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repair at repair stations?

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Thanks fellas. I do have it working now. nearObjects (or nearestObjects) is too laggy with these big radii so I put the triggers on the buildings in sqm. Bit cludgy, and not very geeky, but it works best, I think.

Could you post up your end code and a little simple mission for the people that were following this thread like me:)

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Here's the trigger. You can see it's on the repair station building in the barracks area in Feruz Abad.


And here's the code. Apologies for the commented out debug and hints. Note that it's from a Domination mod so uses some Xeno calls and global variables.

//t_repairstationrepair.sqf by tankbuster
private "_repveh", "_veh_dam", "_veh_fuel";
if (!X_Client) exitWith {};
_repveh = _this select 0;
//_reppos = getPos thistrigger;
// if ((_repveh distance _reppos) < 11) exitWith {};
// hint "exec!";
_veh_dam = getDammage _repveh;
_veh_fuel = fuel _repveh;
sleep 1;
//diag_log format ["repveh %1 reppos %2" ,_repveh, _reppos];
if (!(vehicle _repveh isKindOf "LandVehicle" or vehicle _repveh isKindof "Helicopter")) exitwith {Hint "We can't repair that here"};

//while {getDammage _repveh  > 0 and _repveh distance _reppos  < 11} do {
while {(getDammage _repveh  > 0)} do {   
   //titleText ["Repairing", "PLAIN"] ;
[vehicle player, "Repairing. Stay on board!"] call XfVehicleChat;
   _repveh setFuel 0;
//hint "repairing";
sleep 2;
   _veh_dam = _veh_dam - 0.1;
   _repveh setdamage _veh_dam;
if (getDammage _repveh  == 0) then {
   //titleText ["Repairs Complete", "PLAIN"] ;
[vehicle player, "Repairs complete!"] call XfVehicleChat;
//hint "repaired";
_repveh setFuel _veh_fuel;
_repveh engineOn true;
} else {
    // titleText ["Vehicle is Still Damaged", "PLAIN"] ;
  [vehicle player, "Vehicle still damaged!"] call XfVehicleChat;
  _repveh setFuel _veh_fuel;

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:29 PM ----------

Here's another view of where the trigger actually is.


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