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Is there any way to mod the time ?

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Hello, I was wondering if there was an mod or something so the time in gameplay is faster, for example like GTA time or 1min = 1 hour

I hope I put this in the right forum & you guys understand what I mean.


Ofp+ Arma :icon_dj:

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You can try to accelerate time with the Time Acceleration keys

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I mistook this post as a script query...

to redeem myself here's one:


[60,(100/3)] spawn compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "timex.sqf"; // replace "60" with the acceleration factor required and "(100/3)" with the number of updates per second required or leave blank for defaults

("60" results in an in-game minute per gameplay second, 3600 in an hour per second, etc)


_acceleration = 60; // Default - acceleration factor
_updaterate = 100 / 3; // Default - updates per second - recommended value for smooth update = 100/3 (ties with 33,3fps)
switch (count _this) do {
case 1: {
	_acceleration = _this select 0;
case 2:	{
	_acceleration = _this select 0;
	_updaterate = _this select 1;
_tick = 1 / _updaterate; // time in seconds between updates
_tepf = 1 / 3600 / _updaterate; // time elapsed per tick (in hours)
_timetoskip = (_acceleration * _tepf) - (_tepf); // subtract also time actually elapsed since last tick
while {true} do {
skipTime (_timetoskip);
sleep _tick;

Create two textfiles, name them accordingly (mind the extension "sqf"), and copy them inside the mission folder you're loading. If you have a "init.sqf" there already just add that piece of code in the begining.


This script updates the time at a very fast rate (in order to avoid bumps in sun position and be smooth), i can't tell how stressful it would be running it along other processing intensive scripts.

You can check how it is working by pressing "o" in-game and look at the watch.

Edited by gammadust
script update

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Press the key on your keyboard and time goes twice as face. Press again and then 4 x as fast. Press again and it goes back to normal time



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^^ that would also make all simulations accelerate, including the player movement and all the other stuff...

(i've also updated the script with the possibility to optionaly set the update rate if it is required)

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@ Gammadust, Cheers for the help and the script but Im looking for a addon.

@Celery, Yeah Ill post something in the thread :)

Cheers guys for trying to help me ! :thanx::soldier:

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to redeem myself here's one:

Thanks gammadust, ive been wanting some type of time acceleration script that might improve on skipTime... ill give this a spin.

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Managed to make an addon version (download) tested in both Arma 2 and OA.

instructions in readme.txt ;)

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