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8(co) Operation CARTWHEEL TANGO

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8(co) Operation CARTWHEEL TANGO


- Requires Combined Operations + ACE + ACRE

- Four to Eight players

- Limited replayability.

- Suitable for experts and newer players alike.

- Simple and to the point

The Mission

Operation Cartwheel Tango is a straightforward mission that offers about 40-60 minutes game time. It is intended for between four and eight players organized along small four man teams.

The mission was made for our weekly gaming nights. LAMBS (Land Air Make Boom Squad) is a realism sub-unit of the Norwegian gaming community nopryl.no. Since last autumn we moved to an ACE + ACRE standard.

Install by dropping into your /MPmissions folder. Mission is played and tested on dedicated server. Can work as a SP mission out of the box, albeit why have ACRE then?

The Message

There will probably be more releases along these lines, as we play every Tuesday. Enjoy.


- Bohemia Interactive for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead

- ACE team for ACE

- Jaynus and Nouber Nou for ACRE

- Kronzky for Urban Patrol script




> DOWNLOAD @ arma2base.de


Counter insurgency operations in Chernarus are still on going. Representatives of the ChDKZ (Red Star Communist Guerilla) have established a stronghold in the heavily industrialized village North of Solnichniy. HUMINT has suggested that the insurgents are in the process of expanding their AA (Anti-Aircraft) capability in the region via three steps: The Insurgents have recently acquired a significant shipment of MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) of unknown origin. A mobile unified C3(Command, control and communications) network based on vehicle drawn Trailers is being set up. Finally two ZSU-23 AAA (Anti Aircraft Artillery) have been shipped down from the three valleys region and mounted on standard Soviet era Ural-375D trucks.

Not only must the surge of AA weaponry be halted, but the expected concentration of vital enemy assets has made this an ideal time to strike. LIMA team have been inserted by boat to perform a demolitions raid of the factory complex.


Destroy a cache of MANPADS hidden in an abandoned warehouse in the northern parts of the factory zone. A local agent has confirmed that the ammo cache is hidden on the first floor of the building. Search the factory area and find the C3 Trailer. Perform a download of message logs and comms codes. This will help us unravel the network being built in the rest of the three valleys region. Find and demolish the two reported mobile AAA vehicles hidden in these buildings.

1. Destroy a cache of MANPADS.

2. Find and Secure a data download from communication Trailer

3. Destroy two mobile ZSU-23 AAA platforms.


The enemy is the ChDKZ communist insurgents native to the Chernarus region. The enemy is equipped with uniforms and automatic weaponry, but little in the way of vehicle assets. No armour is expected. Overflight recon imagery have detected no fortified positions, albeit some personnel were spotted on the roofs of the factory buildings.

INTEL estimates that no more than a single troop is involved


It is 07:00 AM local time. Expect the weather to be wet, cold, and offer limited vision. Expect daylight within 20-25 minutes of mission start.


An eight man strong team of LIMA operatives have been assembled and inserted via boat. Additional equipment is available in briefing. Local CDF forces have avoided the region and are under strict orders to block all roads leading to the mission area

Special Considerations: The wet weather has played havoc with our NVG kit which is therefore unavailable.


There are no special time limitations. Expect full daylight in 30 minutes.


Native CDF forces have avoided this region for the better part of three months. In a classic protection scheme the local population is forced to supply housing, money and other supplies to the ChDKZ insurgents. Nevertheless the uprising has broad support in the area and a large number of ChDKZ recruits come from the Solnichniy region.

INTEL expects most civilians to remain indoors, but advises that insurgents may attempt to pose as civilians.

Edited by NkEnNy

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8(co) Operation PEREN'S WALTZ


- Requires Combined Operations + ACE + ACRE

- Four to Eight players

- Adopted ACE spectator script


The Mission

Operation PEREN's WALTZ follows the same storyline as the mission above. The idea is to offer a tactically challenging scenario supported by sufficient intel to perform the mission-- combined with the unparalleled realism offered by the ACE and ACRE combination.

The Message

There will probably be more releases along these lines, as we play every Tuesday. Enjoy.


