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How to create an AA rocket that takes down your chopper?

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I want to create an AA rocket that takes down chopper?

is there a way to create a rocket somewhere (without a visible in-game source like an AA soldier), that hits the player chopper?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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You're looking for setHit. Just destroy the motor or rotor or whatever part that gives you the desired crash.

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BIS script launchMissile.sqf:

[b]//[Targetname, [(markerPos "missileStart") select 0, (markerPos "missileStart") select 1, 5], "M_Igla_AA", 500, position someObject] execVM "launchMissile.sqf";[/b]
_primaryTarget = _this select 0;	//target for the missile
_missileStart = _this select 1;		//position where the missile will be spawned
_missileType = _this select 2;		//type of the missile
_missileSpeed = _this select 3;		//speed of the missile
_defaultTargetPos = _this select 4;	//default position where unguided missiles will fly [8340.718750,3074.914795,0];[/color]

_perSecondChecks = 25;		//direction checks per second
_getPrimaryTarget = {if (typeName _primaryTarget == typename {}) then {call _primaryTarget} else {_primaryTarget}};		//code can be used for laser dots
_target = call _getPrimaryTarget;

_missile = _missileType createVehicle _missileStart;
_missile setPos _missileStart;

//secondary target used for random trajectory when laser designator is turned off prematurily
_secondaryTarget = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle _defaultTargetPos;
_secondaryTarget setPos _defaultTargetPos;

_guidedRandomly = FALSE;

//procedure for guiding the missile
_homeMissile = {

//here we switch to secondary target at random position if the laser dot no longer exists
//if the designator is turned on again, the missile will return to it's original target (providing it hadn't flown too far)
private ["_velocityX", "_velocityY", "_velocityZ", "_target"];
_target = _secondaryTarget;
if (!(_guidedRandomly) && _missile distance _target > _missileSpeed * 1.5) then {
	_guidedRandomly = TRUE;
	_target = _secondaryTarget;
	_dispersion = (_missile distance _defaultTargetPos) / 20;
	_dispersionMin = _dispersion / 10;
	_target setPos [(_defaultTargetPos select 0) + _dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion, (_defaultTargetPos select 1) + _dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion, 0];
if (!(isNull (call _getPrimaryTarget))) then {_target = call _getPrimaryTarget; _defaultTargetPos = position _target; _guidedRandomly = FALSE};

//altering the direction, pitch and trajectory of the missile
	_travelTime = (_target distance _missile) / _missileSpeed;
	_steps = floor (_travelTime * _perSecondChecks);

	_relDirHor = [_missile, _target] call BIS_fnc_DirTo;
	_missile setDir _relDirHor;

	_relDirVer = asin ((((getPosASL _missile) select 2) - ((getPosASL _target) select 2) + 0.5) / (_target distance _missile));
	_relDirVer = (_relDirVer * -1);
	[_missile, _relDirVer, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;

	_velocityX = (((getPosASL _target) select 0) - ((getPosASL _missile) select 0)) / _travelTime;
	_velocityY = (((getPosASL _target) select 1) - ((getPosASL _missile) select 1)) / _travelTime;
	_velocityZ = (((getPosASL _target) select 2) + 0.5 - ((getPosASL _missile) select 2)) / _travelTime;

[_velocityX, _velocityY, _velocityZ]

call _homeMissile;

//missile flying
while {(_missile distance _missileStart) <= (_target distance _missileStart)} do {
_velocityForCheck = call _homeMissile;
if ({(typeName _x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForCheck == 3) then {_missile setVelocity _velocityForCheck};
sleep (1 / _perSecondChecks)

waitUntil {(_missile distance _missileStart) > (_target distance _missileStart) || !(alive _missile)};
if (alive _missile) then {
while {alive _missile} do {
	_missile setPos position _target;
	_missile setDir (direction _target);
	sleep 0.01

[color="Blue"]// ----- mission-specific!!!
_primaryTarget setHit ["mala vrtule", 1];
// ----- end of mission-specific[/color]

deleteVehicle _secondaryTarget;

Execute it from somewhere with that first bold line

[Targetname, [(markerPos "missileStart") select 0, (markerPos "missileStart") select 1, 5], "M_Igla_AA", 500, position someObject] execVM "launchMissile.sqf";

obviously substituting the object and marker names for your own.

The ----- mission-specific!!! part at the bottom just destroys the target's tail rotor if it is a chopper.

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Thank you very much!

Your suggestion is very useful.

