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group markers

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Iv'e made a group marker script for a coop map.It's called like this from each playable character initline: null = [unitname, "mkrName"] execVM "team_markers.sqf";

I should probably compile PreprocessFile and spawn this script iam assuming, but for testing i used execVM (dont ask why...) :idea: :638:


waitUntil { !isNull player }; 
waitUntil { player == player };

private ["_unit","_mkrname"];

_unit = _this select 0;
_mkrname = _this select 1;

_mkrName = createMarker [_mkrname, position _unit];
_mkrname setMarkerType "man";
_mkrname setMarkerColor "Colorgreen";
_mkrname setMarkerSize [0.6,0.6];
_mkrname setMarkerText Name _unit;

    while {alive _unit} do 


       sleep 0.5;

       _mkrName setMarkerPos getpos _unit;


deleteMarker _mkrname;
_mkrname = Nil;

sleep 13;

switch (player) do

        case s1:

          this = [s1, "s1m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s2:

          this = [s2, "s2m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s3:

          this = [s3, "s3m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s4:

          this = [s4, "s4m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s5:

          this = [s5, "s5m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s6:

          this = [s6, "s6m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s7:

          this = [s7, "s7m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s8:

          this = [s8, "s8m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s9:

          this = [s9, "s9m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s10:

          this = [s10, "s10m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s11:

          this = [s11, "s11m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";

        case s12:

          this = [s12, "s12m"] execVM "scripts\Team_Markers.sqf";


It works fine when I test it on a dedicated server, the marker shows up initially and on respawn.When I leave the server and jip back to a diffrent slot, the marker still works fine... though I get an ERROR message upon jip.Why? and how can i fix this?

RPT shows:

Error in expression <_mkrname = _this select 1;
_mkrName = createMarker [_mkrname, position _unit];>
 Error position: <createMarker [_mkrname, position _unit];>
 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Chernarus\scripts\team_Markers.sqf, line 11
WARNING: Function 'name' - s2 has no unit

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I've not done any MP so Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected would mean that no unit name has been passed.

I see the game waits 13 seconds before starting the script again after a unit dies but what happens if it takes longer than that to get back into the game, the script will run but without a player.

The other thing is that could be happening is that the script may be being called twice.

Once in the players init and again in the script.

I'd try placing a waitUntil { player == player }; instead of sleep 13 or even removing all the switch case stuff.

As I said I've not done any MP but I'd look at those things first.

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This is what i use in my MP missions and works fine, maybe can help you :)

In the init.sqf:

players_string        = ["s1","s2","s3","s4","s5","s6","s7","s8","s9","s10","s11","s12","s13","s14","s15","s16","s17"];
{_marker = createmarkerLocal [_x, [0,0]];_x setmarkertypelocal "Man";_x setmarkerColorlocal "ColorBlue";_x setMarkerSizeLocal [0.7, 0.7];} foreach players_string;

BTC_Marker =
	if (Alive _x && isplayer _x) then
		if (leader _x == _x) then
			format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerPosLocal (getpos _x);
			format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1 (%2)", group _x, name _x];
			if (group _x == group player) then {format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";} else {format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";};
			format ["%1", _x] setMarkerPosLocal (getpos _x);
			format ["%1", _x] setMarkerTextLocal format ["%1", name _x];
			if (group _x == group player) then {format ["%1", _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen";} else {format ["%1", group _x] setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBlue";};
		format ["%1", _x] setMarkerPosLocal [0,0];
		format ["%1", _x] setMarkerTextLocal "";
} foreach [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15,s16,s17];

If you have a main client loop just add this line:

[] call BTC_Marker;

Or you can modify the script and add this line at the end with a sleep.

Obviously you have to modify the playable units in the array ;)

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This should work for your purpose and be JIP compatible and low stress.

Only tested in MP editor btw.

Place in init.sqf

player execVM "trackMarker.sqf";

save this as trackMarker.sqf

waitUntil {!isNull _this};
if (_this != player OR !isNil "trackingPlayerMarkers") exitWith {};
trackingPlayerMarkers = true;  // not sure if this is really needed, combined with the OR part above.

_marker_fnc = {
_mkrNr = _this select 0;
_unit = _this select 1;
_mkrName = format["playerMarker_%1",_mkrNr];
_mkr = createMarkerLocal [_mkrName, position _unit];
_mkr setMarkerTypeLocal "man";
_mkr setMarkerColorLocal "Colorgreen";
_mkr setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6,0.6];
_mkr setMarkerTextLocal Name _unit;

_mrkNr = 0;
_mrkArr = [];
while {true} do {
	_unit = _x;
	if ( ({_unit in _x} count _mrkArr) == 0 ) then {
		_mrkNr = _mrkNr + 1;
		_mkr = [_mrkNr,_unit] call _marker_fnc;
		_mrkArr = _mrkArr + [[_unit,_mkr]];
} foreach playableUnits;

_cnt = 0;
	_unit = _x select 0;
	_mkr = _x select 1;
	if (!isNull _unit) then {
		_mkr setMarkerPos (getpos _unit);
	} else {
		deleteMarker _mkr;
		_mkr = Nil;
		_mrkArr set [_cnt,-1];
		_mrkArr = _mrkArr - [-1];
	_cnt = _cnt + 1;
} foreach _mrkArr;
sleep 0.5;

Edited by Demonized
added player double run protection, maybe not needed.

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