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B.E.C. "Battleye Extended Controls" - Admin Tool

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I took myself some time and did update Bec a bit and added in some of the requests i have gotten.

This will be the last version i do for ArmA2/Oa unless this has a bug that causes major meltdown ;p


*** V 1.49.8 ***

- Fixed: Some typos was reported, now fixed.

- Added: Ability for players/users to notify ts3 admins. example ("!tsadm hey. someone is hacking on the server."). Check the commands & ts3 example files for changes.

- Improved: reconnect function optimized a bit more.

- Added: Passing argument to external scripts. this does not apply for the scheduler.

Example: !math 1+2 , !save "save this text to my file" myfile.txt

This is only limited tested so some bug might occure.

if you use the ts3 queryer. make sure you check out the ts3 example file. you will see a tag called <nfu> which needs to be added to your xml file.

also take a look at the command file to see the base command.

if you are using external scripts .bat/cmd files with Bec. take a look at the Script_Example.bat file more more info on how to pass arguments from arma to bat/cmd scripts.

Facon911 There a way to have the BEC respond with the current FPS from in the game? i.e #monitor 1 to Teamspeak?

No sorry. thats not possible.

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Hello. Awesome work, looks really great.

I've tried for the last couple of days to get the Scheduler working with my server, but without luck. I have come so far that I reach this error:


This application has failed to start because the side by side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.

I've tried installing different Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages and trying to change some paths to avoid spaces and making sure that I was pointing to the real config and the running version of BattlEye. Anyone got this error and found out how to fix it? :-)

If you feel like you would rather try to guide me through it, feel more than welcome to add me on Skype(d.schjerlund). I'll send a beer your way :p

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This application has failed to start because the side by side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.

I've tried installing different Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages and ..... Anyone got this error and found out how to fix it? :-)

I never got this error message myself. i already have all the librarys ++ more installed.

but from my experiance, i seen people get this error on a fresh Os install. so there is a lack of librarys on the system.

you should try to install MSVC++2008 RP.



if it still fails after installing them im not sure whats causing it. might tell a bit more about the Os..etc you have running then,

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I have everything running great but when i do !nta it says that ts function isnt active. Any way i may have missed out ? it doesnt have the # in the config and all the settings are ok in the xml. The only thing i changed was making everyone be on ts before they can go on the server ?

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Make sure the Ts3 Queryer logs in.

Check the error log dir for message like:

HH:MM:SS : Ts3 ServerQuery connection could not be made!

Other than that. only using "!nta" should give you a message like:

HH:MM:SS : RCon admin #0: (To You) BEC : Text is to short!

you need to pass some text to !nta or what ever you call the command: "!nta some text to be sent"

when the Ts3 queryer has loged in and Bec tries to send a message, you get a message like this back to you ingame.

HH:MM:SS : RCon admin #0: (To You) BEC : Sending message to ts3 admins!"

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- Added: Passing argument to external scripts. this does not apply for the scheduler.

Example: !math 1+2 , !save "save this text to my file" myfile.txt

This is a fantastic addition, thanks for implementing it. I do hope you can support this feature in the scheduler in the future though. Maybe SQL support in the future too, if ARMA3 supports BattlEye?

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Make sure the Ts3 Queryer logs in.

Check the error log dir for message like:

HH:MM:SS : Ts3 ServerQuery connection could not be made!

No error in the log for this, so im guessing it should be connecting ?

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... . I do hope you can support this feature in the scheduler in the future though. Maybe SQL support in the future too, if ARMA3 supports BattlEye?

yeah. plans are there, just have to wait for BE for A3..

No error in the log for this, so im guessing it should be connecting ?

hmm strange. can you try and watch bec while it starts-up and see if the ts3-queryer logs in.

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yeah. plans are there, just have to wait for BE for A3..

hmm strange. can you try and watch bec while it starts-up and see if the ts3-queryer logs in.


Bec, Arma2 Server Tool V.1.498
Copyright (C) by Stian Mikalsen

Email : stianmikalsen@hotmail.com
Web   : http://www.ibattle.org

Remember to donate for more great updates!