---------- Post added at 04:31 ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 ----------

Thanks a lot

---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 ----------

You're looking for setHit. Just destroy the motor or rotor or whatever part that gives you the desired crash.

Thank you very much!:yay:

---------- Post added at 04:38 ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 ----------

BIS script launchMissile.sqf:

[b]//[Targetname, [(markerPos "missileStart") select 0, (markerPos "missileStart") select 1, 5], "M_Igla_AA", 500, position someObject] execVM "launchMissile.sqf";[/b]
_primaryTarget = _this select 0;	//target for the missile
_missileStart = _this select 1;		//position where the missile will be spawned
_missileType = _this select 2;		//type of the missile
_missileSpeed = _this select 3;		//speed of the missile
_defaultTargetPos = _this select 4;	//default position where unguided missiles will fly [8340.718750,3074.914795,0];[/color]
_perSecondChecks = 25;		//direction checks per second
_getPrimaryTarget = {if (typeName _primaryTarget == typename {}) then {call _primaryTarget} else {_primaryTarget}};		//code can be used for laser dots
_target = call _getPrimaryTarget;

_missile = _missileType createVehicle _missileStart;
_missile setPos _missileStart;

//secondary target used for random trajectory when laser designator is turned off prematurily
_secondaryTarget = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle _defaultTargetPos;
_secondaryTarget setPos _defaultTargetPos;

_guidedRandomly = FALSE;

//procedure for guiding the missile
_homeMissile = {

//here we switch to secondary target at random position if the laser dot no longer exists
//if the designator is turned on again, the missile will return to it's original target (providing it hadn't flown too far)
private ["_velocityX", "_velocityY", "_velocityZ", "_target"];
_target = _secondaryTarget;
if (!(_guidedRandomly) && _missile distance _target > _missileSpeed * 1.5) then {
	_guidedRandomly = TRUE;
	_target = _secondaryTarget;
	_dispersion = (_missile distance _defaultTargetPos) / 20;
	_dispersionMin = _dispersion / 10;
	_target setPos [(_defaultTargetPos select 0) + _dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion, (_defaultTargetPos select 1) + _dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion, 0];
if (!(isNull (call _getPrimaryTarget))) then {_target = call _getPrimaryTarget; _defaultTargetPos = position _target; _guidedRandomly = FALSE};

//altering the direction, pitch and trajectory of the missile
	_travelTime = (_target distance _missile) / _missileSpeed;
	_steps = floor (_travelTime * _perSecondChecks);

	_relDirHor = [_missile, _target] call BIS_fnc_DirTo;
	_missile setDir _relDirHor;

	_relDirVer = asin ((((getPosASL _missile) select 2) - ((getPosASL _target) select 2) + 0.5) / (_target distance _missile));
	_relDirVer = (_relDirVer * -1);
	[_missile, _relDirVer, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;

	_velocityX = (((getPosASL _target) select 0) - ((getPosASL _missile) select 0)) / _travelTime;
	_velocityY = (((getPosASL _target) select 1) - ((getPosASL _missile) select 1)) / _travelTime;
	_velocityZ = (((getPosASL _target) select 2) + 0.5 - ((getPosASL _missile) select 2)) / _travelTime;

[_velocityX, _velocityY, _velocityZ]

call _homeMissile;

//missile flying
while {(_missile distance _missileStart) <= (_target distance _missileStart)} do {
_velocityForCheck = call _homeMissile;
if ({(typeName _x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForCheck == 3) then {_missile setVelocity _velocityForCheck};
sleep (1 / _perSecondChecks)

waitUntil {(_missile distance _missileStart) > (_target distance _missileStart) || !(alive _missile)};
if (alive _missile) then {
while {alive _missile} do {
	_missile setPos position _target;
	_missile setDir (direction _target);
	sleep 0.01

[color="Blue"]// ----- mission-specific!!!
_primaryTarget setHit ["mala vrtule", 1];
// ----- end of mission-specific[/color]

deleteVehicle _secondaryTarget;

Execute it from somewhere with that first bold line

[Targetname, [(markerPos "missileStart") select 0, (markerPos "missileStart") select 1, 5], "M_Igla_AA", 500, position someObject] execVM "launchMissile.sqf";

obviously substituting the object and marker names for your own.

