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2 suggestions

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two things i think could be useful.

1. a key press that looks down and to the side to see how close the ground is below. let it go and your view returns to straight ahead. easier than having to press alt and then use mouse to look while controlling joystick, throttle (collective) and pedals.

2. in button defintion under controls the next and previous buttons as in arma2. just makes going through and setting up controls much faster.

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1. a key press that looks down and to the side to see how close the ground is below. let it go and your view returns to straight ahead. easier than having to press alt and then use mouse to look while controlling joystick, throttle (collective) and pedals.

Try pressing NUMPAD 1 or NUMPAD 3... :D

Rebind at your own leisure.

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Try pressing NUMPAD 1 or NUMPAD 3... :D

Rebind at your own leisure.

how about that, been playing for so damn long and never knew! thanks will try it out.

EDIT - no, that's not what i was asking for. basically, it should be a look left and then down toggle. making it easier to see where the ground is when descending in a hover. intelligently angled to show the right view.

Edited by twisted

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For the configs of each chopper, maybe user driven, they could add XYZHPBZ values for each of these numkey directions. That's what I remember from FlightSim and works very good.

X - Lateral offset (right/left)

Y - Longitudinal offset (fwd/back)

Z - Vertical offset (up/down)

H - Heading direction

P - Pitch direction

B - Bank angle - some view angles might force a bank i.e.

Z - Zoom value for that view - zoom to instruments i.e.

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