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Input lag with flightstick

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So I've got a CH products figtherstick and it's insanely hard to fly with. No matter how much I adjust the sensitivity, increase/decrease deadzone, change the mapping etc it always has a large amount of input lag compared to the mouse. I spent quite a bit of money on the controller and to have it work worse than my mouse is pretty annoying.

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to reslove this issue? It is quite frustrating!


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Same thing here, but with EVERY JOYSTICK I TRY!!! After reading through the forums it seems everyone is having this issue. I'm a real helicopter pilot and this is NOTHING like the real deal. I'm really beginning to think we may have all spent money on a helicopter flight sim with a severely poor control interface. Bohemia needs to fix this or just leave flight simming to DCS and Microsoft.

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I personaly have played FSX helicopters, DCS:Black shark and also X-Plane helicopters. This so called controller "Lag" you write about is very strange to me. I never experienced anything like that and I dont feel controler response difference between those games. Noone exept real helicopter pilots that fly small helicopters like Robinson 22 mention this "lag" issue. I met personaly other pilots that flew different helicopters who claimed the controlls responds in Take On are fine for a game. Virtual pilots or casual gamers are even confused how much are the helicoptres sensitive compared to other games and fixed wing aircraft they experienced before.

I also dont understand how you can compare mouse imput with joystick, as mouse in this game does not work as normal analog controller. It stops responding every time when you stop moving it and it has no "center" like joystick, so it is prety much "digital" response like pressing the keys on keyboard.

Also please keep in mind that this software was not developed for training real pilot skills.

Edited by Armored_Sheep

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After reading through the forums it seems everyone is having this issue.
I don't. At least i don't recognize such thing in ToH. I'm not real pilot but I've played DCS:Black Shark and there is no difference for me between those two titles.

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I finaly found difference in TKOH flight model and X-Plane that might be your so called "lag on joystick".

When I set zero stability agumentation in X-Plane, the helicopter reacts quicker than in TKOH. It seems that some kind of stability agumentation preset is build in RLib settings XML files we have for each helicopter. If real pilots that play TKOH will help with testing here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2054734#post2054734 the new update can go in next patch.

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