- Bohemia Interactive for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead

- ACE team for ACE

- Jaynus and Nouber Nou for ACRE

- Kronzky for Urban Patrol script



> DOWNLOAD @ Armaholic

> DOWNLOAD @ arma2base.de

The recent month has seen a increase in insurgent activity. Misshandling by the local CDF (Chernarussian Defence Forces) forces means that the ChDkZ (Red Star Communist Guerilla) have established a formidable supply network in the heartland of the three valleys province of Chernarus. UAV footage has revealed a mechanized infantry force operating out of Dolina. SIGINT has betrayed a hidden ZSU-23 AAA (Atni Aircraft Artillery) in the very center of the village. More importantly a pair of BRDM-2 (Armored Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle) has been stored in an abandoned warehouse. While tempting targets, the AAA combined with the insurgents proximity to civilian housing, has precluded a surgical strike made by air assets.

In response a Special Forces unit, LIMA, has been tasked to infiltrate the village to destroy all relevant targets. What few sources we have have noted a large number of deliveries being made to a nearby warehouse. Our CDF intelligence officer has asked us to investigate the warehouse.


Destroy the ZSU-23 AAA hidden under a camo netting in the center of Dolina. Sabotage both of the BRDM-2s that are hidden in a nearby warehouse. Initial recon indicates these to be lightly guarded. Check the contents of the packages being delivered to the easternmost warehouse. INTEL has yet to be able to ascertain whether these are hostile or civilian forces. Use discretion.

1. Destroy a AAA battery.

2. Sabotage two BRDM-2 Armored Reconnaissance Vehicles.

3. Check the eastern warehouse.


The enemy is a mechanized ChDKZ, communist insurgent, platoon with attached triple-A capabilities. The insurgents themselves are equipped with old school russian small arms and uniforms. UAV footage has counted something in the nature of 15 dismounted infantry milling about the city. It is believed that the BRDM-2s are currently being field maintained, and are therefore out of the battle.

A forward inserted Observation Team noticed a URAL-375D truck carrying five uniformed men leaving the village three hours ago. Their current location and final destination is unknown.


Its late evening in the Three valleys province of Chernarus. The terrain is heavily forested, but the valley itself is an open grassland type area. Local weather reports suggests that this will be a clear and moonlit night.


Eight LIMA operatives have prepared for the mission. Additional equipment is available in briefing. The native CDF forces are overextended and outnumbered, and will therefore be unable to provide assistance in the valley. Our Quartermaster informs us that a administrative error has meant that the unique battery necessary to operate our NVG kit has by mistake been sent to our sister unit operating in Takistan.

HQ reminds us to bring plenty of explosives.


There are no special time limitations.


Our Chernarussian intel liason has reported that Dolina has a population of approximately 70 people. Traditionally they have been firmly in favour of the government. His assessment is that the local population has been forced to accomodate the insurgents. Our own HUMNIT sources confirm this. It is late evening and folks are returning home from works and visits to friends. We don't want an old Babushka meeting her untimely by our rifles.

ROE permit us to freely engage all uniformed insurgents.

Edited by NkEnNy

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First of all Thanks to both Miller, of arma2base.de and Big of armaholic for hosting these missions.



12(co) Operation COCAINE BLUES


- Requires Combined Operations + ACE + ACRE

- Five to Twelve players

- Combined Arms Assault

- Littlebird helicopters of both Attack and Transport varieties

- Mission HQ

- No respawn.

The Mission

Operation Cocaine Blues explores the implications of the packages found in Operation Peren's Waltz. It transforms the recon team to an aggressive helicopter borne formation out for blood. The difficultly of this mission is higher than the prequels, and the need for coordination greater. If you've played through these missions in order, I would love to get some feedback as to how you sorted them. Enjoy. :)

Singleplayer or less than six players.

Cocaine blues is a departure from the eight man squad. It weaves multiple elements together in a high speed operation against an elusive enemy. There is no automation in the helicopters. Therefore to facilitate singleplayer (or squads that don't do piloting) there are a pair of Landrover, actually Handover, trucks in the starting location. In singleplayer you should use the Commander slot.


- Bohemia Interactive for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead

- ACE team for ACE

- Jaynus and Nouber Nou for ACRE

- Kronzky for Urban Patrol script

- nopryl.no for testing.





