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B.E.C. "Battleye Extended Controls" - Admin Tool

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Hey guys, I'm suck on " No Valid Response Trying to Reconnect error. "

What I tried from the post I have found:

1. Re-download Battleye

2.Remake my BeServer.cfg

3.Test my BeServer.cfg with Bercon ( and it works)

4.Re-download BEC & did a fresh install

5.Tried running BEC as Admin

I will attach a photo & my config below.


IP =

Port = 2302

BePath = C:Games\arma3\a3master\BattlEye

Admins = Admins.xml

Commands = Commands.xml

LogDir = Server1


After looking this over I was wondering if you can tell what the issue is and how to fix it?

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i am downloading the newest version of BEC 1.58 and all is fine but the Ts3 Plugin will not start. :mad:

i am configure all settings like the example but with personal settings from my server. I know it is in the right directory and the RSS Plugin is runing if i use them but i don't need it atm...

any idea to enable the Ts3 Plugin?

best regards DaMuTz

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@ SCE_The Fuzz

could be many resons.

if you can. and are not using multihoming. set your ip to the loopback ""

also check your firewall settings. it could also be a result of Battleye autoupdating.

or there is already 5 Rcon's connected to your server.


without looking at your settings file. i have no clue.

check that you didnt fuck up any indentation. python is verry picky about this.

check that the Variable SERVERS is set correct.

SERVERS = ["my_armaXserver.cfg"] or, armaserver = "my_armaXserver.cfg" \\ SERVERS = [armaserver ]

do you see it load at all? does it load but dont connect ?

sorry but more info needed to be able to help you..

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Thanks for helping. i don't know the right settings, but i make not many settings... use the "example names"

Thats my Ts3Settings.py

# These variables are to tell the Ts3 plugin which settings to use for the different server querys.
SERVER1 = "a2.cfg"					# This would be Bec.exe -f a2.cfg 
#SERVER2 = "a3.cfg"					# This would be Bec.exe -f a3.cfg 
#SERVER3 = "foobar.cfg"				# This would be Bec.exe -f foobar.cfg

# list of config names that will be used in the __init__ file

# You will also need to create a code block for each server. as seen below. "uncomment them out if needed"
def Ts3Servers(config_name):
	* config_name is the name of the config file Bec is started up with.

if config_name == SERVER1:  # or use if config_name == SERVERS[0]

	Host 								= ""	# change if needed
	Port								= 10011
	User								= "serveradmin"

and it doesn't start! only the normal startup without any Plugin...

it WORKS :yay: the config file NAME will start the Plugin! if you use "config" you need to rename SERVER1 = "a2.cfg" to SERVER1 = "config.cfg"... N1

Edited by DaMuTz

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whatever I do I cant get it to work although it must have connected at some point, now it complains about not connecting with any credentials I give it....

WARNING :: Unable to get info from the arma process, Your reporter account will not be working.

Any ideas?

I can login to site online with same credentials



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@Mell1234 : Run Bec as admin. yes you are able to login for a few days after last validation.

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I tried that and it is still the same. The reported section is the only bit that I have an issue with.


@Mell1234 : Run Bec as admin. yes you are able to login for a few days after last validation.

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well. sorry, i cant help you much.

double check that its started as admin. "make a shortcut of bec, edit target like with -f blah.cfg. then right click on shortcut and select. run as administrator".

this problem is usally caused by permission issues.

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Mmmm, thats how it is but no worries I will try and sort it.



well. sorry, i cant help you much.

double check that its started as admin. "make a shortcut of bec, edit target like with -f blah.cfg. then right click on shortcut and select. run as administrator".

this problem is usally caused by permission issues.

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having some problems with the current version on a2, infact its been there since the past few versions

ts3 bot not being informed on a ban, notifying on all others but not a ban, have tried looking in the init_py to see if its been told not to report but have tried editing the admin from 0 to 1 from 1 to 0, works on all others just not a ban, any thoughts ?

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not sure.

when you edit your Admins. and set them like so.

Admins = { 'asLdDaaseieurmnfaKW83sne32Y=' : ["Ref_Name", x ,1, x, x], ... }

Do you also restart Bec after the changes ??...

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taken first line

Admins = {'01234567890=' : ["myname", 1 ,1, 1 , 1],}

as i mentioned in the post all the other features report but not ban

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If using beta patch, make sure that battleye is supported. verify with another Rcon tool that you can login.

if that is ok, then do a check on the firewall rules.

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Anyone know what could be causing this error? I believe I have everything set up correctly in the config.cfg file so I'm not sure what else it could be. Thanks for any help.

09:09:23 : Starting plugin : Rss09:09:23 : Checking for new Bec version...
09:09:26 : Bec is running latest version!
09:09:27 : Connecting to Battleye server
09:09:27 : Error :: data type None can not be used as input.
09:09:27 : Unexpected error :: Something strange happend when trying to connect to BeServer
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Bec.py", line 4303, in Main

 File "Bec.py", line 4298, in startReactor

 File "twisted\internet\base.pyo", line 1169, in run

 File "twisted\internet\base.pyo", line 1178, in mainLoop

--- <exception caught here> ---
 File "twisted\internet\base.pyo", line 800, in runUntilCurrent

 File "Bec.py", line 4186, in startConnect

exceptions.SystemExit: 0

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its usaly caused by your BeServer.cfg file has wrong extensions, ie. it will error if it ends with. .cfg.txt or .txt.cfg

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edit: after googling BeServer.cfg , I just manually created one and put "RConPassword mypassword" in it and it's gotten past that step, now I'm having another problem where it is not connecting.

05:45:43 : Starting plugin : Rss05:45:43 : Checking for new Bec version...
05:45:45 : Reporter account validated ok!
05:45:46 : Bec is running latest version!
05:45:47 : Connecting to Battleye server
05:45:49 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
05:45:53 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
05:45:57 : No Valid response. Trying to reconnect.!
05:46:01 : Lost Connection!
05:46:01 : Closing socket & exiting!

I don't see a BeServer.cfg anywhere? I also triple checked all files and am not finding any that are using double file extensions.

Edited by USteppin

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If using beta patch, make sure that battleye is supported. verify with another Rcon tool that you can login.

if that is ok, then do a check on the firewall rules.

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edit: Good old Google to the rescue again. I had to specify my proper Battleye directory using this as an extra server startup parameter "-bepath=C:\Games\arma3\battleye"

Hm, seems to be a firewall problem I guess, I'm unable to connect with the "BattlEye RCon tool (BERCon.exe)" as well.

Any suggestions on firewall rules or how to set those up correctly? I have the dedicated server running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and the Arma 3 server gets listed in the server list and people are able to connect with no problem. I thought all ports were forwarded but maybe I missed one?

Edited by USteppin

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i doubt it a firewall issue since you can not use other rcon tools.

when you use the statup parameter. "-bepath=C:\Games\arma3\battleye" for your arma launch. make sure there is BeServer.cfg in that path, C:\Games\arma3\battleye\BeServer.cfg

also make sure you can see a file called. BEServer.dll in that directory.

then in Bec's config use the same path. like BePath = C:\Games\arma3\battleye

also make sure the file C:\Games\arma3\battleye\BeServer.cfg has the needed info ."RconPassword" set

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Hi ! Can you help me for this error please ? Thx


Setup :

Dedicaded Server Arma-3

System : win2008r2-web_64

Bits : 64

Edited by Mk-L
link of picture

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