was Warfare's doing! I got fed up of being headshotted from a mile away so I made them a bit more stupid with my addon!!

I forgot to mention that I also upped the AI Blufor unit skills a bit too - I can't remember what to now though. I will get the chance to play around some more at the weekend.

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@ Jedra

First of all congratulations your tool works really well and is really good also for debug!

check the album I've added some debug in progress screens :)


Everything works fine with ASR_AI.

but I've to check the skill assign for recuited soldiers... seems that assign 1 to all recuited and doesn't work as intendeed.

( this is warfare BE problem ) tested also vanilla with default BE2071

ASR_AI works fine for server controlled AI in town resistance and occupations

Easy to check with your great tool ;)

@ Kremator

I will raise some value in skill config, when build 006 will be out please try again if Ai works better.

Edited by Rubberkite
double post on same post ...

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No problem mate. Could be the initial skill of the AI when they spawn.

Will test next version.

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new Build 006 released!

check first post for download link and changelog

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new build 008 released:


- NEW On Screen Display

- Minor tweak to occupations force


- AV8 Price +

- Su34 Price +

- A10 Price +

- F35 removed (too powerful due to map size and lack of stealth plane on redfor)

- Less Power to AV8B - AV8B2 Aircraft: only - CAP/SEAD Loadouts

- EASA AV8 (red/blue) only CAP/SEAD Loadouts

- EASA Loadouts prices increased. ( should not be used for instant rearm.... )

- PARAM: Auto manned defense from max (20) to max ( 5 ) and range from (400m) to (250m)

- PARAM: town protection for construction interface lowerd from (450m) to (400m)

- Team Kill penalty now: 1000$

- Remove occupation_defenses remover from updatetownai FSM

- ADDED some PostProcessing effects from Gossamers Edition ( check fx 6 :) )


- New Warfare Menu GUI colored button for: Mission Parameter in game list - Vehicle Flip - MMA key setup

- Tweaked money/min income ( bit less for commander)

- Black Market Weapons (bluefor on redfor equipment) and TWS weapon in case of parameter Thermal Weapons:

+ ['m107_TWS_EP1'];

+ ['M249_TWS_EP1'];


+ ['m107'];

+ ['G36a'];

+ ['G36A_camo'];

+ ['M4A3_CCO_EP1'];

+ ['M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1'];


+ ['SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo'];

+ ['SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect'];

+ ['SMAW'];

+ ['MAAWS'];

- M203 Smoke and Flare grenades added to redfor Misc menu

- Small tweak on occupation core file ( no more ambulance on town occupation force groups )

- LAYOUT [ 33] Town & [ 25 ] Town fixed and neighbour checked we play less those layout so are less tested, if u find problem, please report I will fix soon.

- UPSMON updated to 5.1.0

- No more auto task assignment for towns ( to prevent people that attack town in peace time or not linked to territorial parameter, use manual select from the task menu on map to have a waypoint )

download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?p1pig7oi45675hp

---------- Post added at 01:05 ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 ----------

Screenshot of new OSD with GPS moved in bottom right corner:


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That new OnScreen display looks very nice!

Grats on new version mate.

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That new OnScreen display looks very nice!

Grats on new version mate.

Thanks Mate ;)

The last thing that I want to change is to replace the standard GPS with a MAP on GUI, because GPS each time you change the zoom on sight it autoremoved and u have to open it back again.

I prefer a "minimal" style MAP and I will add option to remove all OSD information, if someone wants to use mission to make video or just have low resolution and/or doesn't like the HUD display.

The timer on OSD is good for medic and for peace time, u can see when u build respawn tent and u will know when 12 minute are going low and u will have action ready again, instead of check with mouse wheel..

With 006 I improved a lot the range firefight with ASR_Ai

with 007 I removed the power of AV8 aircraft, now is good for dogfight but u need tu buy a CAS plane, 1 people now can't fight air and land in same time, and this remove lot of power from aircraft, because CAS plane are slow and also ground force have chances to shot down.

We play with good pilot in both side, and when Av8 fly fast and low, it's really hard for land man to shot it down, now they can fight vs A10 or Su25/39, and AV8 is there for CAP only

Mission is almost final, when I finish with last tweak and fine tuning I will port to more maps, I think the first one will be Saharani... then the others

If someone whant's to help me on city depots / strong points / static defenses, I can release new map much sooner.