Previous operations against the ChdkZ (Communist insurgents) in Chernarus has revealed an extensive drug-smuggling operation. Analyst suggest that the shipments originate from Takistan and through a long daisy chain of carriers arrive via boat to the Nizhnoye harbour. Interviews with police authorities of Chernagorsk, the capital of Chernarus, have further revealed that while the communists may be involved with the shipment; a different group handles the distribution. Nizhnoye is firmly in the hands of insurgents, but with their network unraveling it is believed that they will be packing up and moving to a different location.

The CDF (Chernarussian Defense Force) lack the troops to perform a quick delicate strike of this nature. They have therefore asked taskforce LIMA to intervene. Two MH-6J Littlebird transport and an AH-6J Littlebird attack helicopters have been prepared. Strike quickly and strike hard.


Break the narcotics distribution network in eastern Chernarus. Use Airlift capability to encircle and capture the central warehouse of Nizhnoye. There are a number of armed pickup trucks, Technicals, patrolling the area. Find and destroy all such vehicles. Search through the buildings securing any intel that can lead us to the distribution point warehouse, then capture that warehouse. Time is of the essence, the ChdkZ are in the process of packing and leaving Nizhnoye.

1. Prevent the escape of ChdkZ assets in Nizhnoye.

2. Secure INTEL that will lead us to Main distribution Point.

3. Destroy all armed Technicals.

4. Find the Main distribution point; confirm presence of packages.


The enemy is a ChDkZ infantry troop with light vehicle attachments. The insurgents are nominally equipped with uniforms and various automatic weapons of Russian origin that are common to the region. Given the amount of vehicle traffic the region sees, INTEL has found it hard to estimate their exact numbers. Current working figures range from 25 to 50 uniformed insurgents. It is believed that with the moving process underway the majority of these will be away from our AO (Area of Operations). Use helicopter assets to scout for reinforcements.

1. TECHNICALs are weaponized pickup trucks. These form the backbone of the ChDKZ mobile forces. Don't underestimate their mobility and firepower.

2. HQ advices that the insurgents maintain a guard post north of the village and a number of smaller units patrol the area.


The early morning fog has yet to lose its grip on the region, this suits us perfectly. The area itself is dominated by farms. Nizhnoye is famous for its apple orchards. The western side of the AO (area of operations) is heavily forested, but openings in the treeline may provide adequate observation points.


An nine man strong strike team of specialist LIMA operatives have been called into action. Supporting them is a wing of three 'Little Bird' helicopters, of both attack and transport varieties. Two BMP-2s (Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicles) loaded with CDF conscripts will move into Nizhnoye once the town has been secured. Additional equipment can be selected at the airfield.


TAXI-1 piloting MH-6J (pilot + 5 seats)

TAXI-2 piloting MH-6J (pilot + 5 seats)

DRIVER-1 piloting AH-6J (pilot + 1 seat)


It is early dawn. Time is of the essence. Insurgent forces are in the process of packing up their operations and leaving Nizhnoye. Failure here will mean months of work right down the drain.


Our CDF liason has given us the simple facts. The townsfolk have profited greatly from the ever increasing traffic of the harbour. For a small cut of the operation they've managed to alleviate the effects of an otherwise poor farming season. In fact the economic state of Chernarus as a whole left them little choice but to put their support behind the insurgents. As the locals are motivated by money rather than ideals. The CDF intel liaison advices that he believes it unlikely that locals will fight for the insurgency.

ROE does not permit us to engage unarmed personnel.

Edited by NkEnNy

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10(co) Operation MISSING METAL


- Requires Combined Operations + ACE + ACRE

- Four to Ten players

- 90-120 minute playtime

- Two hidden bonus objectives

- No respawn

- Singleplayer compatibility

The Mission

In contrast to the previous missions in the series, which have largely featured direct assaults on known targets. Operation MISSING METAL is a recon and observation scenario. LIMA team are performing an extended recon of the 'Black Forest' region. Their task is to uncover the location of an ChdKZ tank unit-- and either seize the camp or destroy the vehicles. The insurgents have built up an extensive network of AA weapon systems; this has rendered air support unavailable.

Collect intel, observe, and patient patrolling will be the key to success. Its a tough mission. Time spent planning and observing will pay dividends.


