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What Settings Should I Use?

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I'm currently running ArmA2 through Bootcamp on a Macbook Pro that I got in early September.

Here are my Windows Experience Index specs (Scale of 0-7.9):

Processor: 7.4

Memory (RAM): 5.5

Graphics: 6.9

Gaming Graphics: 6.9

Hard Disk Transfer Rate: 6.8

Here are my system specs, according to my dxdiag.

Processor: i7-2820QM (Best laptop processor out there, I think?)


Graphics Card: AMD Radeon 6750M

If you want any other information, just ask and I'll see if I can get it.

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why dont you simply test what settings works for you?

also, it depends on your screen resolution, which you haven't specified.

also the speed of your hdd matters...a lot

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Well I have a solid-state drive, it's pretty fast. I'm not sure how to check the speed on it though.

The default settings for the game look really nice for some reason with this computer, so I'll see how they run and won't mess with them if it's okay FPS-wise.

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It's all about resolution and view distance, really. If you can get some AA in there, it's nice, but otherwise, the game will look fantastic with default sliders and no post-processing, no need to max out.

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Unless you're running ArmA 2 on a particle supercollider developed through a co-venture by NASA, the EASA and CERN, I'd highly suggest running ArmA 2 at your computer's native resolution with 100.00% Percent 3D Fillrate, Very Low Post Processing, and Low Anti-Aliasing, with no more than 5000.00 View Distance.

If you happen to have a nuclear-powered computer, max it out to your heart's content. ;)

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