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How to make the player turn to number 1 in group

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(Solved - check this post)

Hi guys, can you help me with that?

In the beginning of the mission, the player is number 5 in the group (lead by AI). The group leader is number 1. The unit was created "manually" in the editor via F2-connecting of the units to the leader.

Later I want the player to become the leader and also the number 1 in the group. But no matter what I do, I couldn't get this working... The player's unit will stay as number 5. All other units (1-7) join him, but he stays 5.

So what do I need to do to turn the player to the new number 1 and the former leader to number 2, followed by the former number 2 who becomes 3, etc...?

I tried this:

[player] join grpNull;

sleep 0.5;

[player] joinsilent player;
player = leader group player;

player setrank "COLONEL";
dudeone setrank "MAJOR";
dudetwo setrank "CAPTAIN";
dudethree setrank "LIEUTENANT";
dudefour setrank "SERGEANT";
dudesix setrank "CORPORAL";
dudeseven setrank "PRIVATE";

[all dudes] join grpNull;

sleep 0.5;

[all dudes] join player;

The problem is that the player's unit, when I throw him into grpNull, stays as number 5, even being the leader of the newly created group (group leader). How can he be set to be number 1? :) That's the question I have. :D

Thanks for your help!

Edited by Undeceived

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With this command I don't need most of the code stuff from my first post to set the player as leader.

But unfortunately he still remains number 5 in the group whereas he (as new leader) should become number 1. :(


I added a small mission to the first post which shows the problem. I also used the command you suggested (selectleader). But still no success.

Edited by Undeceived

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Okay, now i get the problem... i think the only way to solve this seems to play around with the rank of the joining unit. Can`t find a scripting command to make the player the new formation leader.


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I've tested this with a group created in editor and put this in one of the lower soldiers' init field:

grp = group this;
[this] join grpNull;
ld = leader grp;
[ld] join grpNull;
this joinAs [grp, 1];
grp selectLeader this;
[ld] join grp;

Your soldier and the group leader are removed from the group, your soldier then joins as 1 and is selected as leader.

After this just let the leader join again, he'll be at your old place.

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Ah right - joinAs did the trick. :) Thanks, DaysShadow. I wasn't aware of this command!

I changed your code a bit so that it runs from a trigger too:

Group created in editor

"officer" is the AI leader (number 1) at the beginning

Player is number 2, 3 or whatever.

When the player has to take command, run from the trigger:

[player] join grpNull; 
grp = group player; 
[officer] join grpNull; 
player joinAs [grp, 1]; 
grp selectleader player; 
[officer and other possible soldiers] join grp;

Thanks again! :)

Edited by Undeceived

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Hi. I have the same problem. I started someone`s mission. I am a leader of the squad but I am number 8 and it is very annoying to command AI this way. I have access to console by cheat mod. I tried your solution copy-paste but nothing happend. Can you type what to copy-paste to become number 1 in my group?

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