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On going problems with TOH and Nvidia GTX 580

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This one goes out to the guys at Bohemia & Nvidia.

I bought myself a new PC for this game as Im a self confessed helicopter nut. I love them and I want to love this game but I cant yet as I just cant seem to get any consistancy in performace.

System details:

Intel core i7 2700k Quad core

Asus P8Z68 GEN 3

8G Ram

Nvidia GTX580 - Running Driver 290.53

1TB WD Caviar Black

Since getting TOH i get random stutters on my system. Somtimes all works well for an hour other times as soon as the menu page comes up its nnnn.....stutter............nnnn.....stutter etc.

I updated drivers to 290.53 which did improve things but its still far from perfect.

After speaking to the guys at PC Specalist they suggested disabling hyperthreading which I did but that actually made things worse so I enabled it again.

I have disabled the shading option as mentioned in the Nvidia game compatability section to but still getting the stutters.

A couple of questions for you:

Have i missed somthing simple which would stop these stutters?

Why do they only happen somtimes and not every time?

Are you guys (Bohemia) working with the guys at Nvidia to iron out these issues? I cant be the only one.

I want to love your game. I bought a new PC to do so but at the moment Im not feeling the compatability love between my system and TOH.

I look forward to your feedback.

Huey 22

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Hi, bit of a crazy question, but are you running Windows 7? :)

Also, can you try defragmenting your drive? TKOH is a large game and when the PBO files get fragmenting, performance issues may arise.

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My home PC is pretty much the same as yours, only slightly better in terms of clock speeds and the presence of a SSD:

- Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit SP1

- Intel Core i7 2600k overclocked to 3.70GHz

- EVGA Superclocked GTX 580 running 290.53

- 8GB of Corsair 1600MHz DDR3 RAM

- 500GB Western Digital HDD

- 120GB Corsair SSD (where TKOH is installed)

The game runs perfectly smooth for me on pretty high settings. Usually, I've found that any such stuttering issues are related to the hard drive and the delayed streaming of terrain and objects, usually down to either a hard drive severely in need of defragging, or the speed of the hard drive being inadequate. My SSD for example made a huge difference in the smoothness of gameplay because of its speed and lack of a need to defrag. So, as DnA says, defrag your HDD if you have not already. I would highly recommend a SSD myself, as well.

However, it can also be down to issues with every other part of your rig that you mentioned so, again, as DnA says: be sure you're running the latest drivers. Finally, make sure you are running the latest version of TKOH. If these problems persist despite these troubleshooting efforts, perform some tests on your hardware to see if there are any faults occurring within them. Obviously, if worst comes to worst, formatting is always an option, but that really is the worst-case scenario.

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Thank you for your responses. Much appreciated.

I am running Windows 7 64bit and i have defraged the drive.

I think i will invest in an SSD as from everything that i have read they seem to be worth the money.

Probably of stupid question but do you have windows on your SSD as well or just TOH?

Thank you again for your help.


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I do indeed have Windows 7 installed on the same SSD as TKOH.

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One last question - what is your bios set up?

i actually migrated from Mac to PC for this game so im still picking things up. Are there any key settings i should know about? As mentioned i did try disabling hyperthreading but that made the stuttering more frequent so i turned it off. Any top tips.

Thanks again


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what kind of mac were you running?

could you not run TOH in an emulation environment?

I love Mac's, just can't afford one right now...

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I sold the old girl to make way for my PC. She was pretty but she was slow :-)

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SSD drive ordered. Any top tips on BIOS set up appreciated.



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Good evening all and Happy Friday,

I upgraded to an SSD drive and not a stutter in sight over the last 4 hours so thank you very much Zipper 5 for the tip. I can fully love this game now. Thanks for your time and effort to all at Bohemia Interactive. You have made this helicoipter nut very happy.



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Hello. I got a 120gig from Crucial. Works a treat.

Happy flying.


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