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Head movement addon by jcgam

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Yep, but this devheaven stuff is impossible to follow if you didn't already cut your teeth in arma modding. I don't even know where to start.

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I'm not trying to bump here but could anyone point me in the right direction to get this working again? I'm a bit lost when it scripting and I can't find which config file even defines these limitations. I had been working on a mission that required leaning out the door but I don't want to spend any more time on it if it I can't get this working with 1.04.

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Here is the update of the addon. It contains the tweaks added by BI in a patch.

You may want to adjust their tweaks.

class CfgPatches
class YourTag_MoreHeadMovement
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"HSim_Air_H","HSim_Air_US_H_Helicopters_Medium","HSim_Air_US_H_Helicopters_Heavy"};
class ViewPilot;
class CfgVehicles
class Helicopter;
class Helicopter_Base_H: Helicopter
	class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
		//How far can the head be moved to the sides left and right
		minMoveX = -0.3;//-0.1;
		maxMoveX = 0.3;//0.1;
		//How far can the head be moved up and down
		minMoveY = -0.05;//-0.025;
		maxMoveY = 0.2;//0.05;
		//How far can the head be moved forward and backward
		minMoveZ = 0;//-0.1;
		maxMoveZ = 0.5;//0.1;
class Heli_Heavy_Base_H: Helicopter_Base_H
	class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
		minMoveX = -0.4;
		maxMoveX = 0.4;
		minMoveZ = -0.1;
		maxMoveZ = 0.35;
class Heli_Light01_Base_H: Helicopter_Base_H
	class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
		minMoveX = -0.15;
		maxMoveX = 0.15;
class Heli_Medium01_Base_H: Helicopter_Base_H
	class ViewPilot: ViewPilot
		minMoveX = -0.3;
		maxMoveX = 0.3;
		minMoveZ = -0.1;
		maxMoveZ = 0.175;

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Thanks PvP, I'll be tinkering with this as soon as I can find time. The TOH community is lucky to have someone with your level of knowledge.

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I can't get it work too :(

Could someone upload the correct file?


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I got it to work but I'm kind of hesitant to put it up until I adjust the values for all 3 helicopters. I've only been able to play with the light helicopter values so far. If you are having trouble making it a PBO, it think I had to add one more }; at the end.

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hm the above code is error free. you must have messed yours up while tweaking. :)

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Please corect me if i'm wrong. I have to copy the above code and paste it in the airhead.pbo file?

Thanks in advance.

This file is absolutely indispensable ! :cool:

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Please corect me if i'm wrong. I have to copy the above code and paste it in the airhead.pbo file?

Thanks in advance.

This file is absolutely indispensable ! :cool:

Yes, there will be a file called config.cpp in the extracted pbo - you put this code in there. I haven't extracted the file mysefl yet, but it looks like it's the whole file, so you would just replace the whole of config.cpp with this. I'll open it up later to check.

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The basic process is:

1) Create a folder with a name of your choice.

2) Create a config.cpp file in there.

3) Make sure to show file extensions and verify it is NOT config.cpp.txt but config.cpp only.

4) Put the above code into the config.cpp and save file.

5) Tweak values as you see fit.

6) Pack folder to Pbo. You can do this with different PBO tools.

7) Load pbo in a modfolder.

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I'll try. I can create a CPP with notepad ++?

I keep you inform


Edit. Nope.. Can't get it work. :confused:

Edited by hon0

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Where do you fail? What is the error you get?

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I don't get any error. I create a txt file that I rename config.cpp and paste the code in it with notepad++. I put this file in a "headfree" folder. Pack to pbo with "CPBO". Rename the folder to "@headfree" and add it to my steam command line.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\take on helicopters\@headFree\addons\here is my .pbo file

What to do with config.cpp after the pbo pack? Delete?

Thanks for help

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a) you seem to load also an older version of it?

Conflicting addon YourTag_MoreHeadMovement in 'headfree\', previous definition in 'airhead\'

b) you didnt tweak the values in the config, did you?

as you can see they are overwritten in the specific heli classes below by BI

you need to adjust these values if you want it to be different

c) unrelated: this isnt good too - any idea what addon "sc_redbull" that is ?

Conflicting addon HSim_Air_US_H_Helicopters_Light in 'hsim\air_us_h\helicopters_light\', previous definition in 'sc_redbull\'

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Thanks ! It's working. I think it's cause I didn't tweak the value in the config. Thought it was ever done. :o

I really feel better in my heli with this tweak. I feel more.. Hmm safe.

SC_REDBULL is the redbull skin by sylle.

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Can you PM me the config please. I will forward sylle an improved one therefore. :)

Edited by .kju [PvPscene]

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could you post the file here?

I can never seem to get the files into a pbo properly...

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