- Bohemia Interactive for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead

- ACE team for ACE

- Jaynus and Nouber Nou for ACRE

- Kronzky for Urban Patrol script

- Improved taskDefend and taskPatrol by Binesi w/friends

- nopryl.no for testing.






A chance discovery by a unit operating in northern Chernarus uncovered an extensive logistics train leading south. Further investigation uncovered the signs of a major ChDkZ (Communist Insurgent) activity in the Black forest region. A mechanized CDF (Chernarussian Defense Force) unit was tasked to check the area; it ran into considerable trouble and was destroyed. Analysts have been scrambling for more information. Current beliefs is that the ChdkZ are amassing a unit of Russian produced T-72 MBTs (main battle tanks) in preperation for a major strike. The current location of the tanks are unknown, and to complicate matters a ZSU-23-4 SHILKA SPAAG (Self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon) has been spotted by a UAV before it was shot down.

At the behest of CDF high command. LIMA team, designated taskforce INFAMOUS, has been inserted into the region to find and neutralize the threat. Our only links is a halted convoy of fuel trucks, the remains of the ambushed CDF mechanized infantry squad, and our crashed UAV.


Find and seize the insurgent camp somewhere within the Black Forest. If the camp cannot be held, the tanks must be sabotaged. Track down and destroy a ZSU-23-4 SHILKA SPAAG. To prevent the tanks from becoming operational, a parked convoy of URAL-375D fuel trucks must captured and destroyed. HQ will take no chances in this operation; deploy all available weapons to prevent their escape.

1. Find and Seize an Insurgent camp.

2. Destroy enemy AA assets in the black forest.

3. Destroy the parked convoy of URAL fuel trucks.


The enemy is a hidden ChDkZ armoured group consisting of no less than three armored vehicles and guarded by infantry irregulars. One of the few SHILKA SPAAG's remaining to the insurgents has been spotted patrolling the Black Forest region. Its current location is unknown. The exact number of enemy forces is uncertain. Our own analysts claim that there can be no more than a platoon sized element, some forty soldiers, in the region. By contrast our CDF liaison has put forth estimates ranging from eighty to full company strength.

Though the enemy has a fair amount of armor at his disposal. SIGINT combined with a study of the ChDkZ traffic patterns has revealed an interesting fact. The tanks are unlikely to be fully operational. It is imperative that the camp is located before the tanks are loaded and mobile.

1. A mechanized CDF unit was caught in an ambush. As far as we know there were no survivors.

2. INTEL gathered in previous missions suggest that enemy reinforcements may come in from northern Chernarus.


Its early morning right before dawn. Expect full daylight in 30 minutes. Local weather reports caution that the weather will be wet, cold, and with a cloudy overhang. How come we can never go anywhere nice?


A ten man strong strike team of specialist LIMA operatives have driven from the Three Valleys region to conduct the mission. Local CDF forces have been told to avoid the district, focusing solely on the protection of the major southern towns. Given the unknown quantity and threat of the enemies AA capabilities, HQ has decided not to make any air assets available.

A weapons crate and a pair of Landrovers provide additional equipment and mobility for this mission.


There are no pressing time limitations, save finding the enemy camp before the tanks are made operational. Given the poor expected weather, and lack of supplies, this can take as much as three to six hours for the insurgents.


The Black Forest region is sparsely populated. This is a covert operation. Avoid Gorka and Guglovo to the north and south of the Area of Operations. There are no special civilian considerations.

HQ reminds us that the ROE does not permit us to engage unarmed personnel.

Edited by NkEnNy

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Hi Nkenny, really enjoyed your Cartwheel mission last monday. Everybody was very enthusiastic. If you're interested, we made a 15 minute video (although we speak in dutch during the game): http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?94443-Tangodown-nl-Tactical-community-regular-ArmA-2-sessions&p=2109430&viewfull=1#post2109430

Really liked it! Tomorrow we will be playing Peren's Waltz and next week probably Cocaine Blues.


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Hund & zoog

Glad you enjoyed them. There are more missions in the works. I just have to wait till next week to actually get them playtested before release. This week we're doing a MSO variant. :)

Also. Top fun with those videos zoog. Looked like you had an intense session.


