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Simple Hint on Dedi server !

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How can i get a Hint to work on a dedi server, I am trying to get a timer to show on each screen, but with no luck

This works on Hosted when i test but NOT on Dedi , can someone advise me why this would be ?

///Just test for now////

[nil,nil,rHINT,hint (format["%3 WIN %1:%2",_min,_sec,_who])] call RE;

How can i get a hint to work on a dedi box ?

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Not sure why, the documentation is poor on MPF.

Tried these examples?:

_str = format["%1",_var];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_str] call RE;

_str = parseText format["%1",_var];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_str] call RE;

[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hint (format["%1",_var])] call RE;

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Not sure why, the documentation is poor on MPF.

Tried these examples?:

_str = format["%1",_var];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_str] call RE;

_str = parseText format["%1",_var];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_str] call RE;

[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hint (format["%1",_var])] call RE;

OK so ....

This works on Dedi

_str="This is a test";
[nil,nil,rHINT,_str] call RE;

This does not work on dedi

[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hint (format["%1",_var])] call RE;

Any idea how I can get numbers to work on the dedi as it is for a countdown timer that i need to show on All clients. ideal run on the server not on each client


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OK so ....

This does not work on dedi

[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hint (format["%1",_var])] call RE;

Any idea how I can get numbers to work on the dedi as it is for a countdown timer that i need to show on All clients. ideal run on the server not on each client


Ahh I get it now, problem is you are feeding it a variable. Hints require a string.



Can't think of a good example but the str command can be used to convert the variable into a string


edit: My thought would be this:

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_var = 0;

while {_var < 10} do {
_var = _var +1;
_str = str _var;
[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hint (format["%1",_str])] call RE;
if (_var == 10) exitwith {_var = 0};
sleep 1;

Untested - any good?

Edited by PELHAM

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Yep that cracked it :)

Thanks !!!

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 PM ----------

OK Another little issue :)

how can I stop the Beep now each time it comes up ?

[nil,nil,rHINT,(format["%3 WIN %1:%2",_min,_sec,_who])] call RE;

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Just add in hintSilent?:

[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hintSilent (format["%1",_str])] call RE;
[nil,nil,rHINT,hintSilent (format["%1",_str])] call RE;

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Just add in hintSilent?:

[nil,nil,rSPAWN,hintSilent (format["%1",_str])] call RE;
[nil,nil,rHINT,hintSilent (format["%1",_str])] call RE;

Now you would have thought it would be that easy! But alas not as soon as I put in the hintSilent it no longer works on the dedi , but it works when I test and host !!

What is that all about ?! also "rSPAWN " - what does that mean , and BTW that does not work with or without Hintsilent so not sure that is DEDI compatable.

Any other suggestions ?

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Lets go back to that previous example then:

_input = hintSilent format["%1",_str];
[nil,nil,rHINT,_input] call RE;

That works silently in single player.

Sorry can only test this in single player - not got my cfg set up right at the moment.

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Make your own network command for it using PVEH's....

In your init.sqf....

//Network hintSilent system PVEH
if (isNil "MyNetHintSilent") then {
MyNetHintSilent = 0;

"MyNetHintSilent" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
private ["_hint"];
_hint = _this select 1;
hintSilent format ["Time Left: %1 seconds",_hint];

Then to use it....

if (isServer) then {
for "_i" from 100 to 1 step -1 do {
	MyNetHintSilent = _i;
	publicVariable "MyNetHintSilent";
	sleep 1;

Works on Dedicated server.

This hints silently "Time Left: x seconds" on clients machines.

Edited by twirly
Correction to code

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You also might want to look into using BIS_fnc_dynamicText instead. It will show to everyone connected. Might be much simpler.

[text,x coord,y coord,duration,fade-in time,delta y,resource layer] call BIS_fnc_dynamicText

["<t size='3'>" + "Hello World" + "</t>",0.5750,0.2178,10,-1,1,3010] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;

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Make your own network command for it using PVEH's....

In your init.sqf....

//Network hintSilent system PVEH
if (isNil "MyNetHintSilent") then {
MyNetHintSilent = 0;

"MyNetHintSilent" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
private ["_hint"];
_hint = _this select 1;
hintSilent format ["Time Left: %1 seconds",_hint];

Then to use it....

if (isServer) then {
for "_i" from 100 to 1 step -1 do {
	MyNetHintSilent = _i;
	publicVariable "MyNetHintSilent";
	sleep 1;

Works on Dedicated server.

This hints silently "Time Left: x seconds" on clients machines.

OK Still having an issue with this it works great on HOST but NOT on DEDI, never thought it would be so hard to get a silent timer working on a dedi.


if (isNil "MyNetHintSilent") then {
MyNetHintSilent = 0;

"MyNetHintSilent" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
hintSilent format ["%1:%2",_min,_sec];

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_t","_min","_sec"];

_t = _this * 60;

while {_t > 0 && psholdtimer} do {
 _min = floor (_t / 60);
 _sec = floor (_t mod 60);

 _min = (if (_min <= 9) then {"0"} else {""}) + str _min;
 _sec = (if (_sec <= 9) then {"0"} else {""}) + str _sec;

publicVariable "MyNetHintSilent";

 _t = _t - 1;
 sleep 1;

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Found a couple things that were not quite right....try this...


if (isNil "MyNetHintSilent") then {
MyNetHintSilent = [0,0];

"MyNetHintSilent" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
private ["_hint","_min","_sec"];
_hint = _this select 1;
_min = _hint select 0;
_sec = _hint select 1;
hintSilent format ["%1:%2",_min,_sec];


if (!isServer) exitWith {};
private ["_t","_min","_sec"];
_t = (_this select 0) * 60;
while {_t > 0 && psholdtimer} do {
 	_min = floor (_t / 60);
 	_sec = floor (_t mod 60);
 	_min = (if (_min <= 9) then {"0"} else {""}) + str _min;
 	_sec = (if (_sec <= 9) then {"0"} else {""}) + str _sec;
MyNetHintSilent = [_min,_sec];
//for SP and COOP
if (not isDedicated) then {
	hintSilent format ["%1:%2",_min,_sec];
publicVariable "MyNetHintSilent";
 	_t = _t - 1;
 	sleep 1;

From my limited testing seems to work everywhere.... SP, Dedi and COOP.

EDIT: If you need me to post my little test mission....just scream!

Edited by twirly
Added stuff

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OK thought it had worked but played on Dedi server last night and no timer :(

It all works great on Host but still not on a dedi server ! any other suggestions ?

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Quick example using MP Framework:


if (isServer) then
while { true } do
[nil, nil, rSPAWN, [], { hintSilent "This hint will show up in every connected machine...every 5 seconds..." }] call RE;
sleep 5;

Although, since you are using a timer, broadcasting the hint every second or every 5 seconds is simply poor optimization.

You can instead, call a script in ALL machines ONCE, and do your stuff in there.

[nil, nil, rEXECVM, "my_timer_script.sqf", []] call RE; //This will execute my_timer_script.sqf in all connected machines.

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Ahhh that is how i get the Hint to be silent, that one works now , Happy again ! and thanks for the advice !

[nil, nil, rSPAWN, [], { hintSilent "This hint will show up in every connected machine...every 5 seconds..." }] call RE;

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