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I was wondering that can a helicopter evacuate a remaining of a squad.

If so, how can I do it?

Thanks for your patience

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It is possible with scripting, but OFP helicopter AI is notoriously troublesome. Under exactly what conditions do you want the helicopter to arrive, to land, to leave, etc? Is the evacuated squad player or AI controlled? Is the mission SP or MP?

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It is possible with scripting, but OFP helicopter AI is notoriously troublesome. Under exactly what conditions do you want the helicopter to arrive, to land, to leave, etc? Is the evacuated squad player or AI controlled? Is the mission SP or MP?

I want it to:

1) Arrive

2) Land

3) And return to base

I am one of the squad and the rest are AI.

It is in the Mission Editor so SP

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I want it to:

1) Arrive

2) Land

3) And return to base

I am one of the squad and the rest are AI.

It is in the Mission Editor so SP

Here it is. I wrote a simple chopper extraction script MP/SP compatible. Chopper lands, wait that every alive soldiers get in and return to base.


;init Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;contact: nikillerofp@hotm{ail.fr
;[] exec "scriptName.sqs}"

nik_host=local server

; Chopper extraction
[WestGrp1,WestPilotGrp1,gl_pad1,gl_base1,gl_base1] exec "chopper_extraction.sqs"



;Simple Chopper Extraction Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Extract a group with a chopper and return to base
;Note: Place a game logic named server on the map
;contact: [email protected]
;[extractedGrpName,pilotGroupName,padName,spawnPosName,baseName] exec "scriptName.sqs"

if nik_host then {} else {goto "ende"}

_grpe = _this select 0
_grpc = _this select 1
_pad  = _this select 2
_pos  = _this select 3
_bas  = _this select 4

_spawnpos=getPos _pos
_initpilot={this setCaptive true; this setCombatMode "BLUE"; this setBehaviour "CARELESS"; {this disableAI _x} forEach ["TARGET","AUTOTARGET"]}

_pilot createUnit [_spawnpos,_grpc,_initpilot,_sk,_ra]
if (({alive _x} count (units _grpc))<2) then {goto "spawnpilot"}

_chop="UH60MG" createVehicle [0,0,0]
_chop setPos [_spawnpos select 0 ,_spawnpos select 1, 1000]
_choppilot=(units _grpc) select 0
_chopgunner=(units _grpc) select 1
_choppilot assignAsDriver _chop
_choppilot moveInDriver _chop
_choppilot action [_ac,_chop]
_chopgunner assignAsGunner _chop
_chopgunner moveInGunner _chop
_chop setVelocity [0,0,0]
_chop flyInHeight 100

_pp=getPos _pad

_chop doMove _pp
if ((_chop distance _pad>_dist) && (canMove _chop)) then {goto "movechop"}

if ((canMove _chop)) then {} else {goto "ende"}

[_chop] exec "brake.sqs"

_land="GET IN"
_group=units _grpe

{_x assignAsCargo _chop} forEach _group
_chop flyInHeight 1
_chop land _land

@ (getPos _chop select 2 < 1.5) || !(canMove _chop)
? !(canMove _chop): goto "ende"

_smoke="smokeShellGreen" createVehicle (getPos _chop)

_icount = 0
"if (alive _x) then {_num=_num+1}" forEach _group
"if (vehicle _x==_chop) then {_icount=_icount+1}" forEach _group
if (_icount==_num) then {} else {goto "getin"}

_chop flyInHeight 100
_chop doMove (getPos _bas)



I also wrote a smooth brake script to help the chopper to land without braking and turning like mad.


if nik_host then {} else {goto "ende"}

_u = _this select 0

_i = 0

_speed=speed _u
? _speed<90: goto "ende"
_velocity=velocity _u
_u setVelocity [(_velocity select 0)*_factor,(_velocity select 1)*_factor,(_velocity select 2)*_factor]
? _i<3:goto "loop"



Here's a demo to show how it works: DEMO LINK



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