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Will post the Peren's Waltz video tomorrow or in a few days :) We had a few problems with the weapon loadouts though. The gear selection menu is a bit bugged so people who take satchels or other stuff end up without them when the mission starts. Same for ammo, I suddenly had only 2 ammo instead of 8 magazines. And we lost 2 satchels due to this bug. I remember more missions having problems like this when you had to selected the gear in the briefing screen.

We had a very good night though :yay: Great atmosphere, good amount of enemies. Perfect :) Next week Cocaine Blues!

Edited by zoog

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Here's the video of Peren's Waltz if anyone is interested :) Good fun!

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Another cool video zoog. I'm afraid the equipment bug you experienced is an ARMA2 problem. At this time the only fix is to have only the ADMIN press continue from the map screen. Both Cocaine Blues and Missing Metal circumvent this by offering a traditional Ammocrate at spawn. I didn't quite catch the radio chatter, but how did you deal with INTEL being wrong? There were 3xBRDMs.

Its videos like these that make being a mission creator all worthwhile. :)


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Another cool video zoog. I'm afraid the equipment bug you experienced is an ARMA2 problem. At this time the only fix is to have only the ADMIN press continue from the map screen. Both Cocaine Blues and Missing Metal circumvent this by offering a traditional Ammocrate at spawn. I didn't quite catch the radio chatter, but how did you deal with INTEL being wrong? There were 3xBRDMs.

Well, originally we had 4 satchel charges with us, one for the ZSU and the rest for the, as it turned out, three BRDMs. Since we lost 2 satchels at spawn due to a bug we decided that the BRDMs were all blown up with the last satchel. Although they weren't all blown up of course. Usually, when bugs or other things prevent certain objectives to be accomplished, we just move on and cross it off the list. Or was it not possible to blow them all up if we had the 3 satchels left?

Its videos like these that make being a mission creator all worthwhile. :)

:) I'll be recording Cocaine Blues next monday. But I'll be HQ and stay in the air, so maybe that video won't be very interesting if you don't understand the radio chatter :P Might get someone on the ground to record the mission as well.

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12(co) Operation CARELESS HAMMER


- Requires Combined Operations + ACE + ACRE

- Four to Twelve players

- 60-90 minute playtime

- No respawn

The Mission

A pair of BM-21 GRADs have been stolen from a CDF army depot. After their success in the Black Forest region, taskforce LIMA is once again brought on the field. The key to this mission is keeping your eyes open for relevant intel which will lead you to the missing rocket artillery pieces. Strike quickly, strike hard. Avoid getting bogged down in an unecessary firefight.

Tactical Weapon Attachment Template LINK

Else known as the TWAT module is a brilliant support script which permits players, when within 10 meters of the starting ammo crate, to customize their weapon attachments. With an M4 or M249 equipped, simply hit ACE SELF interact and navigate the menus.


- Bohemia Interactive for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead

- ACE team for ACE

- Jaynus and Nouber Nou for ACRE

- Kronzky for Urban Patrol script

- Improved taskDefend and taskPatrol by Binesi w/friends

- TWAT script by militantsausage (w/robalo)

- nopryl.no for testing.





Two days ago a small terrorist team infiltrated a CDF (Chernarussian Defence Force) army depot and managed to get away with a pair of BM-21 GRAD (Soviet era Rocket Artillery) trucks. The current location of the artillery is unknown, but an insurgent group aligned with the ChdKZ (Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star) have claimed credit for the action. They have further threatened to bombard Mogilevka if CDF forces move into the region.

Following their success in the Black Forest, Taskforce LIMA was immediately contacted to deal with the situation. SIGINT, intercepted communications by a captured satellite phone, has revealed that an arms trade between two terrorist groups in Nadezhdino. HQ believes securing the meeting site will develop further information leading us to the missing BM-21 GRADs.


Find and capture two BM-21 GRAD trucks. The Chernarussian government has expressed a wish that we capture the trucks intact; undoubtedly to put a positive spin on the entire story. Raid the meeting site to uncover information leading us to the artillery truck's location. It is imperative that none escape to alarm the terrorists.