17:39:43 : Checking for new Bec version...
17:39:43 : Requesting login on
17:39:44 : RCon admin #1 ( logged in
17:39:45 : RCon admin #1: (Global) Initializing Bec
17:39:46 : Bec is running latest version!
17:39:52 : (Side) FriendlyInCherno: stop
17:39:57 : Player #1 GotanBCN ( connected

Seems it isnt ? here is my config



Ip =

Port = 2328

BePath = C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\wasteland\wasteland\BattlEye

LogDir = MyServer1

Admins = Admins.xml

Commands = Commands.xml


# Optional


SlotLimit = 55

Ts3 = Ts3.xml

Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

#ConsoleColor = 0c

#ConsoleHeight = 65

#ConsoleWidth = 125

#AsciiNickOnly = True

#AsciiChatOnly = True

#IgnoreChars = æøå

#NickFilterFile = C:\Path\Bec\Config\BadNames.txt

#WordFilterFile = C:\Path\Bec\Config\BadWords.txt

#WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt

#WhileListKickMsg = please connect to our ts3 for more information on howto join. ts3.domain.com

#Warnings = 5

#ServerExeName = myArma2_Server.exe

#Timeout = 40

#KickLobbyIdlers = 300

#MaxPlayerNameLength = 30

#DisallowPlayerNameChars = [](){}<>/\^¨|§!"'#¤%&@£$€

#ChatChannelFiles = true

# Type1

#FloodControl = 5

# Type2

#FloodControl = 1

#FloodSampleTime = 5

#FloodLockTime = 10


# Optional


Global = 10

Side = -1

Group = -1

Vehicle = -1

Command = -1

Commander = -1

Direct = -1


# Optional


Lobby = 0

Lobby_Time_Lower = 3

Lobby_Time_Upper = 10

Global = 0

Global_Time_Lower = 3

Global_Time_Upper = 10

Side = 0

Side_Time_Lower = 3

Side_Time_Upper = 10

Group = 0

Group_Time_Lower = 3

Group_Time_Upper = 10

Vehicle = 0

Vehicle_Time_Lower = 3

Vehicle_Time_Upper = 10

Command = 0

Command_Time_Lower = 3

Command_Time_Upper = 10

Commander = 0

Commander_Time_Lower = 3

Commander_Time_Upper = 10

Direct = 0

Direct_Time_Lower = 3

Direct_Time_Upper = 10

Everything under the optional isnt working ?

Edited by jasonsco

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It doesnt say anthing about it mate so im guessing it isnt, also thing everything in the optional is not working ?



Ip =

Port = 2328

BePath = C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\wasteland\wasteland\BattlEye

LogDir = MyServer1

Admins = Admins.xml

Commands = Commands.xml


# Optional


SlotLimit = 55

Ts3 = Ts3.xml

Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

#ConsoleColor = 0c

#ConsoleHeight = 65

#ConsoleWidth = 125

#AsciiNickOnly = True

#AsciiChatOnly = True

#IgnoreChars = æøå

#NickFilterFile = C:\Path\Bec\Config\BadNames.txt

#WordFilterFile = C:\Path\Bec\Config\BadWords.txt

#WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt

#WhileListKickMsg = please connect to our ts3 for more information on howto join. ts3.domain.com

#Warnings = 5

#ServerExeName = myArma2_Server.exe

#Timeout = 40

#KickLobbyIdlers = 300

#MaxPlayerNameLength = 30

#DisallowPlayerNameChars = [](){}<>/\^¨|§!"'#¤%&@£$€

#ChatChannelFiles = true

# Type1

#FloodControl = 5

# Type2

#FloodControl = 1

#FloodSampleTime = 5

#FloodLockTime = 10


# Optional


Global = 10

Side = -1

Group = -1

Vehicle = -1

Command = -1

Commander = -1

Direct = -1


# Optional


Lobby = 0

Lobby_Time_Lower = 3

Lobby_Time_Upper = 10

Global = 0

Global_Time_Lower = 3

Global_Time_Upper = 10

Side = 0

Side_Time_Lower = 3

Side_Time_Upper = 10

Group = 0

Group_Time_Lower = 3

Group_Time_Upper = 10

Vehicle = 0

Vehicle_Time_Lower = 3

Vehicle_Time_Upper = 10

Command = 0

Command_Time_Lower = 3

Command_Time_Upper = 10

Commander = 0

Commander_Time_Lower = 3

Commander_Time_Upper = 10

Direct = 0

Direct_Time_Lower = 3

Direct_Time_Upper = 10

Edited by jasonsco

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It doesnt say anthing about it mate so im guessing it isnt, also thing everything in the optional is not working ?

can you please edit your post and put the config file in a spoiler :p

But no, it doesnt look like its trying to connect.

