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FM 1.04 - Nose pitching down

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when I decrease my speed near to 0 to hover and apply right rudder to rotate 180°, my nose, suddenly pitch down 30° without any reason. This strange behavior affect the medium helicopter, don't know for the others but i will test.


Edited by Scorlhov

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Thanks for your answer

  OMAC said:
I find with 1.04 that I have adjusted to the new behavior, and don't see it as that big of an issue. But it takes getting used to....

I see what you mean, but geting used to, isn't a solution. The slow speed behavior, pitching down (especially when rudder apply at 0 speed), spinnig,etc .. make manoeuvers at low speed, artificially hard. But I am sure BIS will correct that in time. The sooner the better :)

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Try this and see if your experience is the same. Crank up the light helo and move your cyclic forwards and backwards and see if you experience and increase in torque like I have.

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Same, when i move the cyclic forwars and backward the torque is unstable (increase/decrease)

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