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B.E.C. "Battleye Extended Controls" - Admin Tool

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@ ballou : i have tested the heartbeat both on my pc and on our dedicated server, and it worked.

make sure the bans are done with Bec or other Rcons. and a reason to why !kpl and !btk would stop working is if your guid is/was not verified. no changes was done with admins.xml.

are you sure you didnt try to run !kpl and !bpl on a admin that is in a lower group number than you?

EDIT: after testing and looking in the code, i can verify that if you start up bec when there is admins on the server. commands will not work.. this also affect other things.

for commands to work admins need to reconnect. will make a fix for this asap.

@ marker

I'll have a look at it aswell and do some test.

Edited by nuxil

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This is a major bugfix which fixes alot of things that are broken in 1.47+

Thanks to all the people who made me aware of this.

Shot Changelog .. i dont want to go into details of all the small changes.

*** V 1.48.1 ***

- Major Hotfix -

- Fixed: Commands and other things did not work if bec was (re)started when there was admins/players on the server. it was a major bug

- Fixed: a few typeos.

- Changed: psutil to V 0.3.0 as requested by some wine users. altho no one gave responce to if --dsc worked or not

Do not continue using 1.47 , 1.47.1 or 1.48 as all these versions have same issues.



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ok have managed to get this running today, it was a firewall issue, dunno why it did but never mind

have been testing this today for a few hrs and i cannot still get any bans to heartbeat over to the other ban files

I am using rcon (battlewarden ) to ban on server 1 expecting it to be transferred to 2-3-4 via heartbeat, ban file paths are all correct any ideas ?

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Strange.. Check ../path/Bec/Log/Server_X/Errors and see if there are a error file in it.. and if so.. what does it say

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only thing i can see in the error folder is

Config Error : DisallowPlayerNameChars has no Chars set. DisallowPlayerNameChars will be ignored

which i have sorted, dont see anything relating to ban reporting failure

these are the banfile listed as per

BePath1 = D:\xx\xxx\xxx\xxx\server1\BattlEye\bans.txt

BePath2 = D:\xx\xxx\xxx\xxx\server2\BattlEye\bans.txt

BePath3 = D:\xx\xxx\xxx\xxx\server3\BattlEye\bans.txt

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looks good..

will do some more testing.. i think i whats happening..

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Possibly the problem was causing the error i was having with the reserved slots?

Also, do I just change the exe file, or are there more changes to the config etc?

Great work mate, very much appreciated.

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Ok now on the new 1.48 version i try to get it to login to a remote server and i have disabled the server pid check, but it just runs, checks bec version and closes.

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Try looking in your admin reporting error files or errors folder, i had same issue it was my admins and command files

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Try looking in your admin reporting error files or errors folder, i had same issue it was my admins and command files

mmm but both files work fine in 1.47

unless have some commands been removed / changed in 1.48

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@ nuxil have you manged to find the problem ?

@ xmarksthescot- not saying that this is your problem, but it was my problem, if you check the error logs it may help in finding the problem

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@ ballou i belive so. could you try version 1.48.2 and report. i think the issue was that it would only commit heartbeat on gamehacks.

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I thought it only committed the heartbeat on gamehacks, and a y manual added ban didn't get committed across!

Ae you saying the any ban we implement, usually via an rcon tool should be committed across our two ban.txt files?

Thanks again.

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This is my first time in ever using BEC and I have ran into a problem when I start up BEC after launching my dedicated server. I keep getting an error that BEC couldn't check for updates which then causes BEC to close on me. Is it suppose to do that, for I have followed the online install and config guides but have had no success. Any Ideas on how to fix this or is it a bug?

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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ok tested this through the night

still not heart beating itself on manual bans or gamehacks

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Looked at my two ban.txt files, which are on the heartbeat!

We use Dart to rcon into the server, and also use it to serve bans etc!

It seems that the ban list is passing ip's between the ban files but not GUIDs.

Hope it helps.


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Hey guys , how do I enable the whitelister? #whitelist ON does not work, I have my whitelist.txt in the right folder (config) and it has 1000 Guids, no names

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A question for you Nuxil.

The plater slot count for the reserved slots, are you taking the player count from the mission.sqm or from the server.cfg file?

Reason I am asking is, we run a mission where the slot count is 40 slots above the actual player count on the server, which may have been causing problem with the reserved slots.


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@ nuxil have you manged to find the problem ?

