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TrackIR 4 pro doesn't work

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I just bought the beta and I'm using an upfated version of trackir, TOH is on my games list but it doesn't work in game... any idea?


Edited by zaGURUinzaSKY

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Yes, I pressed + in tir software, named it, assigned to the game in the games list, assigned on/off and entering in my hotas... but nothing. The game is recognized because the hotkeys work properly in game but nothing is moving.

Edited by zaGURUinzaSKY

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Enabled the TrackIR controller in the game's controller settings?

TrackIR software and game are running in the same elevation level? (Run normally, or Run as administrator)

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I see the TIR assigned in the control list, is that what you mean ?

I isabled that "administrator" thing in my Win7, and launching both applications normally as I usually do with any other sim.

Edited by zaGURUinzaSKY

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Did you update trackir gameslist? That was a problem a few weeks ago, so trackir updated their profile/support games list or something (I dont have trackir, just read about these problems on the forums)

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I see the TIR assigned in the control list, is that what you mean ?

Well, not really I suppose. TrackIR can be assigned but not activated.

You need to go to Options > controls > controllers and there activate trackir.

I'm not 100% sure about ^this^ but you should find it with ease.

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Thanks BeePee, I think that was the problem, now I understand why in the controls list the track IR was visible but grey. Now I Enabled it, will try later at home to see if it works, thanks a lot

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I had the same problem. It looks like its enabled by default but it really isn't, had to do the same as you but it works well now.

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I had to format the computer so I will test it tomorrow ... at least now I have a clean win7 install and everything should be a bit faster...

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I hope its ok that I post my question in your thread.

Is there a way to set up a smooth zoom on the TrackIR? It moves my head around by default, and I have assigned Z+ and - to zoom in and out, but this is either 100% or nothing, when all I need is a slight zoom to read the instruments. Ive been trying to assigning it to different types of zoom but no big success.

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hum, can you post your TIR profile here? As my XYZ axis are FUBAR as well

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Thanks! I will check if this works for me:bounce3:

Update: No, it doesn't work, the movement still jump from one end to end within the "box":(

Edited by 4 IN 1

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Head L/R Analog have to be setup on X AXE

It don't works?

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well left and right is working now, but I already gave up on up, down, forward and backward.

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