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Find nearest triggers?

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I'm trying to find an array of the nearest triggers to a location.

I've tried:

_list = nearestObjects [createPos, ["emptyDetector", 1000];


_list = createPos nearEntities ["emptyDetector",1000];

I'm assuming I have the type of the trigger wrong.

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish:

_list = nearestObjects  [createPos,["EmptyDetector"],1000];
diag_log _list;
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _list;

Any ideas?



Edited by bobtom

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Dont think you can locate triggers witout knowing about them, same as you cannot locate markers without knowing about them.

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Demonized is right. Unfortunately there is no nearestTrigger or nearestMarker command. The work around is to create an invisiblehelipad at the same location as the trigger and look for that.

If there's likely to be only one nearby, or you always want the nearest one, use nearestObject, not nearestObjects. :)

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That's what I thought, thanks anyway.

@tankbuster The triggers are dynamically spawned, so there will be more than one.

I found a workaround anyway, thanks.

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Since you are controlling how and when they are created, you are perfectly capable for keeping track of them with a simple global array variable, no?

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What did you do?

Sorry, I wanted to elaborate, but I was busy at the time. :o

My workaround:

The triggers spawn people, so I just used the following to delete the ones close to the base as they spawned:

_checking = 1;
while {_checking == 1} do {
_people =  nearestObjects [[getpos _hill select 0, getpos _hill select 1,0],["Man"],250];
{if (!isPlayer _x) then {_x setdamage 1};} forEach _people;
sleep 1;

But this was only a quick fix, I wanted to do what Shuko was talking about, just make an array while they spawned and check for the close ones, but I was to lazy at the time to do it. And I had already written out the above code for something else.

But since then I've changed it:

trigArray = trigArray + [_trig];


_checking = 1;
while {_checking == 1} do {
if ((_x distance _hillPos) < 1000) then {deleteVehicle _x};
} forEach trigArray;

Yeah, I know I could just use true, but that's just how I like to do it. :)



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This works for Arma 3:

_list = [_xpos,_ypos] nearObjects ["EmptyDetector", 6000];

Returns an array of all triggers in range.

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