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name unit = player

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Hello people!.

I want one specific unit activate an "addaction". I would like to do on this way... if is possible.

if ( player == nameunit ) then {goto "fix"} else {goto "nofix"};

object setdamage 0;

hint "you can not fix this object";

Those units are engineers. But i thought it would be possible if i use "iskindof" engineers.

I tried make it alone, but i can´t...

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I would put the addAction on the vehicle. And than do following:

ID01=this addAction [("<t color='#009900'>" + ("Repair vehicle") +"</t>"), "repair.sqf",[],0,false,true,"","typeOf player == 'USMC_SoldierS_Engineer'"];


_obj = _this select 0;
_id = _this select 2;
_obj removeAction _id;
_obj setDamage 0;


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It works fine. But in my mission nobody knows which is the target.

I would like everyone to see that "addaction" and when it being activated, it says "You can not fix that object because you are not an expert". It can be a track for continue the mission.

People would say.. "hey man.. what is this?, can anyone take a look?" :)

Sorry if i am insistent and thank you so much.

PD: Please i need to know how can i check when a unitname is player.

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For one unit you could use something like:

if (player != p12) exitwith {hint "whatever"};

or for a specific class:

if (typeof player != "US_Soldier_Engineer_EP1") exitwith {hint "whatever"};

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In my example only the class USMC_SoldierS_Engineer can see the addAction and repair the vehicle... you are right...

Delete the part in the addAction:

typeOf player == 'USMC_SoldierS_Engineer'

And the repair.sqf (think you have to edit the classname of the engineer?!):

_obj = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;
_id = _this select 2;
if(typeOf _caller != "USMC_SoldierS_Engineer")exitWith{"No Engineer!"};
_obj removeAction _id;
_obj setDamage 0;
_caller sideChat "You repaired the vehicle.";


Edited by Buliwyf

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Yeah, it works as expected.

One more question. How i insert more conditions? i have tried this:

if (player != p12) or (player != p13) or (player != p14) exitwith {hint "whatever"};

There are three engineers, but it isn´t works.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------

Ok, i have been trying it and i have solved it alone! :yay:

The problem was here:

if ((player != p12) AND (player != p13) AND (player != p14)) exitwith {hint "whatever"};

Thank you guys so much.

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