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MJR. Gastovski

I need a big favour

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I am doing a project at school about WW2 and my teacher gave me the job of finding info on German Rail Guns and Artillery during WW2. I have tried looking on google.com but that could not find anything, so I tried joining a MOHAA forum (good game I think) but the forums were crappy.

I know this is not a OFP topic but I have a good chance of getting a C for this project and so I turned to all the friendly people at this forum to help (like before when I asked for the Blackhawk photos) I am asking if anyone can post photos or Diagrams of the interior (something like blueprints) of German Rail Guns during WW2 I would appreciate it if you all will help me! biggrin.gif

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You should flunk for posting in the wrong forum.

Moving to OT.

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I imagine your school has a liberary. Damn great place to find books on WWII, I know that's where I started my love of all things military.


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Dora was the biggest. And why dont you know this stuff already? what are our youth coming to? not knowing about German railroad guns... jeez...

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all those big guns might help you accomplishing far away objectives, but they can also blow your grades away if operator does a bad job with it. smile.gif

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dora was the biggest i think, heres a picture.


by the way ,what grade are you in.

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Didn't the Germans build a GIGANTIC one into the side of the mountain? If I remember correctly, it had multiple entry points along the length of it for charges which detonated behind the huge round as it traveled up the tube propelling it faster and faster. I don't think they used it more than once or twice before it was destroyed by saboteurs (I think). Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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