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The everlasting firebug

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I suspect this might've been posted before but I thought to myself, might as well ask right now for myself, cause it's getting really annoying.

Why does the firebug still exist? I realise it's triggered by some kind of hardware issue but why hasn't it been fixed then ever since the last 4 years? I mean I literally had it appear the first day I had the game back in march 2010 and it still occurs now.

DESC: For those who don't know the firebug, it's pretty much just a giant fire in the sky when you look in a specific direction. It doesn't hurt you and it's not in a fixed position, just always in the same viewing direction. Occurs in multiplayer. Can usually only be fixed by restarting computer completely.:confused:

Any fixes other than "get a new computer man" are appreciated.

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Yes the ole Sky on fire...lol

Xeno has a fix for it in his Domination map maybe he can help?

it's in i_common.sqf at line 88 look starting at

// this will remove setVehicleInits in BIS effects and should fix sky in fire bug

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Yes the ole Sky on fire...lol

Xeno has a fix for it in his Domination map maybe he can help?

it's in i_common.sqf at line 88 look starting at

I am also getting a lot of occurrences of this bug on my server. Seems to have a chance to occur whenever a helicopter crashes, I have looked at the fix in Domination by Xeno, but I am not sure how to go about implementing this fix into another mission as it seems rather complicated. It's not just contained within i_common.sqf, it has alot to do with some other BIS_Effects scripts. If anyone with experience with this bug has implemented the fix into their mission or has any idea how to, help would be greatly appreciated.

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