1. Find and Secure two BM-21 GRAD trucks

2. Raid the terrorist meeting; prevent any escape.


the enemy is an elusive group of terrorists loosely aligned with the ChDkZ movement. The capture of the BM-21 GRADs represent their first overt move in some time. According to intel this may indicate a change in overall stance. It is believed that the terrorists have a base of operations hidden somewhere in the area. Neither INTEL nor our CDF associates have had any luck in locating their camp. Our best estimates conjecture that the total terrorist forces number somewhere between between 50 to 60 men. No armored vehicles are to be expected, though improvised technicals are omnipresent to the region. HUMINT has confirmed extensive patrolling near the Mogilevka and Nadezhdino forests.

HQ advises that the meeting is unlikely to include more than two to four men from either groups. Totalling no more than eight men.


The central region of Chernarus is heavily forested and dominated by valleys. It is just after dawn. Local news report that the day will start foggy, but gradually give way to sunshine.


A twelve man takforce of experienced LIMA operatives are ready. Mobile CDF forces have been recalled to the capital to deal with an unrelated civil riot. What little remains has been asked to avoid the area. To avoid inciting the terrorists from shooting upon Mogilevka, Air assets are unavailable for this mission.

A weapons crate and a pair of Land rovers provide additional equipment and mobility.


With a full five man team a BM-21 GRAD can be made operational in as little as three minutes. A BM-21 can be made ready to move in two. A trained team can reload the artillery in ten minutes. Interviews with the depot soldiers suggest that some of the terrorists are former CDF militia. HQ cautions that no terrorist must be allowed to escape to warn his comrades.


Chernarussian government officials have ruthlessly denied the loss of the BM-21 GRADs. Consequently both Mogilevka and Nadezhdino are populated. Our CDF liaison informs us that a slow but steady trickle of civilians are covertly being smuggled out of Mogilevka. Mainly government employees. It is a risky endeavour as the extent of the terrorist information network is unknown.

ROE do not permit us to engage unarmed enemy personnel.

---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------


3(co) Operation URGENT FURY


- Requires Combined Operations + ACE + ACRE

- One to Four players

- 10-20 minute playtime

- Three variants. (Harrier, A-10, Apache)

- No respawn

The Mission

Urgent fury is a practice scenario for CAS/GBU dropping. It features an aircraft with limited ammunition and a large helping of targets. The ground forces are optional (but a very potent force multiplier) and it can happily be played as an singleplayer practice scenario.

The archive contains three files; one for each type of aircraft. The Apache requires two people in the air. (pilot and gunner)

Happy hunting.


- Bohemia Interactive for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead

- ACE team for ACE

- Jaynus and Nouber Nou for ACRE

- Improved taskDefend and taskPatrol by Binesi w/friends

- nopryl.no for testing.


edit: It would seem that Operation 'Urgent Fury' was a real historical event. This mission bears no resemblance.



Edited by NkEnNy

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Played Operation MISSING METAL yesterday, totally awesome! Will post the video once I'm finished editing. Every single mission you've released is just spot on! :)

Hope the there are more missions in store for the future. Thanks for your hard work :)

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Two videos from Operation Missing Metal (if you still want to play the mission this might be considered spoilers!).

Overall mission video


Two most intense firefights during the mission

from a different perspective (16 minutes, lots of action!)


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Hey Zoog!

Glad you liked the missions, it is a style of scenario that I very much enjoy to both create and play. Top notch videos as well, looks like you guys went through the gauntlet-- shows that proper tactics is the key skill for surviving a firefight. Well done.

There is another 9 scenario mission package, set on Takistan, in the works. It is currently undergoing some internal testing, and tweaking. It differs in that three of the scenarios are intended as assymetric Team vs Team games, and in that these are high-speed air-cavalry operations.


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There is another 9 scenario mission package, set on Takistan, in the works. It is currently undergoing some internal testing, and tweaking. It differs in that three of the scenarios are intended as assymetric Team vs Team games, and in that these are high-speed air-cavalry operations.


Sounds great, that's good news! We really enjoyed the TvT intel shakedown btw, it was a success. Actually, we had so much fun, that I took the liberty to port it to Lingor island (for internal use) and we will be playing it coming Friday. I was even thinking about adding civilians and some kind of system that if a side kills 2 or more civilians they lose as well. Already have plans to do the next round on Shapur or even adding more intel locations and 3 sides instead of 2, so 3 groups are fighting in an area.

Can't wait for your new missions on Takistan :)

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Played Careless Hammer tonight.... awesome :yay:

Might get a video online for that one as well :)

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