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About flaep

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Speeds are overall ok. The server just takes a while with armasync building. Maybe somethging is miss configured since Check allways fails.I
  2. My server is just a Vserver, so the overall I/O are in general quite low. I was expecting that Armasync only checks for new or changed files and is not doing everything all over again. I dont get any errors when i build a repo. But CHECK gives me alway the error that i need to rebuild. Its Debian 7.0.
  3. Same here. I always have to rebuild the hole repo and that takes forever
  4. same here. Any Updates?
  5. You can sit on the right door but you cant operate the winch from there. (there is no option in the middlemouse button menu) Zooming with the Mouse or leaning want help anything to reach the controls. I tried nearly anything you just cant turn wide enough to the left or up.
  6. they are there. We found few of them but if we had flir it would be a lot easier. The Groupleader (Pilot) of each Team has to be near the "victims" then they get added to your group and you can command them to board the helicopter.
  7. Hi Today we tried to play one of the default Multiplayer missions. The mission is about rescuing people in Seattle. He was the pilot and iam the co-pilot. We encountered 3 problems: 1. If he gave the control to me I couldn't reach all buttons from co-pilot seat. - Open the co-pilot door - upper panel in the middle (lights, batteries, Rotorbreaks and statistics) 2. The Briefing suggested to use Flir but there was no way to actually use Flir. What is the Button to change the View mode? Do i have to be in a special position in the Helicopter (i tried all). I also tried the "under the helicopter"-view that you can reach from the co-pilot seat. 3.The Briefing also suggested to use the winch. But how?
  8. dont get me wrong but is the Feedback tracker not a better place for bug tracking?
  9. can you check your .rpt what the errors was. Could be helpfull i think. (C:\Users\$YourUsernameHere\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\arma2oa.rpt)
  10. did you change any parameter? I had the same problem. When i changed any parameter (even if it is just the time) the ~ does nothing. (no i tried not all combination of parameters). Food and Water seemed to turned of by default but you can open the menu in default.
  11. did the character selection screen work?
  12. Ok Chernarus seems to work. No errors in logs. food/water inventory works too "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.20Rnd_9x19_EVO'." Fallujah still gives the: and spawns no vehicle. I keep the server running but it is non persistent (persistent crashes more often) so you have to start the mission by voting if it is not running. If you to try something instant iam arround for the next 40 minutes
  13. To everyone who wants to check it out. I hosted it here: BugReport: 1. "trying to add NV Goggles again" The Server tries pretty hard and i have them i my inventory but he never stops trying. This message spams nonstop in my logs. 2. Character menu should be empty? 3. I spawned with a weapon 4. no zombies no vehicle 5. the name of the mission is still 1.25 This is fallujah testing. Chernarus still in progress.
  14. I try to play DZS on the map Fallujah my server keeps on spamming in the logs. and no Vehicle or weapon spawn. What i use: