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when pp effect is nomal +, the world should be clear unless you are in focus mode.

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When you open the pp effect higher than normal, it opens the depth of field effect. Then the world is blurred until you use iron\optical sight in which the small scale is clear and other part is still blurred.

But I think the world should not be blurred when not in real view.

Because the focus lenth of our eyes are afocal. Myopic eye or presbyopia eye just can see the world blurred.

I wish the world can be clear.

Edited by msy

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That is not focus mode. That is the real view mode.

Oh, thanks for correcting.

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When you open the pp effect higher than normal, it opens the depth of field effect.

This is a actually along time bug since Arma1. You should get blur with PP on Normal but you have to switch it to Disabled, then switch back to Normal, then Blur is enabled. Every time you exit the game and reload (with PP set to Normal), Blur is disabled. I know you where not really asking about that, but I thought it was worth pointing out as it is related.

Dunno why they never fix it. https://dev-heaven.net/issues/12377

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