No not really, when i test gamehack on myself i see it adds the bans to all the other ban files.

When i do a ban on myself through BERcon i see the ban gets heartbeated aswell.

Do you get any errors when it tries to commit heartbeat ?

Is it possible that you are running bec as a user which do not have premission to write the to the other ban files?

Do you use other tools which reads/writes to the ban files ?

what win verison is your server?. any info could help.


It seems that the ban list is passing ip's between the ban files but not GUIDs.

when banning someone through BERcon and the guid of the player is not (un)verifyed and the guid is listed as (-) in the playerlist it will use Ip insted of guid.

A question for you Nuxil.

The plater slot count for the reserved slots, are you taking the player count from the mission.sqm or from the server.cfg file?

Bec never deals with anything regarding missions. its always the server settings/configs. so its what in your server.cfg file.

Hey guys , how do I enable the whitelister? #whitelist ON does not work, I have my whitelist.txt in the right folder (config) and it has 1000 Guids, no names

Oh my. 1000 guids. the whitelister is enabled in the [Misc] section of the config file.


WhiteListFile = YourWhiteListFile.txt

Altho there is a small bug in the whitelister in V 1.47/48 which has been fixed. a update will be availeble soon.

@JSF 82nd Reaper start Bec from CMD.exe and see what happens.

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!commands still dont work for me, just updated to the latest version of BEC. Using it on a DayZ server.

Do these NEED to go in global chat? or is side chat adequate enough

Edited by Sardinia

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Make sure that your guid is in your admin xml file, check the id on the admin. make sure 1st admin id start at 0 and increment it by 1 for orher admins. Also make sure that you have permission to execute the command, "Check group" in both Admin,Command xml files.

Also read the top section on this page http://ibattle.org/install-and-configure/General-Command-Info-and-Usage/

Check in Bec that your guid in beening verified.

17:44:56 : Verified GUID (bcdefaddc0ab2820a2acb2a05f54ce01) of player #0 nux

if your guid is not beeing verified. you can not send commands through arma chat line.

hope this help

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Make sure that your guid is in your admin xml file, check the id on the admin. make sure 1st admin id start at 0 and increment it by 1 for orher admins. Also make sure that you have permission to execute the command, "Check group" in both Admin,Command xml files.

Also read the top section on this page http://ibattle.org/install-and-configure/General-Command-Info-and-Usage/

Check in Bec that your guid in beening verified.

17:44:56 : Verified GUID (bcdefaddc0ab2820a2acb2a05f54ce01) of player #0 nux

if your guid is not beeing verified. you can not send commands through arma chat line.

hope this help

I shot you an email, everything to include the announcing of admins connecting works fine.. Except no commands work at all. I've had my server host look over my files and even he says everything is in order and to contact you guys about it. MY only guess was that it doesn't pull commands from sidechat, as I have global disabled.

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Do you get any errors when it tries to commit heartbeat ?

Is it possible that you are running bec as a user which do not have premission to write the to the other ban files?

Do you use other tools which reads/writes to the ban files ?

what win verison is your server?. any info could help.

getting no errors at all, still not heart beating

bec is being run as a administrator

the problem i am having seems to be lost in translation

I am using Battlewarden rcon to ban players, i expected a ban to heartbeat when a ban is imposed, but saying that if a player is caught using a gamehack on 1 server its not being heartbeated to the other ban files, now i stripped this program out, removed it from the firewall, reinstalled it give it permissions in the firewall and still not responding

the server is running windows r2 enterprise

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well.. im not sure whats going on here.

are the ban files located on network disks ?

BePath1 = D:\xx\xxx\xxx\xxx\server1\BattlEye\bans.txt

BePath2 = D:\xx\xxx\xxx\xxx\server2\BattlEye\bans.txt

BePath3 = D:\xx\xxx\xxx\xxx\server3\BattlEye\bans.txt

i suppose not but. need to ask.

its not a firewall issue. its something else.

when i do tests and ban myself through BeRcon. it works fine.. it also works fine when i get myself banned for GameHack

i have done test both localy on my test server and on another server. in both cases it worked fine. did several tests.

there was a change from 1.46 to 1.47+ on how it does the heartbeat.. i might need to revert back to the old method.

but i would like to get more confirmation that other are having the same issue.. kind of odd it works for me and not for you.

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Confirmation that the heartbeat isnt working.

C & D drives, not networked, I have now taken to copy and paste the ban over to the other text file...

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