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AI detection distance

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Hi guys, I have an issue with enemies, I'm creating a night mission, and when I test it, enemy guards keep spotting my squad from hilarious distances. I want it to be more "realistic" and change the enemy spot distance or sight distance. Is this possible?


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Find the darkest part of the night. If they lack NVGs, they will be blind as bats.

(I mean that literally. Their sonar will only kick in once you start firing.)

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You can adjust the AI with setSkill_array

// This is for east side op4.
// Change the numbers in red to suit your needs, 1 = max : 0 = min
{if (side _x == east) then {_x setskill ["spotDistance",[color="Red"]0.7[/color]]};} foreach allunits;
{if (side _x == east) then {_x setskill ["spotTime",[color="red"]0.7[/color]]};} foreach allunits;

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Use this:

Infantry Stealth and Recognition Skills


then adjust the parameters in the userconfig, I can post my config if you wish, I can do some fun stealth missions at night,

AI dont see or hear you sometimes depends on the class type of the AI.

If AI is sniper, spotter, or Specops then they see good,a d have good stealth, as well as have good camo,

but if its general soldier then their hearing and site is shorter.

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Dont give them NVG's and use the code from Riouken, that should work.

If not, maybe some mod makes them spot you so easy ?

Try it without mods !

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Use this:

Infantry Stealth and Recognition Skills


then adjust the parameters in the userconfig, I can post my config if you wish, I can do some fun stealth missions at night,

AI dont see or hear you sometimes depends on the class type of the AI.

If AI is sniper, spotter, or Specops then they see good,a d have good stealth, as well as have good camo,

but if its general soldier then their hearing and site is shorter.

This is sweet! This is what I was looking for, I want AI to act more real, and apparently this is the thing! adjusting those parameters I think will get me closer to what I'm looking for.

I will try to adjust it myself, and if doesn't work I will ask you for your settings, as you have allot more experience.

Hello looong and fun stealth night missions! :D

Dont give them NVG's and use the code from Riouken, that should work.

If not, maybe some mod makes them spot you so easy ?

Try it without mods !

I will also try this, but I think Günter's mod is sweet!

Thanks you guys!


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Heres my config for that mod, if you want to try it, just copy n paste into yours, its a start not a cure all solution,

but I had tested this and played around with it for 3 days when I was setting it up for my mod CoWarMod.

// Author: Mysteryman5150
Change the defined values to modify the stealth and recognition abilities of the particular factions and units you wish to modify. 
The values in green behind the value you set are the vanilla standard values.
I am not 100% positive of all the definitions I posted so feel free to test and determine for yourself.
I have only seperated into 3 classes per faction to reduce this list-1)Basic units 2)Snipers/Spotter/Scouts/Marksman 3)Launcer Units-AT,AA,RPG

//Defines USMC Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __USMC_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __USMC_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __USMC_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __USMC_sensitivityEar  	.4;//.4  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines USMC Soldiers - Snipers (.5), Spotters (.5), Marksmen (1.0) and scouts (.75) - ***(##) DEFINES VANILLA CAMO RATING FOR THAT UNIT***
#define __USSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __USSN_camouflage  	.2;//.2   defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __USSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __USSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines USMC Soldiers - Launchers - AT (2.0) and AA (2.1).
#define __USAT_audible  	.03;//.03  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __USAT_camouflage  	2.0;//2.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __USAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __USAT_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines FR soldiers - Basic Infantry - (US Special Forces - May only be used in main campaigns and in certain infantry mods)
#define __FRBI_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __FRBI_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __FRBI_sensitivity  	4;//4  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __FRBI_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines FR Soldiers - Marksmen (.6)and Scouts (.6).
#define __FRSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __FRSN_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __FRSN_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __FRSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing	
//Defines RU soldiers - Basic Infantry -(standard Russian infantry used in game like USMC)
#define __RUBI_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUBI_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUBI_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUBI_sensitivityEar  	.2;//.2  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RU Soldiers - Snipers (.5), Spotters (.5) and Marksmen (1.0).
#define __RUSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUSN_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUSN_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RU Soldiers - Launchers - AT (2.0) and AA (2.1).
#define __RUAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUAT_camouflage  	2.0;//2.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUAT_sensitivityEar  	.2;//.2  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RUS Soldiers - Basic Infantry - (Russian Special Forces - Spetznaz -Same as US Special Forces above)
#define __RUSB_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUSB_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUSB_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUSB_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines RUS Soldiers - Marksmen (.6) and units with silienced weapons (.6).
#define __RUSS_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __RUSS_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __RUSS_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __RUSS_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines MVD Soldiers - Basic Infantry - (More Russian Special Forces - Same as US Special Forces)
#define __MVDB_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __MVDB_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __MVDB_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __MVDB_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines MVD Soldiers - Snipers (.6) and Marksman (.6).
#define __MVSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __MVSN_camouflage  	.1;//.1  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __MVSN_sensitivity  	5;//5  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __MVSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines MVD Soldiers - Launchers - AT (1.0) and no AA in vanilla Arma2
#define __MVAT_audible  	.02;//.02  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __MVAT_camouflage  	1.0;//1.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __MVAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __MVAT_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Guerilla Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __GURB_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __GURB_camouflage  	1.0;//1.0  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __GURB_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __GURB_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Guerilla Soldiers - Snipers (.5) and scouts (.6).
#define __GUSN_audible  	.02;//.02  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __GUSN_camouflage  	.3;//.3  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __GUSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __GUSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Guerilla Soldiers - Launchers - AT (1.2) and AA (1.3).
#define __GUAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __GUAT_camouflage  	1.2;//1.2  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __GUAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __GUAT_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Insurgent Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __INSB_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __INSB_camouflage  	1.4;//1.4  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __INSB_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __INSB_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Insurgent Soldiers - Snipers (.3) and units with silenced weapons (.7).
#define __INSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __INSN_camouflage  	.3;//.3  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __INSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __INSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines Insurgent Soldiers - Launchers - AT (1.6) and AA (1.7)
#define __INAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __INAT_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __INAT_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __INAT_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines CDF Soldiers - Basic Infantry
#define __CDFB_audible  	.04;//.04  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __CDFB_camouflage  	1.3;//1.3  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __CDFB_sensitivity  	2;//2  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __CDFN_sensitivityEar  	.3;//.3  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines CDF Soldiers - Snipers (.5) and Marksmen (.8).
#define __CDSN_audible  	.01;//.01  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __CDSN_camouflage  	.4;//.4  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __CDSN_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __CDSN_sensitivityEar  	.5;//.5  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing
//Defines CDF Soldiers - Launchers - RPG (1.6) and Strella (1.7).
#define __CDAT_audible  	.05;//.05  defines how load a unit is - higher number is louder.
#define __CDAT_camouflage  	1.6;//1.6  defines how easy the unit is to spot - higher number results in unit being easier to spot  
#define __CDAT_sensitivity  	3;//3  defines sensor sensitivity - how well and how far unit senses other units - higher is more sensitive
#define __CDAT_sensitivityEar  	.4;//.4  defines how well can the given unit hear others - the bigger the value the better the hearing

Again the special forces, snipers, spotters are the ones with:

-highest sensitivityEar

-highest sensitivity

-lowest audible

-lowest camouflage

based on class in terms of realistic for real life, like for example us marines may have a higher special forces

then like insurgent special forces type classes because of training.

Just some ideas to play with.

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...but I think Günter's mod is sweet!

Same here... great idea and very well done.

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