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JIP code execution (6thSense.eu)

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Hi guys.

I am trying to understand locality.

The following init.sqf is based on the Multiplayer guide from 6thSense (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu)

When I play a SP mission, it correctly displays "Single player mission".

When I play a MP, it correctly displays "Multiplayer".

Nevertheless, when I join the same game, it does not display "JIP Machine"

Seems to easy and I don't get it :mad:

What am I doing wrong?

hint "Start";

sleep 1;

 Script by Sickboy (sb _at_ 6thSense.eu)
 Version: v0.1
T_INIT = false;
T_Server = false; T_Client = false; T_JIP = false;

if (playersNumber east + playersNumber west + playersNumber resistance + playersNumber civilian > 0) then { T_MP = true } else { T_MP = false };

if (isServer) then
 T_Server = true;
 if (!(isNull player)) then { T_Client = true };
 T_INIT = true;
} else {
 T_Client = true;
 if (isNull player) then
     T_JIP = true;
     [] spawn { waitUntil { !(isNull player) }; T_INIT = true };
 } else {
     T_INIT = true;

// Comprobaciones SP/MP/JIP

if (!T_MP) then
hint "Single player mission";

if (T_MP) then
hint "Multiplayer";

if (T_JIP) then
hint "JIP Machine";

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SickBoy's example code in that article is excellent and still relevant but it is a little dated in that we have a few new commands that can help us determine multiplayer, server type, and JIP. The new command are:



We can uae these commands to simplify the JIP test:

if (isMultiplayer) then
   if ((!isDedicated) and (isNull player)) then
        hint " I am JIP!";
       hint "No JIP here!";

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First of all, thanks for the quick answer. Tested as soon as the answer arrived.

Definitely it's me doing something wrong or not understanding the JIP.

1. I created a dedicated server on PC1. Server is started.

2. I join the game from PC2. Login as admin.

The game starts. "No JIP here!" is displayed. Perfect.

3. 30 seconds later I join the same game from the laptop (PC3).

"No JIP here!" is displayed again. :eek:

Edit: I tried joining 10 minutes later. Still "No JIP" message.

At this stage, I am lost.:confused:

Wasn't supposed to display " I am JIP!" on the laptop?

Edited by Gameadd1cted
additional information.

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I have 1 server and 2 computers acting like clients (a total of 3 different computers).

I see no JIP message on the second client even though I join later (the first client is still on)

I even tried accessing the server from a different network (via mobile internet). Still no JIP.

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The mission can be downloaded here:


As a quick description, there is a chopper that can be commanded via radio to do an insertion and extraction.

Bellow there is an image showing the scripted chopper in the center.


111114 Entrenamiento by Militar2k, on Flickr

Edited by Gameadd1cted
wrong link format

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remove the sleep 1; before the code...

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It works :yay: Thanks a lot :)

Now, why does it happen so? This is my guess:

player returns null on a server.

However, player can be null for a short period of time on a client machine (until it synchronizes?)

So, if the machine is a CLIENT and player isNull => JIP

The sleep in the init code resulted in player not being Null.

Therefore the code would never catch a JIP state.

Is this correct?

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for a JIP the system var player is not immediately available

if you sleep, it will of course

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Is it dependent on the duration of the sleep command?

E.g. does it make any difference if we use sleep 0.1 or sleep 10?

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So on a JIP client, player is null immediately after execution of the init.sqf, but is no longer null a second later? Is this behaviour absolutely reliable?

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It should be mostly reliable and one of the few ways how to detect on the local machine if you're a JIP player.

The player object should never be null in case of non JIP.

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