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Grey artifacts in trees using antialiasing.

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Hi All..

I have noticed while running the benchmark that all the trees have a strange grey halo artifacts in them which is quite distracting..

Messing with the video settings I found the only way to get rid of them was to turn antialising off completely, post process effects is also disabled and shodow detail normal.

Im using a Nvidia GTX 590 graphics card.

Anyone know what might be causing this so I can turn antialising on again..

Incase it matters Im running a 4ghz I7, and ssd harddrives with 16g of ram.

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Is it like gray halos around tree crowns and some other objects (esp. in distance), most visible against the sky? I had a similar artifact on an older Nvidia GTS250. I think I did solve it by some setting in the Nvidia controls. Something with either texture filtering or similar.

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That's probably AToC (Alpha To Coverage Anti-Aliasing).

It can only be changed in the TakeOnH.cfg.

You can find the TakeOnH.cfg in %userprofile%\Documents\Take On Helicopters\TakeOnH.cfg

Try setting


Be careful with any changes - please edit that file only when you know what you're doing.

Check the link below for more information.


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