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SAS,The Real Deal

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The only real problem I have with ofp is the special forces.They are normal soldiers with different clothes and weapons.I would like to see the difference between a spec-ops soldier and a reg -marine in this game be more evident......

A special forces soldier should run faster - aim better- or take longer to get tired...There should be some indication besides what he is wearing that he is a special forces soldier...

I would also like to see the SAS utiliezed a little more...and lets not underestimate the power of U.S special Forces which arne't half bad by the way , I admit sba,sas,spetznatz is better but I think u.s Special forces has a better use overall in terms of quantity. We could set down a couple hundred to a couple thousand special forces on a beach if we wanted to. U.S special forces have almost become a norm in everyconflict the U.S has been in.....Egh Emmm.....well I;m straying away from the sublect....I would like to sas and various other british forces in the game utilized a lil more.....

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I thought the Blackops soldiers did run farther/faster and aim better. I mean, Gastovsky can practically snipe with an mp5. I will say I wouldn't mind specops AI being a little more dangerous though. Too many times I've seen my whole squad quickly wasted by regular troops that are standing in the open like John Wayne. I'm not saying take all the challenge out of specops missions, but I'd say the challenge in that sort of mission IRL would be getting it right to begin with instead of on the tenth try, wouldn't you say? Oh yeah, specops soldiers also have a huge stealth bonus, especially at night. Crawling around people can nearly step on you without noticing.

I don't get it, why would the SAS take part in the cold war? Perhaps there's something I don't know, but OPF is about the American and Russian forces in an imaginary location in Russia, right?

The reason we here in the US use our special forces so much is that we're too d*amned scared of the publicity getting regular troops killed would bring.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">originally posted by BIN LADEn

I WANT ELITE DELTA FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <span id='postcolor'>

that's a paradox

i, however do want the SAS, as it is rather annoying to have your "elite" blackop (day) squad pretending to be SAS get massacred because of crap ai

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">originally posted by BIN LADEn

I WANT ELITE DELTA FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <span id='postcolor'>

that's a paradox

i, however do want the SAS, as it is rather annoying to have your "elite" blackop (day) squad pretending to be SAS get massacred because of crap ai

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I think the SAS would be a good idea on OPF. Britain took part in the cold war so why shouldnt they be in OPF which is set in the cold war. they are much more elite than delta force who are just a cheep copy.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from BIN LADEN on 7:40 am on Dec. 2, 2001

I WANT ELITE DELTA FORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<span id='postcolor'>

DF is far from being elite,they have the WORST combat record for a special ops unit, particulary for hostage rescure.

(Edited by kenny87 at 10:22 pm on Dec. 2, 2001)

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Come on, britians SF are the best. They started the whole thing off, we train most of the other SF anyway. The islands are not imaganary, they exist somewhere in the pacific. There shoud be more naval use anyway. The specs should have better abilities but i have been less than a meter away from a russkie and he didnt notice me- so there not that bad.

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Hmmmy guess is that their is NO SAS b/c this isnt a brittish war u jackass, It was U.S. and Russia, so you probably wont see any of your weak forces on this game. And no the SAS is not better than any US specOps, just keep thinking that, and I keep laughinf, The Brits are no Military power, so keep humoring yourself.

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Wisdom, that you played the game "Delta Force" doesn't actually mean that the unit is any good or that you know anything about it :-)


(Edited by Julie Holland at 1:24 am on Dec. 3, 2001)

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"And no the SAS is not better than any US specOps, ......, The Brits are no Military power, so keep humoring yourself. "

Interesting and why does the US have to request SF and other support from the UK, Aussy, NZ amoungst others whenever it decides to go into action. Looks like the US Military won't even agree with you.

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Um WisdoM... forgive me... actually I don't care what you think of me, but you are a MORON...

The British SAS are widely regarding by all countries as being the best special forces unit in the world, bar none. The training regiment they go through is one of the tightest and most strenuous in the world, hence the reason they often train other special forces units throughout the world.

If I had the choice of being part on any S.F. regiment throughout the world.. I know who I'd want to be with, at least for the training.

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SAS do not train seals, they may train with them, but do not train them(atleast during their bootcamp/hellweek/buds)

and does it matter who is better? i mean, likely hood they would fight each other is slim(meaning UK and US)

(Edited by NVA Killer at 2:40 am on Dec. 3, 2001)

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SBS are the best I cant be bothered to post all the sh* in here go and check out who has the best military after the usa? In the offtopic section and u will see what i mean.

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Here's an idea. How about you military freaks shut up with this 'mine is bigger than yours' crap and adress the original post instead of rehashing the same opinion over and over.

About the islands being fictional it was just something I'd heard. Also I'd never seen the islands on any map in my life, but okay, doesn't matter either way.

I'll say again that OPF is about U.S. armed forces, so it would seem a little off to change the specops missions to SAS. They could've made a whole campaign where you only play as SAS but since the cold war was mainly between the US and Russia they decided to have you playing our armed forces. However, I'd say the whole SAS vs. US specops is a very minor point in the post afro made. Try reading the rest of it.

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Well actually, OFP is about Nato and the Soviets... as Nato is mentioned during the campaign... And although Nato doesn't include Australia, New Zealand or many other military forces, it does include the British... the Germans... etc.

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well thing is, if you look at the SP, you will notice an american flag and american troops, but yeah different countries should have their share in therex

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"Snake Plissken" - heres a better idea, if you're going to impose rules follow them yourself. If you don't like you can leave.

As already mentioned the OFP is about NATO and the Soviets - get your facts correct.

The original post said nothing about islands (stick to the topic yourself)and as has already been pointed out, although the islands are fictional, the names are off existing islands and in the case of one island it was modeled on teneriffe, see here:


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I understand that this is Mainly ( Keyword Mainly ) about U.S. and russia and that the uk's role if there is one at all would be small.....

But we have all played through the campaign mode we have all played single player . and god knows i have exhausted the crap out of the mission editor......

My point is they should now start releaseing updates in themes....I mean we can get away from the coldwar now and throw in some different countries to spice things up a bit....We all know the story , im not syaing to add a new uk campaign or anything but simply give us some new units to play with......

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Epita on 11:21 pm on Dec. 2, 2001

Come on, britians SF are the best.  They started the whole thing off, we train most of the other SF anyway.  <span id='postcolor'>

You need to check your facts. Special Operations were essentially pioneered by the Israeli's. The first mission was a hostage rescue of Israeli citizens take hostage off an aircraft and held in Northern Africa (if I'm not mistaken)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Snake Plissken on 4:21 am on Dec. 3, 2001

About the islands being fictional it was just something I'd heard.  Also I'd never seen the islands on any map in my life, <span id='postcolor'>

Malden is on the map! It's somewhere east of Australia, don't know if its the same as malden in OFP, probably not, just a fun fact smile.gif

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PV he said special ops, not Counter-terrorism or hostage rescue. also, during WWII britian and US had some special ops. Also i can't quite tell who has the first special ops, i know the US had some during the revolution called The Green Mountain Boys or something(atleast what my teacher told me) but i guess as far as modern day SF, id have to say britian, but then again, they did take the idea of special raiding units from a group of people who called themselves commandos(ironic ay) and thats where they took the name(history channel, my version might be jumbled)

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