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ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Server beta 1.60.90909

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CRC32: 60697D80

MD5: 4B78CAFD4BC7DC5675F47045BC082F70

SHA-1: 01C96185BABDD3D9695328B24BDAA3816368A917

Last fix: resolved crash on custom face textures (please verify if custom faces work in MP)

previous fix: [89964] Fixed: Linux servers were never green in server list.

older fix: resolved long loading times (this time it should work :) )

oldfer fix: resolved issue with "Failed to load TextureHeaderManager" , no need use -noTexHeaders commandline parameter!

Warning: This is 1.60 branch release

Note that it requires Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead data to be updated to version 1.60 first in order to run properly.

ideal to combine with latest OA beta client:


Please provide us with feedback to this topic.

* this version brings linux in sync with actual windows server improvements and ai/mp fixes ...

Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.60


Copyrigt © 2010 Bohemia Interactive Studio. All rights reserved.

For more information please visit


Installation instructions:


1. Following programs must have been installed on your Linux-box:

tar, gcc. Optional: md5sum (for setup integrity check)

1a. On some verions of Linux (this was reported for RedHat 9

and Gentoo linux 2.4.20) the NSCD deamon must be installed to

run ArmA 2 server successfully. Caching of DNS would be sufficient.

2. Copy the whole "ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead" directory from Windows

to some Linux-directory (arma2arrowhead). DON'T DO ANY DATA CONVERSIONS

(even "dos2unix" translation of text files is not necessary).

Example: you can use PKZIP (WinZip, PowerArchiver, etc.) on

Windows and "unzip" on Linux.

Don't use upper case letters in the ArmA2 directory name

(/home/bob/arma2arrowhead will be good, /home/bob/ArmA2ArrowHead

may cause some troubles).

ArmA2 directory should contain subdirectories "Addons", "Bin",

"Campaigns", etc.

3. Copy the "server-x.xx.tar.gz" (x.xx is version number) file into

the arma2arrowhead directory. Unpack and install it with commands:

arma2arrowhead$ tar -xjf server-x.xx.tar.bz2

arma2arrowhead$ ./install

Watch the messages - they will inform you whether your installation

is successful.

4. Dedicated server can be started in foreground:

arma2arrowhead$ ./server

Or in background:

o$ nohup ./server > out.txt 2> err.txt &

[1] <pid>

5. Running server can be stopped by executing:

$ kill -s SIGINT <pid>

Where <pid> is process-id of mother server thread (printed out in

"nohup" command).

6. ArmA2 ArrowHead server has a feature: command-line parameter

"-pid=<pid_file>". It causes creation of <pid_file> with

PID of root ArmA2 process. If IP port specified in "-port=<nn>"

parameter is busy (in usage), ArmA2 will terminate immediately

and <pid_file> won't be written..

7. The "arma2server" script is provided for automatic server

start/restart/status query/etc. Please be sure to edit


After this is done, install (hard-link?) the script into

"/etc/rc.d/init.d/arma2server" file. After that it can be managed

by "chkconfig" (see info/man).

previous thread about 1.60.89986 beta linux :

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WOW, comes fast now, new nix releases :)

Thank you BIS and Big D, will check it out.

Amazing work with the 1.60 branch too :shine:


Custom face shows up in MP, but owner of that face spawn into one character and custom face on another when human player is killed....

Noticed once, the actual player JIP, later on he spawned with his custom face.

OK, this is what happened:

One player JIP, got killed and re-spawned in AI slot. Strange thing was that he (the human player) got a default face, and by end of that mission we got aware of another AI running around with the human players (the JIP one) custom face. Never seen it before, or later for that sake.

Later on, when we played other missions (he got him self killed again), he re-spawned in AI slots and kept his custom face.

I don't really see this as a problem/issue since we normally play without AIs, but other servers might. Would be nice if other have noticed the same effect.

Server showed up green on 89244, no password, BE enabled, CWR2 enabled +other mods. But as always, when PW is enabled, it show an orange key, 90909 too.

OT: any suggestions for good FPS counter?

Used FRAPS and was happy with that, reported 40-60 FPS. After 1.60 it's gone crazy, report 70 (running in dense forest) to 150 in open ground. No, I have not changed GFX or other settings, just patched to 1.60...... ( :) )

Edited by Overlord

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WOW, comes fast now, new nix releases :)

Thank you BIS and Big D, will check it out.

Amazing work with the 1.60 branch too :shine:


Custom face shows up in MP, but owner of that face spawn into one character and custom face on another when human player is killed....

Noticed once, the actual player JIP, later on he spawned with his custom face.

OT: any suggestions for good FPS counter?

Used FRAPS and was happy with that, reported 40-60 FPS. After 1.60 it's gone crazy, report 70 (running in dense forest) to 150 in open ground. No, I have not changed GFX or other settings, just patched to 1.60...... ( :) )

ok,hmm ... can You rewrite the report so i can actually understand what's wrong ;) ... sorry can't decypher it

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there are very minor. There is bigger fish to fry.

Also, seems to be pretty stable. Although ram usage is til la little high, after a few days running 1.4G

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OK, so after making the orignal post, right above this one we had 4 crashes.

Server responds to queries, but new players are unable to join and people on server are unable to move from their locations

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(2009490512): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(154350512): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(239224245): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(2060792101): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

NetServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1386943933): DESTROY immediately after CREATE, both cancelled

17:22:58 Player KyletheHusky disconnected.

17:22:58 Player pyschonutz66 disconnected.

17:22:58 Player Mitch disconnected.

17:22:58 Player jarhead84 disconnected.

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