The entire [Misc] section is optional. all settings starting with # will be disabled.

You could also try to open port X in your firewall. where port X is the queryport your ts3 server is using. but then again. it should complain on startup if its blocked.

Do verify with tools like YaTQA that your login credentials in your ts3.xml file are correct.

Also if your running multiple Becs connecting to the same Ts3 server. do create a Ts3 file for each Bec where you have diffrent serverquery names. just to make life much easyer for yourself.

Edited by nuxil

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This is the only version, nothing in the optional seems to work at all ? even the scheduler ?

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Oh well..

all options will only work if Bec is running on the game server.

if Bec is running on your client or some other pc. it will only work as a logbot.

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BEC is running on the same box as the server ? Will try re writing the config. Or if someone has one that works 100%

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BEC is running on the same box as the server ?

umm, was this a question or a statement?

Due to scenarios where you have multiple Bec's connected to the same server, it would result in config conflicts and other issues.

To prevent this, all options are only available when Bec is on the same server as the ArmA dedicated server is running on.

Only config settings working from a remote pc is the section [bec]

i am not clear on how you are running Bec. but it sounds like your connecting to your server from a remote pc. thats why no config values are working except the ones in [bec]

if you are indeed running Bec on the same pc as the ArmA server im not sure whats going on here.

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I am running BEC on the same dedicated server as the arma server.

I will play about with it to see if i can get it working.

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Got it sorted thanks.

Now is there any option coming that i can change the "Only reserved slots left" message ?

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Do anyone know how I shall extract Bec on the server by using FileZilla?

Because it says that the exe file cant be uploaded by FileZilla.

Anyone know a solution for this?

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Tomm96, do you have a full dedicated server? If not, go talk to your host.

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Freeborne yes its a full dedicated server which is hosted from Germany.

Im not the one which have care about this but I got mission from my unit to take care of BEC coding but now we have problem extracting all the files as FileZilla dont allow to extract .exe files.

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Make sure the Ts3 Queryer logs in.

Check the error log dir for message like:

HH:MM:SS : Ts3 ServerQuery connection could not be made!

Other than that. only using "!nta" should give you a message like:

HH:MM:SS : RCon admin #0: (To You) BEC : Text is to short!

you need to pass some text to !nta or what ever you call the command: "!nta some text to be sent"

when the Ts3 queryer has loged in and Bec tries to send a message, you get a message like this back to you ingame.

HH:MM:SS : RCon admin #0: (To You) BEC : Sending message to ts3 admins!"

i tested the report function and is not working for me. it say "sending message to ts3 admins" but nothing happend, i get the kicked messages and others but not the reports. i have the permissions for get report also true for me and all the admins.

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Be Patient, Update comming..

Other than that. double check that you have the correct uid set in your xml file.

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So im relatively new to the arma 2oa server hosting scene, and ive got BEC up and running with a few admins going and most of the commands work, well the ones that we use/need anyway. All but one, and that's the uptime command.

Now, ive seen the code written out two different ways

this one from the commands_examples, different usage line and group number

<command id="5">






<desc>USAGE :: !upt :: INFO -> Show Server Uptime.</desc>


and this one from the online explanation walk through guide.

<command id="22">



<cmd> uptime</cmd>



<desc>INFO :: Show server uptime</desc>


Now, i want everyone on the server to be able to exectue the command so it needs to be group 100, but then no one seems able to get ti to run (ive read about chat channels, and make sure my posts are tested in global/group)

Anyone got any ideas on where ive gone wrong with this?

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well. its hard to say,

1st what version of bec?

2nd. Is Bec started with the --dsc switch ? -> bec.exe -f mycong.cfg --dsc , if so. it will not work!

3rd. check error log!

4th. yes commands for "public/global/(all player) is 100, make sure there is no mess with command id's , the id's must increment in order!

5th wine ?

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