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Quick, Info-only Dialogs

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Hi all, I'm attempting to create a non-interactive dialog, simply to monitor things going on in-mission (monitor variable values, mark units in real-time 3D with floating indicator, etc). Specifically, I want the player to retain control and be able to continue moving around in-game while the dialog is up.

I am familiar with how to make a basic dialog. However, I'm pulling my hair out trying to get this one aspect to work properly: Having a dialog up without the mouse pointer, so the player can retain control of his unit and continue moving around. One property is obviously important to making this happen: enableSimulation=1, which keeps the game going while the dialog is up. However...

Anyone know what is needed to keep the mouse pointer from showing up in a dialog? ... in order to create non-interactive info-only dialog?

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hintSilent with structured text? :) I know almost nothing about dialogs, but there is some property to make it so you can still move while it's up.

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I don't think it's possible with dialogs. They override the normal input of the keys and mouse so aren't what you're looking for. Maybe like Kylania suggests ctrlStructuredText is better for you. Alternatively, check this out:


It should have everything you are looking for.

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Thanks for the responses so far. :) I'm pretty sure it is indeed possible to have passive info-only dialogs, based on how hint/hintSilent illicit no mouse pointer and let you continue walking around while they are up. Will take a good look inside examples provided, and report back if/when I figure it out. However, if someone already knows how to ditch mouse pointer in dialogs (display property or otherwise), by all means let's hear it!

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What you want is a display.


Things like gps,compass those are none interactive dialogs, the game refers to them as displays.

You use diffrent commands to create them but their configs are almost the exact same.

Check the link for more info, I'm on my phone or I would post more.

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Alright, after a bit more digging, I now have passive dialogs up and running without mouse pointer! (Actually, passive "resources" is probably the more correct terminology.) Found out how inside ShackTac Fireteam HUD. Apparently the cutRsc command is the key. In any event, works like a charm! Thanks guys. :)

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