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Unit Capture

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sorry i mean the unit play/capture function that allows you to record your flight path then the ai repeats exactly what you do. is it only for operation arrowhead?

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Well as far as i know that funcion(http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=101421) it doesn't use any scripting command that is OA only, so you can always copy/paste the BIS funcion, for example using the function viewer(http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_help), copy the code there and use it on your mision :P.

The true is that i dont like that funcion very much, its more or less a constant setpos of the vehicle, and can look good on LAN games or singleplayer, but in MP(10 players+) its really bumpy and looks like crap :P

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