The ----- mission-specific!!! part at the bottom just destroys the target's tail rotor if it is a chopper.

yeh!I suddenly realized.I am trying! Thanks a lot :bounce3:

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BIS script launchMissile.sqf:

[b]//[Targetname, [(markerPos "missileStart") select 0, (markerPos "missileStart") select 1, 5], "M_Igla_AA", 500, position someObject] execVM "launchMissile.sqf";[/b]
_primaryTarget = _this select 0;	//target for the missile
_missileStart = _this select 1;		//position where the missile will be spawned
_missileType = _this select 2;		//type of the missile
_missileSpeed = _this select 3;		//speed of the missile
_defaultTargetPos = _this select 4;	//default position where unguided missiles will fly [8340.718750,3074.914795,0];[/color]

_perSecondChecks = 25;		//direction checks per second
_getPrimaryTarget = {if (typeName _primaryTarget == typename {}) then {call _primaryTarget} else {_primaryTarget}};		//code can be used for laser dots
_target = call _getPrimaryTarget;

_missile = _missileType createVehicle _missileStart;
_missile setPos _missileStart;

//secondary target used for random trajectory when laser designator is turned off prematurily
_secondaryTarget = "HeliHEmpty" createVehicle _defaultTargetPos;
_secondaryTarget setPos _defaultTargetPos;

_guidedRandomly = FALSE;

//procedure for guiding the missile
_homeMissile = {

//here we switch to secondary target at random position if the laser dot no longer exists
//if the designator is turned on again, the missile will return to it's original target (providing it hadn't flown too far)
private ["_velocityX", "_velocityY", "_velocityZ", "_target"];
_target = _secondaryTarget;
if (!(_guidedRandomly) && _missile distance _target > _missileSpeed * 1.5) then {
	_guidedRandomly = TRUE;
	_target = _secondaryTarget;
	_dispersion = (_missile distance _defaultTargetPos) / 20;
	_dispersionMin = _dispersion / 10;
	_target setPos [(_defaultTargetPos select 0) + _dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion, (_defaultTargetPos select 1) + _dispersionMin - (_dispersion / 2) + random _dispersion, 0];
if (!(isNull (call _getPrimaryTarget))) then {_target = call _getPrimaryTarget; _defaultTargetPos = position _target; _guidedRandomly = FALSE};

//altering the direction, pitch and trajectory of the missile
	_travelTime = (_target distance _missile) / _missileSpeed;
	_steps = floor (_travelTime * _perSecondChecks);

	_relDirHor = [_missile, _target] call BIS_fnc_DirTo;
	_missile setDir _relDirHor;

	_relDirVer = asin ((((getPosASL _missile) select 2) - ((getPosASL _target) select 2) + 0.5) / (_target distance _missile));
	_relDirVer = (_relDirVer * -1);
	[_missile, _relDirVer, 0] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;

	_velocityX = (((getPosASL _target) select 0) - ((getPosASL _missile) select 0)) / _travelTime;
	_velocityY = (((getPosASL _target) select 1) - ((getPosASL _missile) select 1)) / _travelTime;
	_velocityZ = (((getPosASL _target) select 2) + 0.5 - ((getPosASL _missile) select 2)) / _travelTime;

[_velocityX, _velocityY, _velocityZ]

call _homeMissile;

//missile flying
while {(_missile distance _missileStart) <= (_target distance _missileStart)} do {
_velocityForCheck = call _homeMissile;
if ({(typeName _x) == (typeName 0)} count _velocityForCheck == 3) then {_missile setVelocity _velocityForCheck};
sleep (1 / _perSecondChecks)

waitUntil {(_missile distance _missileStart) > (_target distance _missileStart) || !(alive _missile)};
if (alive _missile) then {
while {alive _missile} do {
	_missile setPos position _target;
	_missile setDir (direction _target);
	sleep 0.01

[color="Blue"]// ----- mission-specific!!!
_primaryTarget setHit ["mala vrtule", 1];
// ----- end of mission-specific[/color]

deleteVehicle _secondaryTarget;

Execute it from somewhere with that first bold line

[Targetname, [(markerPos "missileStart") select 0, (markerPos "missileStart") select 1, 5], "M_Igla_AA", 500, position someObject] execVM "launchMissile.sqf";

obviously substituting the object and marker names for your own.

The ----- mission-specific!!! part at the bottom just destroys the target's tail rotor if it is a chopper.

Only call it from the radio or addAction????

I want it to work by setteing an latancy trigger,What could I do ?

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well you can create a trigger and put execVM "launchmissile.sqf" in the on activation screen, and you can than make a script that checks the altitude and execute that in the condition field

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