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Formula to convert "wind"-values into degree (0-359) ?

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Since I'm not an expert in maths, does anyone know a/the formula to convert the wind-values into a number (0-359 degree)?

Further, is there a possibility to return the wind force in knots and km/h ?



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This should get you the direction in degrees:

(wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1)

Note that wind does have a vertical direction, but I think that is safe to ignore. As for the wind strength:

sqrt((wind select 0)^2 + (wind select 1)^2)

This will give you the correct value, but I'm not sure what unit the wind command returns. Meters per second perhaps?

EDIT: Looks like the atan2 command doesn't return values in the 0...359 range, but rather -180...+180. Easy enough to convert though.

Edited by MadDogX

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Thanks for the formulas. Is there a dev or anyone else who certainly knows the speed the wind command returns?

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Further, is there a possibility to return the wind force in knots and km/h ?

The wind vector is meters per second if I'm not mistaken. You can convert numbers (note: not vectors) to different units using BIS_fnc_convertUnits. Check the in-game function viewer in the editor on how to use it. This is a scripted function, so performance is slower than true script command.

[32, 2, 9] call BIS_fnc_convertUnits; //Convert 32 mps to kts

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