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All right, small gripe...

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Is there a way to disable "Auto-Save"? 9 times outta 10 it saves when I'm really focused on hovering and totally breaks my concentration... :) It pauses for a sec and BLAM I hit a crane.

Is there an option I'm missing somewhere? I can't find it.

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learn how to go from hover to foward flight and recover to hover or hover to sideway flight and recover to hover again and you won't even care about the autosaves.

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I didn't want to start a new thread just for this tidbit of info...

On the heavy helicopter, the number two engine torque gauge is not working. Can we get a repair order for it please?

Also, after I've been out doing the work for Larkin Aviation, someone keeps damaging the other helicopter while I'm gone. We need to put in a security camera or something. I'm getting tired of repairing the heli I'm not using. Or was somebody out joy riding?

And when do expenses come due? We making money but don't have to pay salaries or bills? And somebody set up a lease program for helis we can't yet afford?

I see potential everywhere.

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