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Have you considered releasing that little map as a script package on its own?

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Yes, Sure, I've considered that, and I will release the map as script,

I would like to assign custom key to zoom in and out, but I'm not expert with Dialogs and I will need time to learn by try and mistakes...

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I will need time to learn by try and mistakes...

Welcome to my world :)

Thanks for considering this. Keep up the good work mate.

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Yes, Sure, I've considered that, and I will release the map as script,

I would like to assign custom key to zoom in and out, but I'm not expert with Dialogs and I will need time to learn by try and mistakes...

Try using Gaia's GUI design tool (you can find it on these forums)

It'll help out a bit with the GUI design phase, but it still doesn't make it super easy.

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Try using Gaia's GUI design tool (you can find it on these forums)

It'll help out a bit with the GUI design phase, but it still doesn't make it super easy.

Hi Gossamer ;)

Thanks for the tip,

I've downloaded and used GAIA, seems to works fine but I've not found the RscMapcontrol on the list of usable controls.

I've found the way to create RscMapcontrol just studing the warfare source and I've created a GUI element that display the map like the GPS, now I'm tweaking some minor things and the I can release a test version.

Im happy for the result, seems to works fine ;)

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Hi Gossamer ;)

Thanks for the tip,

I've downloaded and used GAIA, seems to works fine but I've not found the RscMapcontrol on the list of usable controls.

I've found the way to create RscMapcontrol just studing the warfare source and I've created a GUI element that display the map like the GPS, now I'm tweaking some minor things and the I can release a test version.

Im happy for the result, seems to works fine ;)

What I do if a control type is missing is just throw an RscPicture in it's position so I can just replace it via copy and pasta later on.

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OK first attempt with new GPS done, and also some nice changes on occupation/resistance.

I will add option to turn off HUD for who don't like or in case of making movie or other reasons.

here changes:

BUILD 010 - 009

- NEW “GPS†OSD with variable zoom related to speed and type of vehicle ( no map texture and custom color)

- NEW OCCUPATION and RESISTANCE system - now team are fixed and spawn always same amount

resistance is related to city size, occupation to supply value.

- Supply truck are now in list u can use to raise town SV faster ( 1 truck +10 sv )

- Map Marker color improved a bit. ( side unit blue or red ) ( player group unit yellow ) players ( arrow )

- New placement for Airports town and Rasman moved a bit on south.

all needed info on 1st post.

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Rubberkite - this is a really nice version of Warfare. Clean, clear and tidy interface and good smooth fps. You have obviously put a lot of work into cleaning up the dialogues. I know how much of a pain that is, so good work.

An option to turn off the GPS would be great - I like it a lot, but would like to display it when necessary rather than all the time.

I have ported Domi and Evo to other islands, but never Warfare - is it a straightforward job (i.e just initial editor placements) or is it a scripting job? It would be good to see this version on some other islands (Duala, Lingor for example).

Anyway, got this running on my server now and spent a happy couple of hours tonight on it!

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Rubberkite - this is a really nice version of Warfare. Clean, clear and tidy interface and good smooth fps. You have obviously put a lot of work into cleaning up the dialogues. I know how much of a pain that is, so good work.

An option to turn off the GPS would be great - I like it a lot, but would like to display it when necessary rather than all the time.

I have ported Domi and Evo to other islands, but never Warfare - is it a straightforward job (i.e just initial editor placements) or is it a scripting job? It would be good to see this version on some other islands (Duala, Lingor for example).

Anyway, got this running on my server now and spent a happy couple of hours tonight on it!

Thanks mate !

I see you playing yesterday I was tempted to join your server and invite u in bob for our daily match!

Come mate u welcome, play with us one of those days.

About gps and all HUD OSD I will add option to turn it on/off in build 011 or at least in 012

About mission on more islands, I would like to port it soon, if u want to help I can write step by step what need to be changed.

Some changes in scripts are necessary, if u want u can add me on skype or msn.

I would like to add also config for some addon unit.

There is a lot of work for price array Barracks weapons lightfactory heavy factory airfactory arrays

So if someone want to give a bit help "we" can release new islands and addons version sooner

keep in touch


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