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[TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

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Going to test this now.

Thanks BT..

This is going to be great.

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  flaep said:
did you change any parameter?

I had the same problem. When i changed any parameter (even if it is just the time) the ~ does nothing. (no i tried not all combination of parameters).

Food and Water seemed to turned of by default but you can open the menu in default.

you're right. just did a quick test without touching any of the parameters and the ~ menu worked fine. i did note that after dropping some food and attempting to pick it up again, i received some sort of noscript error.

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  HFTB said:
i received some sort of noscript error.

can you check your .rpt what the errors was. Could be helpfull i think. (C:\Users\$YourUsernameHere\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.rpt)

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For the noscript error....

He forgot to include a file called noscript.sqf in the main directory of the mission file.

For anyone that knows what they're doing, decompile the mission and make a file where the mission.sqm is located called noscript.sqf

Here is the script contents

_command = _this select 3;

call compile format [ "%1", _command];

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If I turn the food/water system on the ~ menu wont work but if I leave it off in the parameters it shows up. I cant pickup water either. How is that supposed to work? Is it in the menu for refill water? I can't figure it out. I do like the mod only weapon spawning option though. Keep up the good work.

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When I Play infected game mode I cant seem to get weapons out of the mystery box. Also If I buy the L110 it wont let me buy a new gun. And the mag capacity gets all messed up if I try to.

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Im still having issues with setting params with both versions, food and water worked in the 1.3 test but logistics wouldnt let me move things. and in tonics fix i could move things again but food and drink stopped working. other then that it seems to work fine

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I'll look into these infected bugs, thank you.

Edited by bobtom

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I love your mod.


Had some issues though.

Mainly that the second player on LAN seems to spawn without a weapon, even with weapons are set to be on.

Second, is there a way to set zombies to walk? I think it would be cool to have hordes of slow shambling zombies vs. few running zombies... although if it were 20 walkers to every 1 runner it would be cool as well.

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Unrelated to the mission I believe, each time I start a Arma 2:CO server my internet dies 100% until the router is reset or until it fixes itself 5m-1hr later. Process of this is ---- Start arma 2 > multiplayer menu > new game > rename server, ports unadjusted, password blank, ect > map selection menu & instant disconnect.

Figured since you know some people that actually worked on Arma you might have insight on this issue -.-

Really want to start hosting the game again.

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  lawl0059 said:
Unrelated to the mission I believe, each time I start a Arma 2:CO server my internet dies 100% until the router is reset or until it fixes itself 5m-1hr later. Process of this is ---- Start arma 2 > multiplayer menu > new game > rename server, ports unadjusted, password blank, ect > map selection menu & instant disconnect.

Figured since you know some people that actually worked on Arma you might have insight on this issue -.-

Really want to start hosting the game again.

Hey Lawl0059

Try this thread for some help.


They are really good and it is more direct for the issue you are having.

Good luck

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I was wondering if someone could help me, or point me in the right direction ? I am running a dedicated DZS server but I cant figure out how to pass the mission parameters to the server. Right now I log in as admin and set the params while in game but surely theres a way to set these in the server.cfg ? Or some other method ?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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Hello, everyone

my first post here :) I downloaded your mission a couple days ago v1.25 and the mission is awesome, managed to figure out how to get a dedicated server up and running as well :)

I had a question about this mission on dedicated servers as well, once its up and running is there anyway, logging as an admin ingame or console commmands or what not to change any of the mission parameters without restarting the mission from scratch? like changing the weather, turning an option on or off etc.

Also anyone have any good suggestions for a dedicated server host?

Thankyou for any help

Edited by ConfederateGen
forgot to ask

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  chaosportal said:
I was wondering if someone could help me, or point me in the right direction ? I am running a dedicated DZS server but I cant figure out how to pass the mission parameters to the server. Right now I log in as admin and set the params while in game but surely theres a way to set these in the server.cfg ? Or some other method ?

Any assistance would be appreciated.


You would still need to know the variables for the mission parameters so either way you'll have to depbo the mission, but with doing that you could change the values from in there without doing it via server.cfg

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  Tonic-_- said:

You would still need to know the variables for the mission parameters so either way you'll have to depbo the mission, but with doing that you could change the values from in there without doing it via server.cfg

best to use the server.cfg.

I changed the defaults in the PBO, but the problem with that, is you have to do it every time a new version comes out.

it also makes it hard to quickly switch between different setups. If you are going to de-pbo it.. at least copy the description.ext, so you can eventually make a server.cfg with the defaults you want.

Edited by joulesbeef

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Been having great fun with the mod recently. Edited it a bit to adapt to our playstyle, but still great fun.

However, I was running the new 1.3 beta (no editing) and constantly ran into the FF punishment problem (where you can't enter vehicles).

Only way we could get around it was to respawn, and even then, it never lasted very long. It seems like the zombies receiving the random skins are also still connected to players faction-wise, so killing zombies with skins based on your faction, will not allow you enter the vehicles of others. Or at least, that's what it seems.

Keep up the good work.

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Hey there! I really want to host a server running DZS 1.25. But i have a small problem. No matter how I mark the "Start with weapons" parameter, even if it's set to "No", I always start with a weapon. Also, when I change the "weaponcount" parameter to a higher value, will it change the amount of weapons per drop, or increase the number of drop sites? And what does the ACE Stamina/Backpack mean? I haven't tried it on MP yet, so I will wait for help.

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  Hammell said:
Been having great fun with the mod recently. Edited it a bit to adapt to our playstyle, but still great fun.

However, I was running the new 1.3 beta (no editing) and constantly ran into the FF punishment problem (where you can't enter vehicles).

Only way we could get around it was to respawn, and even then, it never lasted very long. It seems like the zombies receiving the random skins are also still connected to players faction-wise, so killing zombies with skins based on your faction, will not allow you enter the vehicles of others. Or at least, that's what it seems.

Keep up the good work.

actually for me, I thought it was passengers in first.. driver last... when he gets in the door locks. So far that has worked for us, but havent really tested it enough to say that is what it is.

my problem with 1.3 so far is how fast zeds spawn.. it is insane trying to clear the base.

Also where they spawn.. if I change that from anything but default, they stop spawning all together... I'd rather have towns only so they quit spawning in the base we just cleared. But cant get it to work that way.... edit my bad this last part works, just when I change it from default it takes the zeds a lot lot longer to start to spawn.

two things would be nice.. being able to adjust respawn time, and being able to set the gps of the spawn location. I want to play this on namalsk.. it is a great atmosphere for this mod.. especially the background sounds, but it is really lacking in cities, and I want to start people at the biggest one. It would be also nice to change in game.. so when we build a base we can make that the new spawn location.

Edited by joulesbeef

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Using Beta 1.3 both Tonics fix and released version from Craig. Using Arma2 CO Dedicated server options. Whatever we select for spawn distance... instead of going to said distance.. they spawn 10/15m away from you. ALWAYS... You change the spawn type from 'best' to just in towns or buildings .... they dont spawn at all.

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  banditfromhell said:
Using Beta 1.3 both Tonics fix and released version from Craig. Using Arma2 CO Dedicated server options. Whatever we select for spawn distance... instead of going to said distance.. they spawn 10/15m away from you. ALWAYS... You change the spawn type from 'best' to just in towns or buildings .... they dont spawn at all.

Same problem here. Also, if i choose Spawn option "Best - in groups around buildings" they also will not spawn until I manually respawned one time.

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