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Request: Tournament Scoring Script

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This is beyond me by a long, long way.

What I need is a script which fires when coop team hits extraction zone. This is what it has to do:

Coop team will have 3 objectives to complete and each objective is worth a set amount of points.

objective 1 - 20 points.

objective 2 - 30 points.

objective 3 - 50 points.

They are not required to complete all objectives but only score points for those completed - harder objective equals more points (risk/reward).

When coop teams hits extraction the script/trigger does a check of objectives completed and gives a score accordingly - in the form of an onscreen message.

For example, obj1 and obj3 complete - message says "Congratulations - you scored 70 points for this mission".

Example 2, if all objectives are complete message says "Congratulations - you scored 100 points for this mission".

so essentially the script runs a check of scores and spits out the appropriate score.

I need this for planned coop tournament to run in the future.

Thanx in advance


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its just a simple adding numbers.

what you need to concern yourself with is what is the objectives, and how to check that.

first setup the initial score "0" in init.sqf.

scoreForTheGrunts = 0;

now the objectives, for example obj1:

task is to kill general named biatch.

have a trigger or script check if biatch is alive if so add a number. (we only need it to check on server side unless biatch is in player led group).

trigger condition:

isServer AND !alive biatch

trigger on act:

scoreForTheGrunts = scoreForTheGrunts + 30; publicVariable "scoreForTheGrunts";

now when biatch is dead, score is added 30 points, and broadcasted to all players, you can repeat this as much as you want adding score upon score.

When the player group reaches the extract or end area have a trigger display the hint in format.

trigger condition synched to group or all players present or whatever suits your mission.

trigger on act:

hintC format["You guys scored %1",scoreForTheGrunts];

now hint will display with score in center of screen and players need to click continue for it to go away, use hint or hintsilent for others, fancyer way, go with dialogs (advanced) or add it to MP score debrief screen, (not sure how).

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ok thanx mate - i will test this out tonight. maybe not tonite - i am proposing to my gf.

tomorrow nite.

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ok thanx mate - i will test this out tonight. maybe not tonite - i am proposing to my gf.

Good Luck!

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ok I have had a proposal for a more advanced script put forward which I think has a lot of merit - I would appreciate if a scripter could create a script that would achieve the following -

Rather than having a final score based on points, base the score on a percentage of completion and call it an efficiency rating

The elements of the scoring could be something along the lines of

25% based on casualty rate

25% based on time taken

and then the objectives themselves make up the other 50%

This could then be implemented as a general scoring system over any mission

In more detail:


If you were able to complete the mission with no friendly casualties, you would have 100% success on that element and therefore be awarded the full 25% towards the final rating. If you had casualties say you started with 12 players and ended up with 9, therefore having a casualty rate of 25% you would only receive 18.75% as the casualty rate element of the score


There would be 2 time limits

a) Time limit to achive a full 100% for the time element

b) An overun time limit, where if the objectives are not achieved by that time you would receive 0% towards the time element and the missions would be aborted.

For example

Time limit to achieve 100% = 40 minutes

Time limit where command would abort the mission, lets say 1 hour 20 minutes

If you achieved your objectives within or up to 40 minutes you would receive 100% of the time element score, eg a full 25% towards the final rating

If you achieved you mission at say the 1 hour point, you would receive 50% of the available time limit score which would add 12.5% towards the final rating


3 objectives for example would each add 33.3% towards the full score allowed for the objectives, each giving 16.65 towards the final rating

Overall clans would then see their overall efficiency rating which would work generically on very different scenarios

The final rating would of course be output at the end of the mission via a dialogue with a time and date stamp on it which the clan could then take a screenshot for proof of their accomplishment.

I know this is not particularly easy to do but maybe a good challenge for a scripter. Ideally, I would like to be able to switch some of the numbers here and there so that for example, I could reduce number of players who can play, or add or remove an objective, and have the mission time easily edited - all without killing the script.

Obviously, the scripter will get credit for creating such a script for the tournament.



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The plan is to have revives in the mission so will this affect Deaths? Would the fact that a person requires a revive indicate that he was dead but has been switched back to an injured body?

It's not a problem either way just need to know how it works.

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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This isn't really a "script" that you need, more like a formula (or a few formulas) to calculate the score... Just think about what kind of data you want to keep track of, and sum up the result (either at the end of the mission or as points are being added/deducted).

If you want to count deaths and use a revive script, it would be best to dig into that revive script to see how it handles deaths, and make sure the server counts each death. How hard/easy to do that is something I can't tell you, because it really depends on how the revive script is actually written. But obviously a revive script has a potential to mess up any "standard" ways one would use for counting deaths.

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Yeh that's my fear and can't afford this script to stuff up in a tournament environ.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

I have plenty of work arounds to make it work the way I want :)

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I'd like to incorporate a reduction in score for every blufor that is killed during the mission - how would I deduct say 10 points every time a blufor is killed?

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