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Any Tips You Can Gimme For Multiplayer?

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Hi, I'm planning to get this game or the future Arma 3 solely for testing out the mutliplayer gameplay. Can any seasoned players give any tips on how to behave and conduct myself when fighting in a match. I definitely have grown sick of every other FPS out there (no bullet drop; shot 50 times and still standing). I'm a little uneasy though of how well I'd fit in when I finally get this game.

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Generally its a matter of respecting other players and communicating with other players. If you are in a squad or fireteam, call out contacts to your team. If you have a leader, listen to his orders, he probably knows how to handle the situation and you should have some trust in his orders.

- Dont leave behind wounded teammates, drag/carry them, let your team know someone is down, ask for suppressive fire or give suppressive fire when someone is going to heal/drag/carry them.

- When not engaging (patrolling), cover your direction - teams should always have 360 degree coverage with everyone covering their sector. Trust your team members and cover your own sector, and your team will survive in the field.

Alot of it really is just a matter of putting trust into your mates in your team. Do so and they will trust you.

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That would be for COOP then I think.

While the realism would be higher, there's something else you could become sick of: ArmA multiplayer is practically based on custom missions (beside the original COOP campaings) with a bias to COOP.

PvP is a little less common.

If you want to play serious and not just on public servers you could already look for a squad of your favour: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90

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